- "Experiment with the whole game!"
- ―Gamemode Description
Sandbox mode is a mode unlocked by being Level 250 or by purchasing the Admin Mode gamepass.
Sandbox mode allows experimenting with various parts of the game. For the most part, this is limited to things available to the players through regular gameplay, though some unused or legacy content has also been made available here, either for free or by owning the Admin Mode gamepass. However, that is limited only to towers the player has in their inventory and enemies need to have their Logbooks collected (though modern enemy Logbooks also unlock legacy enemies in Sandbox as long as the player has the Admin Mode gamepass) to be spawned in Sandbox mode. Modes can only be started if they were beaten by the player, though this is currently bugged. Units can be summoned, though there appears to be no restrictions on which can be summoned. Any consumables that were whitelisted by the developers can be used. For maps, it has to be triumphed on any difficulty for it to be able to be selected in Sandbox mode, though not all maps appear in the selection, meaning not all of them can be picked. The music section allows for soundtrack to be changed to any soundtrack whitelisted by the developers.
With the Admin Mode gamepass, all restrictions are removed. This makes the modifiers, challenges and stat editor sections open, while most content that was restricted behind progression (for example, gathering Logbooks or triumphing maps) is instantly unlocked. This also unlocks some things which would be impossible to collect in regular gameplay, making them Admin Mode exclusive. It also unlocks multiple options seen on the sidebar, including infinite cash, infinite towers, invincible, consumable cooldowns, allows Time Scale to be set past 2. It also allows for players to start matches with up to six people instead of the usual four. Admin Mode can also be given to three other players, granting them most of the benefits. Players can also be kicked from the match or blacklisted during a match.
Sandbox mode contains a large number of content which is normally, not available in-game. A list of pages which are primarily about Sandbox only content can be found here.
Admin Panel Features
Sandbox allows for any tower to be placed down, though towers require ownership. The tower will have their skin equipped, if they have any equipped. There is an option to enable golden perks for towers, though regardless if it is turned on or off towers will be placed with golden perks only if they were activated in the lobby. It is also possible to set the level at which the tower will be placed down in. Setting it to anything higher than their max level will just reduce it to that. Towers can be added to the loadout or removed from it by right clicking on their icon in the admin panel, with no limit on how many towers can be equipped. However, any towers selected past the 6th will not have a hotkey, and will have to be placed by clicking their button.
If infinite cash is disabled and towers are placed down at a level higher than Level 0, they will actually only cost the placement cost to place down and not the full cost required to get to the specified level.
If you have Admin Mode, players can equip any non-event tower. However, it is currently bugged, and requires two clicks on "Equip" to actually equip the tower, and even then, they cannot be placed at all.
Sandbox allows a specific list of enemies to be summoned, alongside any enemy unlocked through Logbooks. The section is split into Modern and Legacy, with Modern being enemies added after the Lunar Overture Event, while the Legacy section is all enemies before that. It includes mostly enemies that were or are available to the regular player, though some unused enemies also appear there.
Logbooks are required to summon any enemy without the Admin Mode. However, even when using Admin Mode, Logbooks are still necessary for spawning certain enemies that cannot be selected without them, such as the Operation I.C.E Event enemies. Legacy enemies cannot be chosen without Admin Mode, even if the player has the Logbooks for them. Up to 100 enemies can be summoned at once with a 0.01 minimum delay between each one. Hovering over enemies displays their health and speed, although this is currently bugged and displays them all as 0.
A limited selection of attributes can also be applied to them, regardless of whether the player has the Admin Mode. These are:
- Aggro
- Bloated
- Boss
- Flying
- Ghost
- Health Regen (displayed as HealthRegen)
- Hidden
- Lead
- Slime
- Corpse (displayed as MoltenCorpse)
Summoned enemies use their default health values, even if a mode is selected. This health can be seen in the Index. If the enemy has no default health (which will be displayed as "N/A" in the Index), it will simply break at the entrance. Any other missing statistics will either break the enemy too or have them default to a default value if one is not set. For example, an enemy with only cash gained set to specific modes will generate $5 on death, similarly to enemies who have no cash income set.
Legacy enemies, while summonable, are not entirely the enemy they normally are. In most cases, they actually copy the statistics of the modern version of the enemy, only retaining their appearance and abilities. Additionally, while the map does not use Enemies Beta appearances on enemies, making any enemy a Boss will have it use its Enemies Beta appearance on its Boss health bar.
Majority of the regular units can be chosen to be summoned, even without having the Admin Mode gamepass, though some of them are missing, even if the player owns the tower that it is spawned from. Units use their internal names rather than the ones displayed above their health bar. Currently, the Missile APC and all stationary units (Ice Turret and Engineer's sentries) cannot be summoned through here. Up to 100 units can be spawned at once with a minimum delay of 0.1. Hovering over units displays their health.
It is not possible to spawn units of a specific level for units like the Grenadier and it is not possible to activate golden perks for units like the Pistol Goon. Skins also cannot be applied to them, either in the units section or by equipping a skin for the tower they spawn from. While an option to apply attributes to them exists, it does not work, even ones which are displayed under their health bar, like the Freeze Immunity.
Majority of the consumables can be used by the player, even without the Admin Mode gamepass, though the consumables cooldown option on the sidebar is disabled. Enabling that options makes it so that any consumables with an additional cooldown before they can be used again, such as the Nuke, no longer have it. Any consumables not available to be selected can still be used if they are equipped by the player in the lobby before entering Sandbox mode. Consumables can be added to the loadout or removed from it by right clicking on their icon in the admin panel. While the game will not prevent the player from adding more than four of them to their loadout, the player will not have more than the first four of them dispalyed.
This section allows for all publicly available maps in regular gameplay and for some other old maps, such as event maps or removed maps to be activated. It is split into five sections based on map difficulty, these being Easy (which includes Very Easy maps), Normal, Hard, Insane and Special. Maps use their own icons, which for event maps available from here means they use maps taken from other maps, used as a placeholder.
All five survival modes can be activated here. These can be unlocked by triumphing these modes, though currently, this is bugged and does not work. However, multiple features of these modes will not be properly applied. For example, Fallen's base health limit of 200 will not be applied here. There are two additional options, these being Hidden Wave which does not appear to function currently, and enable vote skip, which allows players to vote to skip the waves. Enabling any mode disabled infinite cash and invincible, while also setting the wave to 1. Waves can be skipped by using the cancel timer option. Specific waves can be started by typing in the wave number before activating the mode in the desired wave option. Music that plays during the match can be disabled with the music enabled option. The match can be completely restarted from Wave 1 using restart game button.
This is a section exclusive to the Admin Mode. It allows for most modifiers, including some never released ones, ones that used to be seen in matches but no longer are and some that are currently available in maps. Multiple of these contain content which is actually not available through other means, but can be accessed by using them. For example, the Toilet Boss can be spawned in by activating the Brain Rot modifier and summoning the Grave Digger, even though the Toilet Boss is not available as a summonable enemy. Modifiers will not display how much they boost the income by.
Modifiers applied during specific time periods, such as the Birthday modifier applied on the 15th of June, are not applied in Sandbox mode. However, they can still be enabled through the admin panel.
This is a section exclusive to the Admin Mode. It allows for any Challenge Map to be activated. This includes the proper Challenge Maps which rotate every week, special maps which actually use the Challenge Map system, event modes which use the Challenge Map and some unreleased Challenge Maps. Some of the available Challenge Maps contain content not available in other sections. For example, the Portal to the Past will allow players to use the Classic Candy Cane Lane map, which cannot be chosen as a map normally.
This section allows for majority of music which can be played in-game to be played, overriding the current music. This also includes some music that was never properly introduced or music which can no longer be heard in-game normally. Each track uses its internal name rather than the name they were uploaded by Paradoxum Games or Phoqus with, though sometimes they are the same. Music enabled option being disabled prevents these from being heard in-game. Currently selected music will be overridden by any music changes caused during the match.
This is a section exclusive to the Admin Mode. It allows for the statistics of a tower or its golden perk to be altered, though the selection of statistics is limited. The icons used are meant to be the Default skin, though due to bugs, skins of most towers are changed based on tower's equipped skins. Most often, the current Scout skin will change icons of all towers to use the skins of the same name, including unreleased skins like the Intern Crook Boss. Skins from others towers can also trigger this, though it is harder to do so. Only the price, damage, cooldown, range, limit, spawntime and income statistics can be changed. Additionally, in multiple cases, these statistics can only be changed if the upgrade currently changes them. For example, for the Level 1 Freezer, only the range and cost statistics can be changed as these are the only statistics to receive a change at Level 1. Additionally, each statistic has a limit on what it can be set to, further limiting the options. These limits are:
- Price:
- Damage: 0-9,999,999
- Cooldown: 0.01-100
- Range: 0.01-100
- Limit: 0-100
- Income:
- SpawnTime: 0.01-100
Update History
- 16 December 2024 - v1.46.0
- Sandbox added, though impossible to access.
- Bug: Golden perks option does not work.
- Bug: Hidden Wave option does not work.
- Bug: Enemies display their health and speed as 0.
- Bug: Modes are impossible to unlock.
- Bug: Molten Monster does not have a proper icon.
- Bug: Admin cannot be shared by players with Admin Mode. Doing so changes nothing other than listing the player as an admin.
- Bug: Sandbox statue is locked even with the Admin Mode gamepass.
- Bug: Missile APC cannot be spawned.
- Bug: When a tower with a level higher than Level 0 is placed down, its level will actually be double of what was selected. For example, if desired level is 2, it will be Level 4.
- Bug: Players cannot be kicked.
- Bug: Starting cash is not properly applied when starting matches in modes and Challenge Maps.
- Bug: Changing the price of upgrades in the stat editor is unfunctional.
- Bug: Base health limits are not applied correctly when starting matches in modes and Challenge Maps.
- Bug: Towers icons in the stat editor will sometimes use icons of skins other than Default, based on skins equipped by the player. Most often, they are based on the current Scout skin, applying the skin of an identical name to other towers.
- Bug: When starting a mode or Challenge Map match in Sandbox mode, invincibility and infinite cash buttons will still be displayed as being active despite being disabled.
- Bug: Applying attributes to units does not work.
- Bug: Infinite towers option does not work.
- Bug: The Time Scale button on the screen has no limit on how fast Time Scale can be, while the one in the admin panel is limited to 10x.
- Bug: Towers are not selectable in the hotbar if a Challenge Map forcibly changes the player's loadout.
- Bug: Match does not end properly after a triumph.
- Bug: When statistics of already placed towers that are above Level 0 are altered through the stat editor, they are not affected by the changes other than the statistic boxes showing the new statistics, only newly placed towers of that Level receive the changes properly.
- Bug: Blacklisting players does nothing.
- Bug: Forest Camp cannot be selected as a map.
- 16 December 2024 - v1.46.1
- Sandbox is now playable.
- 17 December 2024 - v1.46.4
- Golden, legacy Fallen and legacy Molten mode added to the mode selection.
- Multiple legacy enemies, such as the Gold Titan added to the enemy selection.
- 17 December 2024 - v1.46.5
- Golden, legacy Fallen and legacy Molten mode removed from the mode selection.
- Multiple legacy enemies, such as the Gold Titan, have been removed from the enemy selection.
- 20 December 2024 - v1.47.0
- Any enemies not available by default in the enemy section can now be summoned, including their legacy variants, if the player has their Logbook.
- Bugfix: Infinite towers option now works.
- 23 December 2024 - v1.47.3
- Bugfix: Sandbox statue is no longer locked when the Admin Mode gamepass is purchased.
- 8 January 2025 - v1.48.0
- All non-event towers are now available in Admin Mode even if the player does not own them.
- Removed Cold Ambush and Tower Outskirts from map selection.
- Bug: Towers that have been added to the hotbar which the player does not own cannot be placed down if selected from the hotbar.
- Bug: Towers that the player does not own require equip to be pressed twice to be added to the loadout.
- 22 January 2025 - v1.50.0
- Corpse now can be applied to enemies and units.
- Bugfix: Match now properly ends after a triumph.
- Bugfix: Towers now can be selected from the tower hotbar if a Challenge Map forcibly changes the player's loadout.
- Bugfix: Kicking players now actually kicks them and leaves a message in chat.
- Bugfix: Blacklisting players now actually blacklists them and leaves a message in chat.
- Bugfix: Giving admin to other players now gives them most of the benefits, though majority of the enemies still do not get unlocked.
- 29 January 2025 - v1.51.0
- Dev can now be selected as a map.
Gamemodes | |
Regular | Easy Mode ā¢ Casual Mode ā¢ Intermediate Mode ā¢ Molten Mode ā¢ Fallen Mode ā¢ Hardcore Mode |
Special Maps | Polluted Wasteland II ā¢ Badlands II ā¢ Pizza Party |
Other | Tutorial ā¢ Sandbox Mode |
Removed | Versus ā¢ Golden Mode ā¢ Pre-MEGA Modes ā¢ PVP Test |
Waves | |
Regular | Easy Mode ā¢ Molten Mode ā¢ Intermediate Mode ā¢ Fallen Mode ā¢ Hardcore Mode |
Special Maps | Polluted Wasteland II ā¢ Pizza Party |
Removed | Golden Mode ā¢ Pre-MEGA Modes ā¢ PVP Test |
Rewards | |
Regular | Easy Mode ā¢ Molten Mode ā¢ Intermediate Mode ā¢ Fallen Mode ā¢ Hardcore Mode |
Special Maps | Polluted Wasteland II ā¢ Badlands II ā¢ Pizza Party |