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Event Content

Synaptic has been removed from the game as of the 20th of November 2024 as it was part of the Hexscape Event.
This page has been preserved for historical purposes.

"Time to release the latest and greatest of our minions...
Titus on Wave 10 (Failed Gateway)
"Watch out! These guys leave behind puddles that heal any enemies that walk through them!"
Dispatcher on Wave 10 (Failed Gateway)


The Synaptic was an enemy that spawned in Failed Gateway as part of the Hexscape Event. It was a fast enemy with high health and defense. It had one ability, where it left purple puddle trails. These trails applied a short 0.1 second regeneration that healed any enemy that walked over them by 10 health for the 0.1 second duration. It also had Freeze Immunity and Stun Immunity, making it harder to slow down.


The Synaptic took the appearance of a brain in an orange container, which piloted a scrappy mech with four limbs. The mech itself was covered with spikes and bore a mouth full of sharp teeth. As the Synaptic ran, it left behind purple puddle trails, which were part of its Neuroplasm ability.


  • Synaptics are fast, dangerous enemies. Towers with high damage are required in order to kill them.
  • Because of its immunities, it cannot be frozen or chilled, knocked back and is only slowed down by stunning towers, making it harder to slow down.
    • Additionally, as it is immune to freeze, it also cannot have its defense dropped by freezing towers.
  • The Synaptic leaves puddles on the ground which heal enemies when they walk over them.
    • However, these puddles will rarely heal an enemy unless a Synaptic walks through them. Even in such cases, the healing will be quite insignificant because of how low it is.
  • Due to the Synaptic's fast speed, the Military Base may be quite useful in case they get past your defenses.



Update History

  • 23 October 2024 - v1.37.0
    • Synaptic added.
    • Bug: Poison and electric defense dropping does not decrease Synaptic's defense.
  • 6 November 2024 - v1.40.0
    • Bugfix: Poison and electric defense dropping now drops Synaptic's defense, though the Jester still cannot drop it.
  • 20 November 2024 - v1.42.0
    • Synaptic removed.

Failed Gateway (Hexscape Event, Night 1)
(23 October 2023 ā€“ Present)
Previous Debut Current Debut Next Debut
Mind Shackled
Wave 6
Wave 10
Wave 15

Regular Enemies
Easy Mode
Casual Mode
Intermediate Mode
Molten Mode
Fallen Mode
Hardcore Mode
Polluted Wasteland II
Badlands II
Pizza Party
Challenge Maps Only
Event Enemies
The Heights
Area 51
Nightmare Carnival
Village of Despair
Eggy Island
Trick or Threat Town
Outpost 32
(Frost Invasion)
Cyber City
Solar Eclipse Event Rotfield
Foggy Forest
Tower Outskirts
Totality Tower
D00M's Revenge
Cold Ambush
Lunar Overture Event A Dark Tale
The Haunted Past
The Great Finale
Krampus Frosthold
Huevous Hunt
The Classic Event Classic Candy Cane Lane
Classic Winter
Classic Forest Camp
Classic Island Chaos
Classic Castle
Hexscape Event Failed Gateway
The Nightmare Realm
Pls Donate
Outpost 32
(Operation I.C.E)
Legacy Enemies
Golden Mode
Polluted Wasteland
Hidden Wave (Legacy)
Headache Headquarters