Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki

"An explosive present that releases a cluster of explosives. (May also stun towers in the blast radius)"
―In-Game Description


The Present Cluster Bomb is an uncommon consumable only obtainable in the Operation I.C.E Event, via a Holiday Crate, with a 31.25% chance.

Up to 4 Present Cluster Bombs can be used, with their cooldown being 60, and it has no initial cooldown.


When using the Present Cluster Bomb, the player avatar's right hand will hold a radio with a white and red pattern, playing a custom idle animation. They will be able to choose an area where the Present Cluster Bomb will fire presents at. When used, Santa will arrive on a flying sleigh and drop a red present at the area, dealing 100 damage to anything caught in its 14 explosion range. After that, six smaller differently colored presents will fly out of the big present, which will deal additional 100 damage in an explosion range of 6. Both explosions do not bypass defense and cannot deal damage to Lead enemies. Towers hit by either of the presents will be stunned for 3 seconds.


The Present Cluster Bomb is a sleigh ridden by Santa which drops a giant present on the path. This has two different patterns, both of which are red presents. Afterwards, it will explode into six smaller present, which can be a white present with a green bow, a red present with a white bow, a blue present with a blue bow, a light green present with a red bow and a yellow present with an orange bow.


  • Beware of using this consumable near towers, as they will get stunned by the splash radius.
    • However, do note that the Festive Tree consumable, and the Medic tower, can easily counter this.
  • It should be used when big crowds of low health enemies, such as the Breaker2s, due to its AOE.
  • It can be viable to take out hordes in early game due to it having 0 initial cooldown.

Update History

  • 16 December 2024 - v1.46.0
    • Present Cluster Bomb added.
