Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki


These are general guidelines to what rules you must follow while on this wiki. Note that, upon staff discretion, you may be blocked for something that is not on this list, so long it is severe enough to warrant a block.

There are three main tiers of rules. The first one requires a warning, the second one is a limited time block while the third is an instant permanent block or a temporary block until the user meets the listed requirements. Block times are generally in the time frame indicated, though repeat offenders (in a short period of time) may see a greater block time.

Getting blocked eight times for Tier II or temporary Tier III rules will result in a permanent block.

Trying to make loopholes or bypassing the rules will result in an appropriate action.

You can appeal your block by contacting the Wiki Staff that blocked you through message walls or Discord. For Discord, all the Wiki Staff can be found in the official Tower Defense Simulator Wiki Discord Server.

The Rules were last revised on the 13th of July 2024.

Tier One Block Rules

Breaking these rules will result in a warning, followed by a block (1-7 days) if the same rule is broken again (within a month).

  • Misuse of Article: Creating a page for the wrong purpose, such as to give suggestions or to report bugs.
    • Use the discussions for ideas, and if needed, your user blogs for personal article uses.
  • Adding useless/false information: Adding joke tips/trivia to pages.
    • Make sure what you are saying is useful and truthful. For suggestions, use discussions instead.
    • If there is clear intent of vandalism, then this rule is ignored and a straight block is used.
  • Not reading the Manual of Style: Make sure you refer to the page when making any grammatical or stylistic edit.
    • Genuine mistakes are not punishable. However, if there is a clear article within the Manual of Style that clearly forbids an editing style, then the user is eligible to receive a warning. Two warnings are required; first in the next edit's summary then a message wall warning.
  • Deleting Warnings: Deleting warnings posted by a Wiki Staff from your message wall, regardless of how much time has passed since it was posted.
  • Spamming: Excessively repeating a message, intended to disrupt communication, take up space or to irritate other users. Examples include:
    • Sending multiple messages with very similar content in a short period of time.
    • Posting message(s) with one or more excessively large images, blank space, or text.
    • Posting multiple messages that can be condensed into one.
    • Encouraging or participating in copypastas or chainposts.
    • Otherwise unnecessary use of Fandom functions intended to be disruptive, including mass upvoting (upvoting many comments within a short period of time to clog up a user's notification bar).
  • Low Effort Posts: Creating unconstructive, unhelpful and low-effort posts. You will not be warned, but your post will be deleted.
  • Provocation: Being excessively negative, disagreeable or attempting to elicit a negative reaction out of other users.
    • Do not create or encourage any kind of drama.
  • Plagiarism: Taking somebody else's original concept and claiming it to be yours.
    • This includes fan art, stories, ideas or strategies.
    • Reposting an idea or strategy (e.g for matchmaking purposes) with credit will not count as plagiarism.
  • Edit Conflicts: Changing pages to a past revision multiple times after they have been reverted.
    • Administrators and Wiki Moderators have the final say on whether information put onto a page is useful or factual. If a revision is reverted by a moderator, it must not be reverted to said revision.
    • If you think there was a mistake in the revision, you can inform another moderator and state your reasons why.
    • You will get a warning upon your third revision. Upon fourth revision, you will be blocked from editing on that page.
      • Continuing to revert the page after getting unblocked or causing issues through other means (such as spamming the comments of the page) while blocked will lead to a full block.
  • Speaking Different Languages: This is an English-speaking wiki only. Continuing to speak in other languages after you have been asked to stop will result in a warning and then a block.

Tier Two Block Rules

Breaking these rules will result in an instant block for the specified time.

  • Toxicity and Harassment: Inciting action or behavior to stir up drama. [1 week - 1 month]
    • Do not harass, ostracize or discriminate against anyone or any groups (ex: furries, weeaboos, LGBTQ+, autistics, etc).
    • Do not use over exaggerations or stereotypes of a user's behavior to ridicule or revile a user.
    • Do not encourage hate speech.
    • Do not tell other users to kill themselves, regardless if it was a joke or not.
    • Do not flame or dox (leak personal information) anyone.
  • Direct Swearing: Using profanity aimed at someone, or a group in a derogatory way. [1 day - 1 week]
    • Examples of direct swearing include calling another user a dick, asshole, dumbass, bitch or a motherfucker. Phrases such as "shut the fuck up", "fuck you" or "fuck off" are also not allowed.
    • While calling someone stupid or dumb will not get you blocked for direct swearing, you should refrain from using such insults as it can lead to toxicity.
  • Suggestive Text: Do not mention any sexual topics or words, as those are prohibited as FANDOM is 13+. [1 day - 1 week]
    • Do not mention indirectly sexual stuff either.
  • Slurs: Racist, homophobic or derogatory terms are not allowed, even if they are not directed at someone. [1 week - 1 month]
  • Vandalism: Deliberate act to disrupt wiki pages, posting obscene or unrelated content. [2 weeks - 1 month]
    • New and alt accounts that perform vandalism will be permanently blocked.
    • When editing a profile page of another user, make sure you have permission from them that allows you to edit it. Additionally, make sure to follow any additional rules listed by them, if there are any. Otherwise, you will be blocked for vandalism.
  • Leaking Classified Information: Sharing restricted information about the game's development.
    • Leaking what may be in the next update is an instant block, while leaking what restricted towers do (like the Void Miner) will result in a warn then a block, unless you have permission from a developer.
    • If you are involved in exploits which reveals classified content, this is a permanent block.
    • Leaking anything from #nitro-boosters on discord also carries a 1 month immediate block.
  • Malicious Links: Posting an offsite link with malicious intent, including scamming, hacking, and any bypass of the rules. [1 month+]
  • Fandom Crashers: Do not post anything that would crash Fandom on any device. [1 week - 1 month]

Tier Three Block Rules

Breaking these rules will either result in an instant permanent block or a temporary block until the user meets the listed requirements.

  • Raiding Wiki: Using multiple accounts to spam comments or vandalize pages.
    • New and alt accounts that perform vandalism will be considered raiding.
  • NSFW: Posting images and pictures that can be considered 18+ or not for public consumption.
    • NSFW includes gore, pornography and shock content.
    • Posting links that direct users to NSFW content is also not allowed.
  • Underage User: You must be 13+ to have an account on FANDOM, or 16+ if you are in the EEA (excluding the United Kingdom) or California. The United Kingdom follows the same age regulations as anywhere in the world that is not the EEA or California.
    • Note that people who are <13 years of age can still browse the wiki without an account.
    • Being an underage user is a temporary block until the user meets the required age.
  • Inappropriate Profile: Having a username, profile picture or bio that NSFW, offensive, or malicious offsite content.
    • This is a temporary block until the offending item has been changed.
  • Impersonation: Impersonating other users, famous people or people that are known in the Towers Defense Simulator community.
    • If your username is trying to impersonate someone, you will be asked to change it. Failure to do so will result in a permanent block until you change it.
  • Alternative or Troll Account: Using an alternative account to bypass a block.
    • Alternative accounts are still allowed, as long as they are not used to break the rules.

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