Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Event Ended

The Solar Eclipse Event has ended after the 26th of January 2022 and almost all associated items have been made unobtainable/removed.
This page has been preserved for historical purposes.

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This article is about Solar Eclipse Event. You may be looking for Eclipsed.


The Solar Eclipse Event was the ninth event to be added to Tower Defense Simulator. This event added one new event tower, the Executioner. It also had a season pass, which required Shard Solar Shards to reach higher ranks.

This event was unique due to its night system. There were a total of four different nights with unique enemies, with each night getting harder. Each night was theoretically meant to release 48 hours after each other, with Night 1 releasing six hours after the event was released. However, due to changes in timing to better adapt to playing audiences, some nights came out before and after this 48 hour time period. You could not play subsequent nights without triumphing all those prior. Triumphing Night 4 would reward the Executioner.

This event started on the 4th of December 2021 at 19:00 UTC, and concluded on the 26th of January 2022 at 02:00 UTC.

Solar Eclipse Season Pass


You could have obtained Shard Solar Shards from playing any night. You could also obtain Shard Solar Shards from playing non-event matches. This list contains the amounts of Shard Solar Shards you received on each wave for each method:

Night Solar Shard Reward
Night 1 (Rotfield)[1] Shard 40 Solar Shards x (Waves/8)^1.75
+Shard 40 Solar Shards for triumph
Night 2 (Foggy Forest) Shard 120 Solar Shards x (Waves/12)^1.75
+Shard 40 Solar Shards for triumph
Night 3 (Tower Outskirts) Shard 150 Solar Shards x (Waves/15)^1.75
+Shard 40 Solar Shards for triumph
Night 4 (Totality Tower) Shard 200 Solar Shards x (Waves/16)^1.75
+Shard 40 Solar Shards for triumph
Mode Solar Shard Reward
Normal Shard 15 Solar Shards x (Waves/30)^1.75
Molten Shard 25 Solar Shards x (Waves/40)^1.75
Fallen Shard 35 Solar Shards x (Waves/40)^1.75
Hardcore Shard 50 Solar Shards x (Waves/50)^1.75

Unlike previous seasons, you must have manually claimed each reward. If you did not have the specific tower for an applicable skin, you would not be able to receive the skin.

In total, it would have taken Shard 6,225 Solar Shards or Robux 3,200, to complete the Solar Eclipse Season Pass.

Solar Eclipse Season Pass
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Rank 4
Rank 5
Rank 6
Rank 7
Rank 8
Rank 9
Rank 10
Rank 11
Rank 12
Unlock Cost
Shard 150 Solar Shards Robux 50
Shard 225 Solar Shards Robux 75
Shard 300 Solar Shards Robux 125
Shard 350 Solar Shards Robux 150
Shard 450 Solar Shards Robux 175
Shard 500 Solar Shards Robux 225
Shard 550 Solar Shards Robux 250
Shard 600 Solar Shards Robux 300
Shard 650 Solar Shards Robux 350
Shard 700 Solar Shards Robux 400
Shard 850 Solar Shards Robux 500
Shard 900 Solar Shards Robux 600


Rotfield FoggyForestIcon TowerOutskirtsIcon TotalityTowerIcon
Rotfield Foggy Forest Tower Outskirts Totality Tower




Eclipse Scout Vampire Slayer Hunter Eclipse Mortar Crusader Minigunner
Eclipse Scout Vampire Slayer Hunter Eclipse Mortar Crusader Minigunner
Eclipse Ranger Eclipse Accelerator Eclipse Commander
Eclipse Ranger Eclipse Accelerator Eclipse Commander


Torchlight CandyThrow AxeThrow
Torchlight Candy Throw Axe Throw


Night I
UndeadSE MummySE Bones ScarescrowSE JaxeSE
Undead Mummy Bones Scarecrow Jaxe
Night II
Shroogm Overgrowth Solarghost Shadowthe24 Ent
Shroogma Overgrowth Ghost Wraith Ent
SEwerewolf SwampMonster
Werewolf Swamp Monster
Night III
Pyke KnightO Solarghost CobaltGuard Vamp
Pike Knight Ghost Cobalt Guard Vampire
BatSE Shadowthe24 Zombiehorse Ent Ghostknight
Bat Wraith Zombie Horse Ent Ghost Knight
SEwerewolf Cursedguard CursedKnight SolarShard Lunarshard
Werewolf Cursed Guard Cursed Knight Solar Shard Lunar Shard
Lunardust Prenumbras
Dust Penumbras
Night IV
Pyke KnightO RatchetAndClank Shadowthe24 Lunarshard
Pike Knight Clanker Wraith Lunar Shard
Lunardust CobaltGuard Vamp BatSE SolarShard
Dust Cobalt Guard Vampire Bat Solar Shard
HeadlessJaxe RatchetAndMegaClank Ghostknight CursedKnight CursedHorse
Headless Jaxe Mega Clanker Ghost Knight Cursed Knight Cursed Horse
Cursedguard Flare Lunarshield Lunarservant Solarservant
Cursed Guard Flare Lunar Shield Lunar Servant Solar Servant
The Umbra
The Umbra


Solar Eclipse 2021
Solar2021 Cast the Umbra out of this world!.. for now..


Official Event Trailer


Tower Defense Simulator- Solar Eclipse Trailer




Promotional Images

Promotional Videos


  • The Solar Eclipse Event was the first event to use multiple major bosses; seven total major bosses were used.
  • This was the first event to have a campaign mechanic whereby completing one map unlocks another to complete.
  • This was the first event to utilize multiple maps included to it; four total maps were used.
  • This was the first event to use interactable objects, specifically the Star Cannon and Charge.
  • This was the second event to have event currencies gained outside of the event, the first being the Frost Invasion Event.
  • This Solar Eclipse Event was released on the same day that a total solar eclipse happened in real life.
    • However, totality could only be seen from Antarctica.
    • This event was originally branded as the Halloween 2021 Event, but due to the Roblox website being inoperable for 73 hours between the 28th of October 2021 and the 31st of October 2021, the event was postponed and was released on the same day of a total solar eclipse.
  • Unclaimed skins from this season were meant to be converted into a skincrate at some point after the Solar Eclipse Event ended, but this never happened.
  • Few weeks after the event has ended, all players with the Executioner received an Eclipse skin for free.


  1. ā†‘ Between 4 December 2021 ā€“ 8 December 2021, and 13 December 2021 ā€“ 24 December 2021, the reward rate was:
    [Shard 60 Solar Shards x (Waves/8)^1.75] + Shard 40 Solar Shards for triumph
