Unobtainable Content
Russian has been made unobtainable from the game as of the 29th of October 2020.
Players with the item in question can continue using it, but you cannot obtain this item anymore.

- "Dance with me comrade!"
- ―Inventory Description

- "Crazy man..."
- ―Former Store Description
Russian is an emote that could have been bought in the store for 650. It was made by BelowNatural. The emote is looped and no music can be heard while performing the emote. You can move while performing this emote.
- This was one of the first emotes to be added to the game.
- This was obtainable for free via the code LONGWAIT.
- This also made it the only emote that could be unlocked through a code.
- This emote is based on the Kazotsky Kick taunt from Team Fortress 2.
- The music that used to play for this emote is also based on the music for the Team Fortress 2 taunt.
- The current and second version of the emote has the player clap their hands together during the emote, which is specific to the Heavy's version of the Kazotsky Kick.
- Before the Overhaul Update, this was one of the few emotes not to use the noob or grey skin as the icon.
- The skin was red, possibly to reference communism as the Kazotsky Kick is a Slavic dance known as the "Kazachok".
- This emote was taken offsale in the Overhaul Update.
- However, those who had the emote before the update can still use it.
Update History
- 19 July 2019 - BETA v1.6.0
- Russian added.
- 27 July 2019 - BETA v1.6.2
- Code expired and added to the store.
- 13 October 2019 - Release v1.0.0
- Animation replaced.
- Music added.
- 9 November 2019 - Release v1.2.0
- Music removed.
- 29 October 2020 - Overhaul v1.0.0
- Animation replaced.
- Russian is no longer obtainable.
- ā Currently unobtainable.
Beggin ā¢ Boston Breakdance ā¢ Charleston ā¢ Classic Party ā¢ Comeback ā¢ Dab ā¢ Dream Feet ā¢ Epic Backflips ā¢ Flex ā¢ Footwork ā¢ Gang Dance ā¢ Garry's Dance ā¢ Hotline ā¢ Mannrobics ā¢ Monster Mash ā¢ Poisoned ā¢ Power Dance ā¢ Radical ā¢ Rat ā¢ Smug ā¢ Thriller ā¢ Tpose ā¢ Transcendence ā¢ Wess | |
Breakdown ā¢ Cat Dance ā¢ Orange Justice ā¢ Praisin ā¢ Revenge ā¢ Whip | |
Lazy Couch ā¢ Firework ā¢ Coffin ā¢ Demon Swing ā¢ Couldron ā¢ Frozen ā¢ Raw Dinner ā¢ Recliner ā¢ Torchlight ā¢ Candy Throw ā¢ Axe Throw ā¢ Spooky ā¢ Popcorn ā¢ The Z Step ā¢ Campfire ā¢ JingleBells ā¢ Gift ā¢ Scarecrow ā¢ Quota Craze ā¢ Scary Coffin ā¢ The Worm ā¢ Moon Walk ā¢ Take The L ā¢ Bumper Cart ā¢ Broomstick ā¢ Jolly Tree ā¢ Chilly ā¢ Double Chunk Cookie ā¢ Snowman ā¢ Caroling ā¢ Sleigh Ride ā¢ Snowball | |
Conga ā¢ Russian | |
Fave ā¢ Parrot Party ā¢ Bloxy Cola |