Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Event Content

Star Cannon has been removed from the game as of the 26th of January 2022 as it was part of the Solar Eclipse Event.
This page has been preserved for historical purposes.

Similar Article
This article is about Star Cannon. You may be looking for the Eggveloper Cannon 9002, the Eggmin Cannon 9000, or the Star Creaeggtor Cannon 9001.


The Star Cannon was an interactable map object that appeared in Totality Tower as part of the Solar Eclipse Event.

The Star Cannon would fire at The Umbra when activated by the player, stunning it. It required three Charges to fire and had a 60-second cooldown. Charges could be collected from around the map.

Its main use was to prevent The Umbra from using its Shot of the Century ability, which would damage the base otherwise.


The Star Cannon was a large white, yellow, grey and dark grey cannon. It had a yellow star on the side and a neon light on top of it. It always faced The Umbra even if it was not charged. It was attached on top of the exit.


  • The Star Cannon can be used to prevent The Umbra from finishing the Shot of the Century ability, which can decrease your base health and cause you to lose.
    • Using this requires good timing, as you only have a small amount of time before The Umbra will fire its bow.
      • You can tell when The Umbra is about to use Shot of the Century as it will always laugh before using this ability.
  • It is recommended that one player operates the Star Cannon while one or two other players look for Charges.
  • While you can use the Star Cannon to just stall The Umbra instead of preventing its ability to finish, it is not recommended as it makes you vulnerable when The Umbra uses its Shot of the Century ability, due to the need for Charges and the 60-second cooldown.
    • It should be fine to use the Star Cannon to stun The Umbra when it is dangerously close to the exit.


  • The Star Cannon was inspired from the Star Cannon from Terraria and the Thunderbolt Cat Cannon from Battle Cats.
  • This and the Charges were the first interactable objects inside a match.
  • It was possible to get stuck on a certain part near the top of the cannon.

Update History

  • 13 December 2021 - v1.0.0g
    • Star Cannon added.
  • 26 January 2022 - v1.0.1
    • Star Cannon removed.

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