Release v1.0 was the twelfth update to be released on Tower Defense Simulator, on the 13th of October 2019. This update officially transitioned Tower Defense Simulator from BETA to Release.
Unlike most updates before the Solar Eclipse Event, there was an official name for this update, that being the MEGA Update. Release v1.0 has been retroactively applied to this update to keep in line with the numbering scheme with the other updates.
This version encompassed two updates, the main Release v1.0.0 update (released 13 October 2019) and the minor Release v1.0.1 (released 14 October 2019).
- Abnormal
- Quick
- Heavy
- Replaced the Blighted
- Abnormal Boss
- Ninja
- Ultra Mystery
- Dark Necromancer
- Fallen
- Giant Boss
- Shadow Boss
- Bolt
- Charge
- Glitch
- Hazard
- Uber Mystery
- Boomer
- Replaced the Boomer 1
- Summoner Boss
- Replaced the Necromancer 2
- Molten Titan
- Fallen Hero
- Error
- Gold Guard
- Fallen Guardian
- Grave Digger
- Replaced the Gravekeeper
- Fallen King
- Autumn Falling (Survival & Versus)
- Candy Valley (Survival)
- Dusty Bridges (Survival & Versus)
- Grass Isle (Survival & Versus)
- Portland (Survival)
- Basic Skincrate
- Skins:
- Scout: Red, Green, Blue
- Soldier: Red, Blue
- Minigunner: Blue, Green
- Demoman: Blue, Green
- Sniper: Blue, Red
- Skins:
- Premium Skincrate
- Golden Skincrate
- Skins:
- Crook Boss: Golden
- Minigunner: Golden
- Pyromancer: Golden
- Skins:
- New lobby
- Login Rewards
- Map lighting system
- Total damage counter
- HQ Explosions setting
- New code: B1RDHUNT3R
- Gives Hunter
- Boss enemy type
- Full Immunity
- In Release v1.0.1:
- Shared cash
- Re-added as it was removed in Release v1.0.0
- Blighted
- Replaced by the Heavy
- Boomer 1
- Replaced by the Boomer
- Boomer 2
- Tank 2
- Carrier
- Swarm
- Controlled
- Shrike Crystal
- Gravekeeper
- Replaced by the Grave Digger
- Tombstone
- Frozen
- Deep Freeze
- Frost Hero
- Rusted
- Necromancer 2
- Replaced by the Summoner Boss
- Witch Doctor
- Lava
- These enemies have been removed as their respective events have ended:
- Knight
- Stone Viking
- Crystalite
- Brute
- Fallen Hero
- Swordmaster
- Alien
- Strong Alien
- Zoomer
- Lawnmower
- Hidden Zoomer
- Raider 1
- Raider 2
- Raider Boss
- Candy Cane Lane
- Candy Valley
- Canyon
- Castle
- Castle Outskirts
- Crystal Cave
- Deserted Village
- Doomspire
- End of the Line
- Infernal Abyss
- Island Chaos
- Mount Amillion
- Robloxia
- Sky Islands
- Subzero
- These maps have been removed as their respective events have ended:
- SFOTH Event
- Area 51 Event
- Shared cash
- Later re-added in Release v1.0.1
Changes & Bugfixes
- Default Level 0-5 Scout appearance changed.
- Scout buffed.
- Now has upgrade names.
- Statistical changes:
- Base
- Range increased from 9 to 12.
- Level 3
- Damage increased from +1 to +2.
- Firerate changed from 1.05 > 0.7 to 1.05.
- Level 4
- Firerate changed from 0.7 > 0.55 to 1.05 > 0.55.
- Level 5
- Damage increased from +1 to +2.
- Base
- Default skin Level 0-5 appearance changed.
- Sniper buffed.
- Unlock cost decreased from
100 to
0 (Free).
- Statistical changes:
- Level 1
- Damage increased from +0 to +1.
- Level 1
- Unlock cost decreased from
- Paintballer nerfed.
- Now uses the new projectile system.
- Direct damage and splash damage deal the same amount of damage instead of splash damage being half of direct damage.
- Statistical changes:
- Base
- Base range increased from 6 to 11.
- Base splash damage increased from 1 to 2.
- Firerate increased from 1.05 to 2.05.
- Level 2
- Splash damage increased from +0 to +1.
- Level 3
- Firerate changed from 1.05 > 0.85 to 2.05 > 1.55.
- Level 4
- Splash damage increased from +1 to +2.
- Firerate changed from 0.85 > 0.65 to 1.55 > 1.05.
- Level 5
- Splash damage increased from +3 to +5.
- Firerate changed from 0.65 > 0.55 to 1.05.
- Cost decreased from
$5,000 to
- Base
- Default Level 0-5 Soldier appearance changed.
- Soldier nerfed.
- Base
- Range increased from 8 to 12.
- Level 2
- Damage decreased from +1 to +0.
- Level 3
- Damage decreased from +3 to +2.
- Base
- Default Level 0-5 Demoman appearance changed.
- Demoman buffed.
- Upgrade names added.
- Now uses the new projectile system.
- Direct damage and splash damage deal the same amount of damage instead of splash damage being half of direct damage.
- Statistical changes:
- Base
- Range increased from 7 to 9.
- Direct damage decreased from 4 to 2.
- Level 2
- Splash damage increased from +1 to +3.
- Level 3
- Splash damage increased from +3 to +5.
- Level 4
- Splash damage increased from +5 to +10.
- Level 5
- Range decreased from +2 to +1.
- Splash damage increased from +9 to +18.
- Base
- Enforcer buffed.
- Unlock cost decreased from
1,200 to
- Statistical changes:
- Level 5
- SWAT Van ability cooldown decreased from 60s to 45s.
- SWAT Van ability cost decreased from
$1,500 to free.
- Now two SWAT Vans spawn from the SWAT Van ability on two-pathed maps.
- Level 5
- Unlock cost decreased from
- Default Level 1-5 Freezer appearance changed.
- Freezer rebalanced.
- Upgrade names added.
- Now uses the new projectile system.
- No longer a burst tower.
- Statistical changes:
- Base
- Range increased from 8 to 10.
- Cooldown removed (was 3).
- Firerate increased from 0.25 to 3.
- Freeze time increased from 0.35 to 0.75.
- Explosion range of 3 added.
- Level 2
- Burst removed (was 1 > 2).
- Firerate changed from 0.25 to 3.05 > 2.3.
- Level 3
- Hidden detection removed.
- Freeze time changed from 0.35 > 0.5 to 0.75.
- Now gains Frost Mark (passive ability that slows enemies after being hit).
- Level 4
- Burst removed (was 2 > 3).
- Freeze time changed from 0.5 > 0.75 to 0.75.
- Firerate changed from 0.25 to 2.3 > 0.6.
- Cooldown removed (was 3 > 2.25).
- Level 5
- Ability renamed from Ice Drop to Ice Age.
- Base
- John buffed.
- Upgrade names added.
- Gorilla Noises now has rage particles that only last 5 seconds while the ability lasts 10 seconds.
- Statistical changes:
- Level 2
- Cost decreased from
$1,400 to
- Cost decreased from
- Level 3
- Cost decreased from
$3,250 to
- Cost decreased from
- Level 4
- Cost decreased from
$6,200 to
- Cost decreased from
- Level 5
- Gorilla Noises damage buff decreased from 50% to 30%.
- Gorilla Noises cost decreased from
$100 to free.
- Gorilla Noises cooldown decreased from 65s to 30s.
- Level 2
- Default Level 0-5 Farm appearance changed.
- Placing down Farm no longer lags the game.
- Farm buffed.
- Base
- Cost decreased from
$400 to
- Cost decreased from
- Level 1
- Cost decreased from
$300 to
- Income decreased from
$150 to
- Cost decreased from
- Level 2
- Cost decreased from
$600 to
- Cost decreased from
- Level 3
- Cost decreased from
$1,200 to
- Cost decreased from
- Level 4
- Income decreased from
$800 to
- Income decreased from
- Base
- Pyromancer rebalanced.
- Slowness now wears of linearly.
- Statistical changes:
- Base
- Range increased from 6 to 9.
- Burn slowness decreased from 30% to 15%.
- Level 2
- Burn slowness changed from 30% > 50% to 15% > 25%.
- Firerate changed from 0.55 to 0.55 > 0.4.
- Hidden detection removed, moved to Level 3.
- Level 3
- Firerate changed from 0.55 to 0.4 > 0.3.
- Hidden detection added.
- Level 4
- Burn slowness changed from 50% > 65% to 25% > 35%.
- Firerate changed from 0.55 to 0.3 > 0.15.
- Level 5
- Burn slowness changed from 65% to 35% > 45%.
- Base
- Commander rebalanced.
- Upgrade names added.
- New Call to Arms ability particles.
- Call to Arms stacking removed.
- Statistical changes:
- Base
- Range increased from 8 to 14.
- Level 2
- Hidden detection removed.
- Call to Arms firerate buff increased from 10% to 30%.
- Call to Arms ability cooldown decreased from 70s to 30s.
- Call to Arms ability attack time increased from 8 seconds to 25-30 seconds.
- Base
- Default Level 0-5 Minigunner appearance changed.
- Minigunner buffed.
- Upgrade names added.
- Statistical changes:
- Base
- Range increased from 12 to 16.
- Base
- Rocketeer buffed.
- Name changed from Rocketer to Rocketeer.
- Now uses the new projectile system.
- Direct damage and splash damage deal the same amount of damage instead of splash damage being half of direct damage.
- Statistical changes:
- Base
- Direct damage increased from 4 to 6.
- Splash damage increased from 2 to 6.
- Level 1
- Splash damage increased from +1 to +2.
- Level 2
- Splash damage increased from +2 to +4.
- Level 3
- Splash damage increased from +11 to +23.
- Level 4
- Splash damage increased from +15 to +30.
- Level 5
- Splash damage increased from +38 to +75.
- Base
- Default Level 0-5 Military Base appearance changed.
- Placing down Military Base no longer lags the game.
- Tank appearance changed.
- Railgun Tank appearance changed.
- Fixed Military Base range not appearing when a new unit spawned.
- Military Base rebalanced.
- Upgrade names added.
- Placement limit increased from four to six.
- For two pathed maps, two vehicles now spawn per tower.
- Units are no longer affected by buffs.
- Collisions and ranged damage now grant cash.
- All vehicles are now immune to stuns.
- Statistical changes:
- Base
- Unit changed from Motorcycle to Humvee.
- Health increased from 15 to 25.
- Range increased from 0 to 3.
- Humvee spawnrate now starts at 5 seconds when Military Base is first placed down instead of spawning instantly, which after spawning changes to 65 seconds.
- Spawnrate changed from the beginning of each wave then every 65 seconds to every 65 seconds.
- Unit changed from Motorcycle to Humvee.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Health increased from 400 to 500.
- Damage increased from 3 to 4.
- Firerate increased from 0.175 to 0.45.
- Cannon firerate increased from 1.5 to 3.
- Cannon explosion range increased from 5 to 6.
- Destruction explosion range decreased from 10 to 6.
- Cannon attack is now projectile-based.
- Now uses the new projectile system.
- Level 5
- Health decreased from 950 to 800.
- Damage increased from 4 to 6.
- Firerate increased from 0.1 to 0.45.
- Cannon firerate increased from 1.5 to 3.
- Cannon explosion range increased from 5 to 6.
- Destruction explosion range decreased from 10 to 6.
- Now uses the new projectile system.
- Base
- Sentry's 30% chance to have a teddy bear removed.
- Sentry buffed.
- Placement limit increased from five to seven.
- Default targeting changed from Strongest to First.
- Statistical changes:
- Base
- Range increased from 8 to 15.
- Base
- Outlaw rebalanced.
- Upgrade names added.
- Statistical changes:
- Level 2
- Cost increased from
$1,500 to
- Damage increased from +15 to +30.
- Cost increased from
- Level 3
- Cost increased from
$7,500 to
- Damage increased from +40 to +80.
- Cost increased from
- Level 4
- Cost increased from
$10,000 to
- Damage increased from +35 to +100.
- Removed impact (explosion range decreased from 4 to 0).
- Cost increased from
- Level 5
- Damage increased from +25 to +65.
- Level 2
- Default Level 0-5 Crook Boss appearance changed.
- Crook Boss nerfed.
- Crook and Mafia are now immune to stun.
- Placement limit increased from four to ten
- Collisions and ranged damage now grant cash.
- Crook and Mafia now have a spawn time of 60 seconds and no longer automatically spawn at the start of each wave.
- Two Crooks or Mafias now spawn per Crook Boss in two-pathed maps.
- Statistical changes:
- Level 1
- Renamed from Lvl. 1 Broke to Gamer Fedora.
- Level 2
- Hidden detection added (moved from Level 3).
- Renamed from Lvl. 2 Normie to Epic Shades.
- Level 3
- Hidden detection removed (moved to Level 2).
- Renamed from Lvl 3 Gamer to Drum Mag.
- Level 4
- Crook 1 renamed to Crook.
- Crook damage decreased from 4 to 2.
- Renamed from Lvl. 4 Intellectual to Intelligence.
- Level 5
- Level 1
- Turret rebalanced.
- Placement footprint size increased.
- Statistical changes:
- Base
- Range increased from 10 to 16.
- Base
- Cowboy can no longer be obtained from End of the Line.
- Cowboy rebalanced.
- Upgrade names added.
- Statistical changes:
- Base
- Range increased from 9 to 11.
- Level 5
- Ability changed from Gold Rush to Wildest of the West.
- Base
- Gladiator is now temporarily unusable.
- Gladiator can no longer be obtained by triumphing The Heights.
- Commando nerfed.
- Upgrade names added.
- Placement limit removed (was five).
- Statistical changes:
- Level 1
- Damage decreased from +1 to +0.
- Level 2
- Missile damage decreased from 3 to 1.
- Level 3
- Damage decreased from +4 to +2.
- Missile damage decreased from 7 to 2.
- Level 4
- Damage decreased from +8 to +6.
- Missile damage decreased from 15x4 to 5x4.
- Level 5
- Damage decreased from +35 to +12.
- Missile damage decreased from 50x4 to 11x4.
- Level 1
- In Release v1.0.1:
- Military Base placement limit decreased from six to five.
- Sentry placement limit removed (was seven).
- Store now lists the correct base firerate of the Pyromancer instead of 1.25.
- Fixed ranged damage from units now gives cash.
- Fixed units not following certain paths on some maps.
- Fixed Military Base bugging out if it was placed before the match started.
- Enemies no longer scale their health when there is more than one player.
- Normal animation changed.
- Speedy animation changed.
- Slow changed.
- Animation changed.
- Health increased from 16 to 20.
- Normal Boss changed.
- Appearance changed.
- Health increased from 125 to 180.
- Speed increased from Slow to Slightly Slow.
- Hidden appearance changed.
- Mystery changed.
- Appearance changed.
- Health increased from 10 to 15.
- Necromancer changed.
- Strong changed.
- Appearance changed.
- Health decreased from 250 to 60.
- Speed decreased from Average to Slightly Slow (2).
- Molten changed.
- Appearance changed.
- Speed decreased from Above Average to Average (3).
- No longer has Burn and Basic Freeze immunities.
- Golden changed.
- Health decreased from 1,000 to 200.
- Speed increased from Slow to Average.
- Slow Boss changed.
- Health increased from 1,200 to 1,800.
- No longer has Basic Freeze Immunity.
- Chained changed.
- Renamed from Chained to Chained Boss.
- Now has Freeze Immunity instead of Basic Freeze Immunity.
- Hidden Boss changed.
- Appearance changed.
- Health increased from 500 to 600.
- Lightning changed.
- Renamed from Lightning to Shock.
- Appearance changed.
- Health decreased from 120 to 100.
- Speedy Boss changed.
- Health decreased from 2,000 to 1,800.
- Now has Freeze Immunity instead of Basic Freeze Immunity.
- Tank 1 changed.
- Renamed from Tank 1 to Tank.
- Health decreased from 6,500 to 5,000.
- Now has Freeze Immunity instead of Basic Freeze Immunity.
- Mystery 2 changed.
- Renamed from Mystery 2 to Super Mystery.
- Appearance changed.
- Health decreased from 100 to 60.
- Now can spawn Normal Boss, Necromancer and Bolt.
- Mystery Boss changed.
- Health decreased from 3,250 to 3,000.
- Now has Freeze Immunity instead of Basic Freeze Immunity.
- 24 Karat changed.
- Appearance changed.
- Health increased from 1,050 to 1,600.
- Molten Boss changed.
- Appearance changed.
- Now is a Boss enemy.
- Health increased from 40,000 to 55,000.
- Summon ability animation changed.
- Summon ability can now summon Molten Titans.
- Stomp and Fireball abilities added.
- Scythe Raise and Scythe Swing abilities removed.
- Can now be attacked by the Pyromancer but still has Burn Immunity.
- Gold Titan changed.
- In Release v1.0.1:
- Slow animation changed.
- Gold Guard health increased from 8,000 to 9,000.
- Fallen King health increased from 100,000 to 125,000.
- Cyber City remade.
- Forest Camp remade.
- Four Seasons remade.
- Harbor remade.
- Iceville remade.
- Medieval Times remade.
- Nether remade.
- Winter remade.
- Fungi Forest remade.
- Abyssal Trench remade.
- Chess Board remade.
- Chess Board now playable on Versus mode.
- Dead Ahead now playable on Versus mode.
- Badlands starting money decreased from
$1,000 to
- Major bosses are now duplicated on Badlands.
- Space City starting money decreased from
$1,000 to
- Major bosses are now duplicated on Space City.
- Dab is now looped.
- Flex is now looped.
- Dream Feet is now looped.
- Gang Dance music replaced.
- Orange Justice music removed.
- Russian now has music.
- Reworked wave bonus system.
- Wave layouts changed for all four difficulties.
Coins and
EXP rewards changed on all difficulties.
- Tower placement footprints size increased for all towers.
- Remastered user interface.
- Reworked Versus BETA.
- Tower placement limit increased from 15 to 20.
- Reduced lag.
- Changed sell price from a fourth of the tower's total cost to a third of the tower's total cost.
- Bonus wave at the end of each wave equation fixed so that you do not get more
Money the more players there were.
- Replaced final wave music for all four difficulties.
- Freeze Immunity changed.
- Now prevents enemies from being slowed down by frost mark.
- No longer has a basic variant, now only has a regular variant.
- Splash Damage Immunity now prevents the enemy from being frozen by the Freezer, as it deals Splash Damage.
- Burn Immunity no longer prevents enemies from being targeted by the Pyromancer, now it only prevents the burn effect from being applied, which also prevents the slowdown from being applied.
- Mute Guns setting renamed to Gun Sounds.
- Mute Music setting renamed to Music.
- Muzzle Flare setting renamed to Muzzle Flash.
- Fixed tower placement getting in the way of invisible parts and players.
- In Release v1.0.1:
- Tower placement footprint size decreased for all towers to the same size it was before Release v1.0.0.
- Shared cash now rounds up instead of rounding down.
- Shared cash is now 50% instead of Damage Ć· Players for all modes.
- Shared cash can no longer be lower than
- Fixed elevators bugging out for some players.
- Fixed emote and sprint buttons not disappearing when opening the upgrade menu on mobile.
- Fixed tower placement limits.
- Fixed game settings not appearing.
Official Update Log
NOTE: Not everything here will be accurate as this is transcribed from the game's update log on the devforum. Several things may be incorrect and there may be things that are missing.
Release v1.0.0
- SKIN CRATES (!) š¦
- MEDIC TOWER (!) š©āāļø
- Heal's your base HP per wave
- Redeem from a code from my twitter!
- Appears on wave 40 of INSANE MODE (!)
- NEW MAPS (!) šŗļø
- New projectile system
- Applies to all explosive towers
- Map lighting system
- New zombie animation system
- Reworked wave bonus system (!) šø
- Wave bonuses are now guaranteed
- Reworked Freezer
- Updated all Military Base models š„
- Courtesy to @GregTame for making the models!
- Blighted -> Heavy
- Necromancer 2 -> Summoner Boss
- Chained -> Chained Boss
- Lightning -> Shock
- Tank
- Boomer
- Necromancer
- Mystery (4 Different variants based on which difficulty you play!)
^Troop Placement limit changed to 20
^Buffed Sniper range
^Buffed Minigunner range
^Updated Soldier
*Buffed range
*Updated appearance
^Buffed Commander range and ability
*Non stackable + 30% firerate buff
*Now has electric particles!
^Buffed lvl 0 Military Base
^Buffed EXP on Hard and Insane difficulties
^Changed flamethrower's slowness from an exponential effect -> linear (Basically a buff)
^Made John upgrade prices lower!
*Ability now has rage particles
^Changed visuals of Crook Boss (Starts off with Tommy gun w/ mag instead of Uzi)
^Made Enforcer cheaper in shop
^Buffed Enforcerās range
- Fixed lag from placing down Farm on potato PC
- Fixed lag from placing down Military Base on potato PC
- Fixed wave cash equation. (Accidentally gave you more cash the more players you had)
- Fixed tower placement getting in the way of invisible parts and players
- Fixed Military Base range not appearing when new unit comes out
v Nerfed Crook Boss minions
v Nerfed Railgun Tank HP
- Removed Gladiator in games (He went on vacation to medieval time. Looks like he's discovering life) šØāš¾š”ļø
- Removed Outlaw impact
- Removed lag
Release v1.0.1
- Reverted tower spacing limits
- Added shared cash back
- Fixed units not giving you cash when they shoot
- Fixed units not following the correct path on certain maps
- Fixed Military Base bugging out if placed before game starts
- Fixed elevators potentially bugging out for some players
- Fixed taunt and run button not disappearing when opening the upgrade interface on mobile
- Fixed troop placement limits
- Fixed game settings not appearing.
- Buffed Fallen King HP (100K -> 125K)