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Frost Invasion ā€¢ Krampus Frosthold ā€¢ Operation I.C.E
Sandbox Only Content

Snowy (Operation I.C.E) was previously removed from the game on the 15th of January 2025 as it was part of the Operation I.C.E Event, though it has been made available through the Sandbox mode.
It is not accessible anywhere else in the game, aside from in Sandbox Mode. This page will attempt to include information about both the version before removal and its re-added version.


The Snowy was the first enemy that appeared in Outpost 32 in the Operation I.C.E Event. Currently, it can only be spawned in Sandbox mode. It has a low amount of health but it walks quite fast. It has the Freeze Immunity, meaning that it cannot be chilled or frozen.

Logbook Description

"Snowy is a creature that dwells on mountain peaks and within ice caves. What resembles fur is actually compacted snow from blizzards, and their sharp claws are used to climb ice. They often hunt in packs but remain mostly solitary."


The Snowy is a Yeti-like creature with white fur and neon blue eyes. It has two sharp blue teeth in its mouth and multiple blue horns its body.

Event Strategy

As this enemy only appears through Sandbox mode, no strategy section is made for its current version. Instead, a strategy section for the one that appeared without Sandbox mode in Outpost 32 is listed instead.



Update History

  • 16 December 2024 - v1.46.0
    • Snowy added.
  • 15 January 2025 - v1.49.0
    • Snowy removed from the main game, now appears exclusively in Sandbox mode.

Outpost 32 (Operation I.C.E Event)
(16 December 2024 ā€“ Present)
Previous Debut Current Debut Next Debut
Wave 1
Wave 4

Regular Enemies
Easy Mode
Casual Mode
Intermediate Mode
Molten Mode
Fallen Mode
Hardcore Mode
Polluted Wasteland II
Badlands II
Pizza Party
Challenge Maps Only
Event Enemies
The Heights
Area 51
Nightmare Carnival
Village of Despair
Eggy Island
Trick or Threat Town
Outpost 32
(Frost Invasion)
Cyber City
Solar Eclipse Event Rotfield
Foggy Forest
Tower Outskirts
Totality Tower
D00M's Revenge
Cold Ambush
Lunar Overture Event A Dark Tale
The Haunted Past
The Great Finale
Krampus Frosthold
Huevous Hunt
The Classic Event Classic Candy Cane Lane
Classic Winter
Classic Forest Camp
Classic Island Chaos
Classic Castle
Hexscape Event Failed Gateway
The Nightmare Realm
Pls Donate
Outpost 32
(Operation I.C.E)
Legacy Enemies
Golden Mode
Polluted Wasteland
Hidden Wave (Legacy)
Headache Headquarters