Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki

Towers are, for the most part, the main way to counter enemies. They are essential to a player's loadout and gameplay. Each tower has its own set of abilities, purchase cost and upgrades associated to that particular tower.

Most towers are offensive towers. However, some may provide support in its own way. Each have their own strategy associated to them and most towers can reach their full potential when combined with other towers or fighting against specific types of enemies.


DefaultScout3 DefaultSniperIcon1 NewPaintballerIcon DefaultDemomanIcon2 NewHunterIcon
Tower Scout Sniper Paintballer Demoman Hunter
Unlock Method Free Free Coin 100 Coin 200 Coin 300
Tower Soldier
Unlock Method Coin 400


EasterMilitant Icon DefaultMedicIconn ReworkedFreezerIcon DefaultFarmIcon EasterShotgunner Icon
Tower Militant Medic Freezer Farm Shotgunner
Unlock Method Coin 1,500 Coin 1,500 Coin 1,600 Coin 2,500 Coin 2,500
NewDefaultRocketeerIcon TrapperIcon DefaultAcePilotIconIGJ24 DefaultPyromancerIcon DefaultMilitaryBaseIconM29
Tower Rocketeer Trapper Ace Pilot Pyromancer Military Base
Unlock Method Coin 2,500 Coin 3,000 Coin 3,500 Coin 3,500 Coin 4,000
Tower Crook Boss
Unlock Method Level 30 or Robux 300


DefaultElectroshockerIcon2 Commandernew Warden WDDefaultCowboyIcon DefaultDJBoothIconAug2024
Tower Electroshocker Commander Warden Cowboy DJ Booth
Unlock Method Coin 3,000 Coin 4,000 Coin 4,000[1] or Robux 600 Coin 4,000[2] or Robux 340 Coin 5,000
NewMinigunner Newranger DefaultPursuitIconIGNov24 DefaultGatlingGunIconIG DefaultTurretIcon
Tower Minigunner Ranger Pursuit Gatling Gun Turret
Unlock Method Coin 8,000 Coin 12,000 Coin 15,000[3] or Robux 1,500 Coin 35,000[4] or Robux 2,599 Level 50 or Robux 450
MortarIcon Mercenary base image
Tower Mortar Mercenary Base
Unlock Method Level 75 or Robux 395 Level 150 or Robux 1,800


BrawlerFromTDS NecromancerTowerIcon DefaultAcceleratorIcon2 EngineerIcon
Tower Brawler Necromancer Accelerator Engineer
Level Required None Level 50 Level 50 Level 60
Unlock Cost Gem 1,250 Gem 2,250 Gem 2,500 Gem 4,500 or Robux 2,250

Golden Perks

Goldenminigunner DHGoldenPyroIcon NewGoldenCrookBoss GoldenScout3 WDGoldenCowboyIcon
Tower Golden Minigunner Golden Pyromancer Golden Crook Boss Golden Scout Golden Cowboy
KR Golden Soldier Icon
Tower Golden Soldier


GladiatorIconn NewCommandoIcon HW24DefaultSlasherIconIG KRFrostBlasterIcon DHDefaultArcherIcon
Tower Gladiator Commando Slasher Frost Blaster Archer
Unlock Method The Heights[5] Area 51 Nightmare Carnival[6] Village of Despair Gift of Sharpness
NewDefaultSwarmerIcon ToxicGIcon OICESledgerIcon DefaultExecutioner2 Elf Camp Tower Icon
Tower Swarmer Toxic Gunner Sledger Executioner Elf Camp
Unlock Method Eggy Island[7] Trick or Threat Town Outpost 32 Totality Tower[8][9] Cold Ambush[8]
JesterIcon OICECryomancerIcon DefaultHallowPunkIconIG DefaultHarvesterIconIG SnowballerIcon
Tower Jester Cryomancer Hallow Punk Harvester Snowballer
Unlock Method The Great Finale[10] Krampus Frosthold Hexscape Event[11] Hexscape Event[12] Outpost 32[13]
ElementalistIcon FireworkTechnicianIconIG WarMachineIcon OUMechaBaseIcon
Tower Elementalist Firework Technician War Machine Mecha Base
Unlock Method Outpost 32[14] Mission Quest[15] Exclusive Exclusive


Tower Sentry

  1. ā†‘ Requires triumphing Pizza Party to unlock in the store.
  2. ā†‘ Requires triumphing Badlands II to unlock in the store.
    Formerly obtained by triumphing End of the Line or Badlands.
  3. ā†‘ Requires Level 100
  4. ā†‘ Requires Level 175
  5. ā†‘ Only during the SFOTH Event.
  6. ā†‘ Only during the Halloween 2019 Event.
  7. ā†‘ Hard mode only.
  8. ā†‘ 8.0 8.1 Not via Sandbox mode.
  9. ā†‘ Previous Solar Eclipse Event nights must be beaten prior to Night Four. These are: Rotfield, Foggy Forest & Tower Outskirts.
  10. ā†‘ Previous Lunar Overture Event acts must be beaten prior to Act Three. These are: A Dark Tale & The Haunted Past.
  11. ā†‘ All Hexscape Event nights must be triumphed on Easy difficulty. These are Failed Gateway, The Nightmare Realm and Containment. The nights can be beaten in any order.
  12. ā†‘ All Hexscape Event nights must be triumphed on Hard difficulty. These are Failed Gateway, The Nightmare Realm and Containment. The nights can be beaten in any order.
  13. ā†‘ Easy difficulty only.
  14. ā†‘ Hard difficulty only.
  15. ā†‘ Quest unavailable, any started quests may still be completed.