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Event Content

Pls Donate has been removed from the game as of the 4th of December 2024 as it was part of the Tower Defense Simulator x PLS DONATE Event.
This page has been preserved for historical purposes.

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This article is about Pls Donate. You may be looking for the event with similar name.


Pls Donate was the event map for the Tower Defense Simulator x PLS DONATE Event. Like other event maps, this map had a specialized wave structure with special enemies. Players started with a varying amount of cash, based on how many players there were in the match. The rewards you received were based on how many waves you survived and if you won a match. This map had two difficulties, Easy and Hard.

Cash was only gained if an enemy was killed, or in some cases, damaged by a specific amount of health. Additionally, the amount gained was a set amount of cash, which was not always equal to the enemy's health. In solo, you receive 100% of the cash when an enemy was killed, or it was damaged enough. With each additional player, this decreased by 25%, which means that in a trio, you only got 50% of the cash. This amount was distributed between players based on how much damage they dealt. However, if a player did not deal any damage, they would receive a percentage of the enemy's full cash upon its death or when it was damaged enough, which was 12.5% in duo and 16.7% in trio. If it is a decimal, it got rounded up or down depending on the decimal value. If it is at least 0.5, it got rounded up. If it was less than 0.5, it gets rounded down. For example, the Corrupted Haz3mn gave Cash (Gameplay Currency)$1,000 after losing 1% of its health in the Easy difficulty in solo, Cash (Gameplay Currency)$750 in duo and Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 in trio between the players that damaged it. Players that did not damage it received Cash (Gameplay Currency)$125 in duo and Cash (Gameplay Currency)$167 in trio.

Health of enemies in this mode scaled with player count. The increase was 5% more health in duo and 10% more health in trio. The first increase was not always the same amount, while the second increase had a varied amount it increases health by. Both increases were affected by enemy health.

This map had the HP Locked modifier, which set the base health to 100 and the All Paths modifier, which made each enemy except Corrupted Haz3mn spawn on each path. When the difficulty was set to Hard, one additional modifier was added, that being Mutation, which increased the health of an enemy by 10% of their max health for each wave after their debut. None of the modifiers could boost rewards.

The final boss of this map was Corrupted Haz3mn.

Design & Path

The map design mimiced the Pls Donate map, with booths for users to send donations to. The Tower Defense Simulator version of the map took place on an island in the middle of the ocean. The island itself was quite flat with only some small cliffs placed around the map. Multiple trees with green, pink and blue leaves could be found around the map. Multiple billboard advertisements could also be seen around the map. In the center, there was a giant brick path with multiple booths located around it. These wooden booths had people standing by them. A few lamps could also be seen on these paths. On the edges of the island, multiple tents could be seen. Three large, orange blimps could also be seen in the sky.

The map had two paths, both starting at default Roblox spawn blocks. One longer path merged with the other near its spawn into a single path, which spiraled into the Robux pile in the middle of the map.

Interactive Map



Pls Donate Cutscene

Haz3mn after walking around Pls Donate and finds a God Cube shard. He touches it and becomes corrupted, which makes him decide to try and steal all the Robux with the help of multiple fake accounts. As this would destabilize and destroy the realm, T.D.S decides to stop him.

Preset Loadouts

In the Easy difficulty, there were three preset loadouts: Air Commander, Power of the Elements and Overwhelming Firepower. If not chosen after 30 seconds, the loadout chosen would be randomized.

Air Commander
A loadout that focuses on air-superiority.

Power of the Elements
A loudout[sic] that utlizes[sic] different elemental debuffs.

Overwhelming Firepower
A loadout that overwhelms the enemy in explosvives[sic] and heavy gunfire.
EasterMilitant Icon


The game calculates how many Coin Coins and Experience EXP you receive based on how many waves you survived and if you won a match. During periods of 100% more Experience EXP (Friday – Sunday), any Experience EXP earned is multiplied by 2x through the XP Boost modifier. The VIP gamepass also multiplies any Experience EXP earned by 1.25x through the VIP Boost modifier. These two boosts are additive. Some maps like Mason Arch can also increase all rewards by a specific amount. Regular Experience EXP boosts are multiplicative with other modifiers.

Rewards were calculated as:

Coins Reward EXP Reward
Coin 150 ÷ (1 + [(20 ÷ Current Wave) - 1]^1.3) + Coin 50 (Triumph Bonus) Experience 50 EXP ÷ (1 + [(20 ÷ Current Wave) - 1])
Coin 300 ÷ (1 + [(20 ÷ Current Wave) - 1]^1.3) + Coin 100 (Triumph Bonus) Experience 100 EXP ÷ (1 + [(20 ÷ Current Wave) - 1])

Triumphing Pls Donate could give out an additional reward. In Easy, these items were:

In Hard, these items were:

Triumphing this map also gave the Haz3mn skin for the Scout and the Tower Defense Simulator Booth in Pls Donate. Additionally, by triumphing on Hard difficulty, the player received the Pls Donate Nametag.


There is one badge that could have been obtained by playing this map.

Pls Donate
PlsDonateBadge2 Earned by completing the "Pls Donate" event

Wave Structure

Pls Donate had a single wave bonus. It is:

Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 + ([Waves Completed - 1] × Cash (Gameplay Currency)$100)^1.2

Depending on player count, the wave bonus was reduced using multipliers. These multipliers were:

Players Reduction per Player Total Reduction
Solo 0% 0%
Duo 2.5% 5%
Trio 5% 10%

For example, on Wave 2 when difficulty was set to Hard, the wave bonus was Cash (Gameplay Currency)$751.188643151, rounded down to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$751. The full number is used in the equation. In duo, it was Cash (Gameplay Currency)$713 (Cash (Gameplay Currency)$751.188643151 × 0.95), while in trio, it was Cash (Gameplay Currency)$676 (Cash (Gameplay Currency)$751.188643151 × 0.9). The wave clear bonus appeared when every enemy from that wave was killed and no damage was dealt to the base health. It was 35% of the wave bonus in solo, while for duo, trio and quad it was 20%.

Waves could not be skipped in Pls Donate. The waves in Pls Donate mode followed these timings:

Waves Wave Timer
1-19 1:05

Bolded names indicate an enemy type's debut.

Wave Structure
Wave Dialogue Enemy Type & Amount (Easy) Enemy Type & Amount (Hard)
Alright Commander, my hands are tied dealing with our last fiasco, don't make us lose another fragment. 4x Noob
You got it Ma'am. Alrighty! Get those Defense up, let's get to work!
The mission brief states this Realm goes by the name "Pls Donate". Kind of.. Makes sense.
Someone or something in this realm reportedly picked up a Fragment and activated it and is now generating a bunch of fake accounts. 2x Guest, 6x Noob 2x Guest, 8x Noob
They are even spawning in.. guests?
These accounts seem to be headed towards that huge Robux pile. If they get ahold of it, this Realm's economy will completely collapse. 6x Noob, 8x Guest 7x Noob, 9x Guest
So our prerogative here is to defend it, but don't even think about grabbing a singular Robux or two, I'm watching you!
We've got Trolls coming in now! 2x Troll, 6x Guest, 7x Noob (Bloated), 2x Troll 2x Troll, 8x Guest, 10x Noob (Bloated), 2x Troll
These definitely aren't real players if they're teaming up with Trolls.
5 - 12x Guest, 7x Troll 15x Guest, 8x Troll
6 - 10x Troll, 8x Guest (Bloated) 12x Troll, 10x Guest (Bloated)
We got two fake traders coming in, keep them away from that pile! 4x Guest (Bloated), 7x Troll, 1x Trader, 6x Noob (Bloated), 6x Guest (Nimble) 5x Guest (Bloated),, 10x Troll, 1x Trader, 10x Noob (Bloated), 10x Guest (Nimble)
They're coming in from both spawners, cover both of those paths!
8 - 3x Cat, 2x Trader, 3x Cat, 7x Troll (Bloated) 5x Cat, 3x Trader, 5x Cat, 10x Troll (Bloated)
9 - 12x Guest (Bloated, Nimble), 8x Troll (Bloated), 3x Trader, 6x Cat (Nimble) 15x Guest (Bloated, Nimble), 10x Troll (Bloated), 5x Trader, 10x Cat (Nimble)
10 - 6x Cat (Nimble), 8x Troll (Bloated), 4x Trader (Bloated) 10x Cat (Nimble), 12x Troll (Bloated), 4x Trader (Bloated)
They are beefing up with some Breakers! 12x Breaker2, 8x Cat (Hidden), 15x Guest (Bloated, Nimble), 4x Breaker2 (Nimble) 15x Breaker2, 10x Cat (Hidden), 20x Guest (Bloated, Nimble), 5x Breaker2 (Nimble)
Don't get overpowered by them! Make sure you have plenty of splash damage to deal with them.
12 - 8x Guest, 4x Trader (Bloated), 12x Troll (Bloated), 8x Breaker2 (Nimble) 10x Guest (Slime), 5x Trader (Bloated), 15x Troll (Bloated), 10x Breaker2 (Nimble)
Some more information about this Realm, it's stability relies on that Robux in the center circulating between its players 12x Troll (Bloated), 4x Trader (Bloated), 9x Breaker2 (Bloated), 2x Necromancer, 8x Cat (Hidden) 15x Troll (Bloated), 4x Trader (Bloated, Nimble), 12x Breaker2 (Nimble), 2x Necromancer, 10x Cat (Hidden)
If all of that Robux goes missing, they will completely cease to exist and this Realm will forever go dark.
14 - 8x Trader (Nimble), 2x Necromancer, 10x Cat (Bloated), 2x Necromancer, 12x Breaker2 (Nimble) 10x Trader (Nimble), 2x Necromancer, 15x Cat (Bloated), 2x Necromancer, 20x Breaker2 (Nimble)
Commander, that signal is getting closer to you. It's going to spawn in real soon. 1x Dev, 1x Alien, 8x Breaker2 (Hidden), 8x Cat (Bloated), 3x Trader (Bloated), 2x Necromancer (Stun Immune, Freeze Immune), 1x Alien, 5x Guest (Slime) 1x Dev, 1x Alien, 10x Breaker2 (Hidden), 10x Cat (Bloated), 4x Trader (Bloated), 3x Necromancer (Stun Immune, Freeze Immune), 1x Alien, 2x Breaker4
Yeah, understood. Keep defending all the Robux in the center, We can't let their economy get crippled!
16 - 2x Alien, 3x UFO, 5x Troll (Bloated), 6x Cat (Bloated), 3x Trader (Bloated), 2x UFO, 2x Dev 2x Alien, 3x UFO, 10x Troll (Bloated), 6x Cat (Bloated), 4x Trader (Bloated), 2x UFO, 2x Dev
It's ramping up the Fake Account Generators, we're definitely gonna see the climax of this really soon! 2x Alien, 1x Dev, 8x Breaker2 (Hidden), 1x Alien, 1x Dev, 4x UFO, 1x Alien, 1x Dev, 3x Necromancer (Hidden) 2x Alien, 1x Dev, 10x Breaker2 (Hidden), 2x Alien, 1x Dev, 5x UFO, 2x Alien, 1x Dev, 4x Necromancer (Hidden)
Stay sharp out there!
18 - 1x Alien (Bloated), 4x UFO, 3x Breaker4, 10x Cat (Bloated, Slime), 3x Breaker4, 3x UFO, 5x Necromancer (Bloated, Nimble) 1x Alien (Bloated), 4x UFO, 3x Breaker4, 15x Cat (Bloated, Nimble), 3x Breaker4, 4x UFO, 5x Necromancer (Bloated, Nimble)
19 - 6x Cat (Slime), 1x Dev (Bloated), 6x Trader (Bloated, Nimble), 8x Breaker4, 15x Breaker2 (Nimble), 1x Dev (Bloated), 4x Necromancer (Bloated), 3x UFO, 2x Alien, 3x UFO 5x Cat (Slime), 1x Dev (Bloated), 6x Trader (Bloated, Nimble), 8x Breaker4, 15x Breaker2 (Nimble), 1x Dev (Bloated), 4x Necromancer (Bloated), 2x UFO, 4x Alien, 2x UFO
Here he is! 8x Noob (Tank), 8x Guest (Nimble, Hidden), 10x Troll (Bloated), 7x Trader (Bloated, Nimble), 2x Dev (Bloated), 1x Corrupted Haz3mn, 5x Breaker4, 3x Alien, 3x UFO, 3x Necromancer (Bloated) 10x Noob (Tank), 10x Guest (Nimble, Hidden), 15x Troll (Bloated), 8x Trader (Bloated, Nimble), 2x Dev (Bloated), 1x Corrupted Haz3mn, 7x Breaker4, 4x Alien, 3x UFO, 4x Necromancer (Bloated)
Throw everything at him and get that fragment back!
Watch your heads! He's gonna make it rain!
Triumph Dialogue
Good job team, get that fragment securd and head come[sic] back, we got bigger matters on our hands.
Lose Dialogue
One icon and dialogue is randomly chosen upon defeat:

•We're toast!
•Mission Failed, we'll get em' next time.
•Not enough numbers!
•Mistakes are just part of the journey..
•We're overrun chief!
•We'll get them next time!
•Don't give up!
•We need back up sergeant!
•We just had our grave dug..
•We have to fall back soldier!
•Oops! Try again!
•The enemies got to the base!
•Strategy is key!

Wave Audio
Wave Audio
1 Dispatcher


2 Commander

3 Commander

4 Commander

7 Commander

11 Commander

13 Dispatcher

15 Dispatcher

17 Commander

20 Dispatcher


Triumph Dispatcher


  • Towers that summon units like the Mercenary Base, Crook Boss and Military Base are very useful in this map as the unit's range can detect enemies and safely fire at them.
    • It is in fact possible to beat Hard difficulty with just the Mercenary Base alone.
  • The Pyromancer is also very useful in this map as it can melt many enemies' defense and lower the health of hordes.
  • Towers with flying detection is essential as there are Flying enemies.
  • Crowds of enemies, particularly those with high health, are excessive in this map, especially in Hard difficulty. Bringing crowd control towers like the Mortar, Electroshocker and aforementioned Pyromancer is heavily recommended.



Promotional Images

Promotional Videos


  • The people standing in the booths were the player's Roblox friends that were currently online. Up to eight friends could be seen due to the number of booths.
    • If no friends were online or the account had no friends, developers of Tower Defense Simulator would appear there instead.

Update History

Regular Very Easy
PVP Test