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Pizza Party
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Pizza Party

"Welcome to Wox's Pizza Party! Surely nothing could go wrong..."
―Special Gamemode Description


Pizza Party is a map that takes place in a pizzeria. This map uses its own mode for the wave structure, enemy statistics and rewards. It is a special map, meaning that it can only be played using the special mode matchmaking. The statue has a level requirement of Level 25 to be used.

Cash is only gained if an enemy is killed, or in some cases, damaged by a specific amount of health. Additionally, the amount gained is a set amount of cash, which is not always equal to the enemy's health. In solo, you receive 100% of the cash when an enemy is killed, or it is damaged enough. With each additional player, this decreases by 25%, which means that in a quad, you only get 25% of the cash. This amount is distributed between players based on how much damage they dealt. However, if a player has not dealt any damage, they will receive a percentage of the enemy's full cash upon its death or when it was damaged enough, which is 12.5% in duo, 16.7% in trio and 18.75% in quad. If it is a decimal, it gets rounded up or down depending on the decimal value. If it is at least 0.5, it gets rounded up. If it is less than 0.5, it gets rounded down. For example, the Templar gives Cash (Gameplay Currency)$4,000 every 25% health lost in solo, Cash (Gameplay Currency)$3,000 in duo, Cash (Gameplay Currency)$2,000 in trio and Cash (Gameplay Currency)$1,000 in quad between the players that damaged it. Players that did not damage it receive Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 in duo, Cash (Gameplay Currency)$668 in trio and Cash (Gameplay Currency)$750 in quad.

The health of enemies in this mode scales with the player count, starting at three players. The increase is 15% in duo, 25% in trio and 35% in quad. It is applied after attributes, like Bloated, meaning they can affect the health of an enemy.

This map has the HP Locked, Pizza Party, Blood and Mutation modifiers, and an additional Lost Souls modifier under specific circumstances. Pizza Party modifier changes multiple enemies into their pizzeria versions, that can also increase their health by 6% with each wave due to the Mutation modifier. Enemies also have a chance to spawn with animal masks and a Dream mask because of the Pizza Party modifier. The Blood modifier makes enemies splatter blood onto the ground upon death. The base health is also set to 200, regardless of the players' levels, due to the HP Locked modifier.

The Lost Souls modifier is always active due to a bug, though its effects are not. Its effects can only be activated when every player in the server has the Scout/Golden Scout, Shotgunner, Commander and Minigunner/Golden Minigunner in their loadout. The fifth tower can be any tower. This modifier makes the map turn black and white. All enemies now have their defense increased by 20%. Additionally, it increases the amount of enemies spawning in each wave by 50%, always rounding down when spawning.

Triumphing Pizza Party makes the Warden available for purchase in the shop for Coin 4,000. Triumphing with the Lost Souls modifier active grants you the Slaughter skin for the Warden, which can be claimed through the Gift Box menu.

Design & Path

Pizza Party is a pizzeria with a dark, eerie atmosphere. It has grey walls with multiple white clouds on them. The floor of the building varies depending on the section of it, either being multiple tiles or a carpet. There is a large stage for Wox the Fox, with purple curtains, speakers and a large hole in the wall, with fire on the other side. Multiple tables can be seen across the map, with presents, cakes, pizza and party hats on them. There is an area of the building which contains multiple games, like a ball pit, arcade games and a spinning wheel. There is also a small playground area next to it. On the back of the map there is a door with white light coming out of it with a dumpster near it, with it being the exit for enemies. Multiple cardboard boxes and balloons can also be seen on the map.
The path starts at the hole in the wall and ends at the exit door. The path takes multiple turns, avoiding any obstacles.

Interactive Map


For former rewards, see this map's Rewards page.

The game calculates how many Coin Coins and Experience EXP you receive based on how many waves you survived and if you won a match. During periods of 100% more Experience EXP (Friday – Sunday), any Experience EXP earned is multiplied by 2x through the XP Boost modifier. The VIP gamepass also multiplies any Experience EXP earned by 1.25x through the VIP Boost modifier. These two boosts are additive. Regular Experience EXP boosts are multiplicative with other modifiers present on this map.

Any rewards that end in a decimal point is rounded down, no matter the first figure of the leading decimal.

Currently, rewards are calculated as:

Coins Reward EXP Reward
(Coin 634 ÷ (1 + [(40 ÷ Current Wave) - 1]^1.3) + Coin 200 (Triumph Only)) × 1.5 (Experience 147 EXP ÷ (1 + [(40 ÷ Current Wave) - 1]^1.3)) × 1.5

Triumphing Pizza Party can give out an additional reward, which can be a crate, consumable or ticket. These items are:


There are also two badges which you can obtain when playing this map, both of which have additional rewards alongside the badges. They are:

Defeated Wox The Fox!
DefeatedWoxtheFoxBadge The party is over! Triumph "Pizza Party' to buy "Warden" in the shop!

Warden purchasable in the store

The Lost Souls!
TheLostSoulsBadge Gather the lost souls.. Unlocks a secret reward!

Slaughter Warden Skin


Wave 1
Wave 3
Wave 5
Wave 8
Wave 10
Wave 12
Citizen Plush
Wave 14
LO Marionette
Wave 15
Wave 16
Wave 18
Wave 20
Wave 21
Cobalt Guard
Wave 23
Wave 25
Sock Puppet
Wave 26
Balloon Kid
Wave 28
Wave 30
Mimic Umbra
Wave 31
Wave 32
Voodoo Doll
ReaperAct2 refreshed
Voodoo Doll
Wave 33
Wave 35
Wave 36
Wox the Fox
Wave 40

Wave Structure

Currently, Pizza Party has multiple wave bonuses, based on the current wave. Between waves 1 to 30, the wave bonus is calculated as:

Cash (Gameplay Currency)$300 + ([Waves Completed - 1] × Cash (Gameplay Currency)$60)^1.03

Between waves 31 to 34, the wave bonus is calculated as:

Cash (Gameplay Currency)$300 + ([Waves Completed - 1] × Cash (Gameplay Currency)$60)^1.07

Between waves 35 to 38, the wave bonus is calculated as:

Cash (Gameplay Currency)$300 + ([Waves Completed - 1] × Cash (Gameplay Currency)$60)^1.1

For waves 39 and 40, the wave bonus is just Cash (Gameplay Currency)$75,000.

Depending on player count, the wave bonus is reduced using multipliers. These multipliers are:

Players Reduction per Player Total Reduction
Solo 0% 0%
Duo 5% 10%
Trio 5% 15%
Quad 10% 40%

The wave clear bonus appears when every enemy from that wave was killed. It is 35% of the wave bonus in solo, while for duo, trio and quad it is 20%.

Before 22nd of January 2025, the formula for calculating the wave bonus on each wave was:

(Cash (Gameplay Currency)$205 + (Waves Completed - 1) × Cash (Gameplay Currency)$50) × (1 - 0.1 × Players)

Before 23rd of May 2024, the formula for calculating wave bonus on each wave was:

(Cash (Gameplay Currency)$180 + (Cash (Gameplay Currency)$50 × Waves Completed)) ÷ Players

The waves in Pizza Party follow these timings:

Waves Wave Timer Skip Time[6]
1-19 0:40 0:19[7]
20-39 0:50 0:19[8]
40 N/A

Bolded names indicates an enemy type's debut.

Regular Wave Structure
Wave Enemy Type & Amount
1 4x Abnormal
2 7x Abnormal
3 6x Abnormal, 4x Quick
4 6x Quick
5 3x Heavy, 8x Abnormal
6 5x Heavy, 8x Quick
7 7x Quick, 5x Heavy, 7x Abnormal
8 4x Heavy, 10x Quick, 1x Ghost
9 2x Quick (Bloated), 1x Ghost, 2x Quick (Bloated)
10 3x Heavy, 1x Scout (Boss), 3x Heavy
11 1x Scout, 4x Ghost, 7x Heavy
12 3x Breaker2, 3x Heavy (Nimble), 5x Ghost
13 3x Breaker2, 1x Scout, 3x Breaker2
14 5x Breaker2, 5x Ghost (Bloated), 3x Citizen Plush
15 2x Citizen Plush, 6x Ghost, 1x Shotgunner (Boss), 2x Citizen Plush
16 2x Marionette, 6x Heavy (Bloated), 6x Ghost (Bloated), 1x Scout, 2x Marionette
17 5x Marionette, 4x Citizen Plush, 5x Marionette
18 5x Marionette, 10x Ghost (Bloated, Nimble) 2x Scout, 1x Clown
19 10x Breaker2, 6x Marionette, 4x Citizen Plush, 1x Clown
20 5x Knight, 8x Citizen Plush, 6x Ghost (Bloated)
21 1x Monkey, 6x Marionette, 4x Citizen Plush, 1x Monkey
22 2x Scout, 1x Shotgunner, 2x Clown, 6x Marionette
23 6x Citizen Plush, 4x Knight, 1x Cobalt Guard
24 8x Marionette, 1x Clown (Bloated), 3x Monkey
25 1x Scout, 1x Shotgunner, 1x Commander (Boss), 10x Breaker2
26 8x Marionette (Nimble), 2x Sock Puppet, 1x Clown, 1x Monkey
27 12x Knight, 1x Monkey (Bloated)
28 9x Balloon Kid, 15x Ghost (Nimble), 3x Knight, 2x Shotgunner, 1x Cobalt Guard
29 8 Balloon Kid, 6x Citizen Plush, 4x Clown, 2x Sock Puppet, 1x Commander
30 5x Scout, 1x Commander, 3x Shotgunner, 1x Minigunner (Boss)
31 1x Mimic Umbra, 3x Shotgunner, 5x Balloon Kid, 1x Commander, 2x Clown
32 1x Mimic Umbra, 10x Breaker4, 4x Cobalt Guard, 8x Knight
33 2x Cobalt Guard, 1x Cobalt Guard (Bloated), 3x Sock Puppet, 3x Monkey, 6x Balloon Kid, 1x Voodoo Doll
34 1x Mimic Umbra, 3x Sock Puppet, 2x Voodoo Doll, 5x Shotgunner (Hidden), 1x Sock Puppet (Hidden, Bloated)
35 1x Mimic Umbra, 12x Citizen Plush (Bloated, Nimble), 8x Knight (Bloated), 3x Cobalt Guard, 1x Executioner (Boss)
36 20x Breaker4, 12x Marionette (Bloated), 2x Voodoo Doll (Bloated), 10x Citizen Plush, 2x Sock Puppet, 1x Reaper
37 1x Commander, 1x Mimic Umbra, 1x Monkey (Bloated), 1x Reaper (Bloated)
38 1x Commander, 2x Shotgunner, 4x Scout, 1x Mimic Umbra, 2x Minigunner, 1x Cobalt Guard, 5x Knight
39 1x Monkey (Bloated), 3x Voodoo Doll, 10x Breaker4, 1x Monkey (Bloated), 3x Voodoo Doll, 10x Breaker4, 1x Mimic Umbra, 1x Reaper (Hidden)
40 1x Mimic Umbra (Bloated), 1x Minigunner, 1x Executioner, 5x Shotgunner (Bloated), 10x Scout (Bloated), 4x Voodoo Doll, 10x Balloon Kid, 3x Monkey (Nimble), 1x Wox the Fox, 2x Cobalt Guard (Bloated), 8x Knight (Bloated), 10x Citizen Plush (Nimble, Corpse)
Lose Dialogue
One icon and dialogue is randomly chosen upon defeat:

•We're toast!
•Mission Failed, we'll get em' next time.
•Not enough numbers!
•Mistakes are just part of the journey..
•We're overrun chief!
•We'll get them next time!
•Don't give up!
•We need back up sergeant!
•We just had our grave dug..
•We have to fall back soldier!
•Oops! Try again!
•The enemies got to the base!
•Strategy is key!

Lost Souls Changes

All changes applied to regular matches are also applied to Lost Souls matches.

Lost Souls modifier increases the amount of enemies that spawn by 50% when active; however, it will always round down when spawning. For example, one Scout still appears on Wave 10, but three Scouts appear on Wave 18 instead of two. It also increases the defense of all enemies by 20%.

Bolded names indicates an enemy type's debut.

Lost Souls Wave Structure
Wave Enemy Type & Amount
1 6x Abnormal
2 10x Abnormal
3 9x Abnormal, 6x Quick
4 9x Quick
5 5x Heavy, 5x Abnormal
6 7x Heavy, 5x Quick
7 10x Quick, 7x Heavy, 10x Abnormal
8 6x Heavy, 15x Quick, 1x Ghost
9 3x Quick (Bloated), 1x Ghost, 3x Quick (Bloated)
10 5x Heavy, 1x Scout (Boss), 5x Heavy
11 1x Scout, 6x Ghost, 10x Heavy
12 5x Breaker2, 3x Heavy (Nimble), 7x Ghost
13 3x Breaker2, 1x Scout, 3x Breaker2
14 7x Breaker2, 7x Ghost (Bloated), 3x Citizen Plush
15 3x Citizen Plush, 9x Ghost, 1x Shotgunner (Boss), 3x Citizen Plush
16 3x Marionette, 9x Heavy (Bloated), 9x Ghost (Bloated), 1x Scout, 3x Marionette
17 7x Marionette, 6x Citizen Plush, 7x Marionette
18 7x Marionette, 15x Ghost (Bloated, Nimble) 3x Scout, 1x Clown
19 15x Breaker2, 9x Marionette, 6x Citizen Plush, 1x Clown
20 7x Knight, 3x Citizen Plush, 9x Ghost (Bloated)
21 1x Monkey, 9x Marionette, 6x Citizen Plush, 1x Monkey
22 3x Scout, 1x Shotgunner, 3x Clown, 9x Marionette
23 9x Citizen Plush, 6x Knight, 1x Cobalt Guard
24 12x Marionette, 1x Clown (Bloated), 3x Monkey
25 1x Scout, 1x Shotgunner, 1x Commander (Boss), 15x Breaker2
26 12x Marionette (Nimble), 3x Sock Puppet, 1x Clown, 1x Monkey
27 18x Knight, 1x Monkey (Bloated)
28 13x Balloon Kid, 22x Ghost (Nimble), 5x Knight, 3x Shotgunner, 1x Cobalt Guard
29 8 Balloon Kid, 9x Citizen Plush, 6x Clown, 3x Sock Puppet, 1x Commander
30 7x Scout, 1x Commander, 5x Shotgunner, 1x Minigunner (Boss)
31 1x Mimic Umbra, 5x Shotgunner, 7x Balloon Kid, 1x Commander, 3x Clown
32 1x Mimic Umbra, 15x Breaker4, 6x Cobalt Guard, 5x Knight
33 3x Cobalt Guard, 1x Cobalt Guard (Bloated), 5x Sock Puppet, 5x Monkey, 9x Balloon Kid, 1x Voodoo Doll
34 1x Mimic Umbra, 5x Sock Puppet, 3x Voodoo Doll, 7x Shotgunner (Hidden), 1x Sock Puppet (Hidden, Bloated)
35 1x Mimic Umbra, 18x Citizen Plush (Bloated, Nimble), 5x Knight (Bloated), 5x Cobalt Guard, 1x Executioner (Boss)
36 30x Breaker4, 18x Marionette (Bloated), 3x Voodoo Doll (Bloated), 15x Citizen Plush, 3x Sock Puppet, 1x Reaper
37 1x Commander, 1x Mimic Umbra, 1x[9] Sock Puppet (Bloated), 1x[9] Clown, 1x Monkey (Bloated), 1x[9] Minigunner 1x Reaper (Bloated)
38 1x[9] Sock Puppet (Bloated), 1x Commander, 3x Shotgunner, 1x[9] Sock Puppet (Bloated), 6x Scout, 1x Mimic Umbra, 3x Minigunner, 1x Cobalt Guard, 7x Knight
39 1x Monkey (Bloated), 5x Voodoo Doll, 15x Breaker4, 1x Monkey (Bloated), 5x Voodoo Doll, 15x Breaker4, 1x Mimic Umbra, 1x Reaper (Hidden)
40 1x Mimic Umbra (Bloated), 1x Minigunner, 1x Executioner, 7x Shotgunner (Bloated), 15x Scout (Bloated), 6x Voodoo Doll, 15x Balloon Kid, 5x Monkey (Nimble), 1x Wox the Fox, 3x Cobalt Guard (Bloated), 5x Knight (Bloated), 15x Citizen Plush (Nimble, Corpse)
Lose Dialogue
One icon and dialogue is randomly chosen upon defeat:

•We're toast!
•Mission Failed, we'll get em' next time.
•Not enough numbers!
•Mistakes are just part of the journey..
•We're overrun chief!
•We'll get them next time!
•Don't give up!
•We need back up sergeant!
•We just had our grave dug..
•We have to fall back soldier!
•Oops! Try again!
•The enemies got to the base!
•Strategy is key!


Regular Matches

Lost Souls Matches

  • Team coordination here is essential. It is highly unlikely you will beat Pizza Party with Lost Souls active with random players.
  • It is highly recommended to bring in powerful consumables, as doing so without them is extremely difficult.
    • Currently, it is likely impossible without the use of multiple Nukes and Molten Monsters, which are very rare consumables. Therefore, it is not recommended to attempt this.
  • Be aware of the changes to wave structure. Some waves may spawn more enemies than expected, so it is important to be prepared for these waves.
  • Triggering the Lost Souls modifier on Pizza Party requires each player to bring the Scout/Golden Scout, Shotgunner, Commander and Minigunner/Golden Minigunner with them. The fifth tower in the loadout can be any tower.
    • Towers with flying detection are needed, as the only tower to have it is the Commander and its units. Lead detection towers could also be useful, as without golden perks only the Shotgunner and Commander have it, though the Golden Scout does gain lead detection with its perk.
  • As every enemy gain 20% defense, defense melting towers, such as the Pyromancer/Golden Pyromancer and Electroshocker can be useful.
    • A DJ Booth is extremely helpful, especially since Farms are generally off-limits, making the discount buff all the more useful. Its range buff can also partially negate Wox the Fox's Game Over ability, which afflicts a range debuff on all towers.
  • Both the Golden Scout and Shotgunner are viable options for the early game.
  • The Golden Minigunner is recommended for its high DPS later on.
  • The Commander's Call to Arms ability should be chained. Only one player needs to use the Commander.
  • It is very likely that Wox the Fox will reach the latter half of the map, requiring you to move your Minigunners/Golden Minigunners to the other side of the map.


Map Icons


Promotional Images

Promotional Videos



  • The method of activating Lost Souls (having the specified towers in all players' inventories) is based on enemies that appear on this map, these being the Scout, Shotgunner, Commander and Minigunner.
    • While the Executioner was added later on, it is not required for the activation.
  • This map is based on the pizzeria that appears in the first Five Nights at Freddy's game.
    • Multiple enemies are also based on enemies from Five Night at Freddy's.
    • Multiple hats are put on enemies, which are mostly based on animatronics from various games from the franchise.
    • There are five Knights at Wave 20, which is also a reference to this Five Nights at Freddy's meme.
  • The ambience volume setting does not control the volume of the ambient track that plays on this map.

Update History

  • 31 October 2022 - v1.4.2
    • Pizza Party added.
    • Bug: Icon does not appear in the lobby.
  • 23 May 2024 - v1.23.0
    • Updated to the new challenge map system.
    • Bug: All modifiers are applied twice.
    • Bug: Commander's dialogue for Fallen now appears.
  • 27 May 2024 - v1.23.2a
    • Bugfix: Modifiers are no longer applied twice.
  • 31 May 2024 - v1.23.5
  • 21 June 2024 - v1.25.0
    • Updated icon.
    • Bugfix: Icon is now displayed.
    • Bugfix: Now plays the correct music.
  • 2 August 2024 - v1.27.0
    • Bugfix: No longer has any dialogue.
  • 25 September 2024 - v1.33.0
    • Changed rewards equations.
  • 13 November 2024 - v1.41.0
    • Bug: Pizza Party now appears in elevators, though when a match is started in that way, the map has no modifier and uses the old Fallen mode wave structure.
  • 13 November 2024 - v1.41.2
    • Bugfix: Pizza Party no longer appears in normal elevators.
  • 16 December 2024 - v1.46.0
    • Enemies Beta removed.
    • Bug: Restarting removes all modifiers.
  • 18 December 2024 - v1.46.7
  • 15 January 2025 - v1.49.0
    • Bugfix: Lost Souls now decreases map saturation.
    • Bugfix: Lost Souls intro now plays again in Pizza Party.
  • 22 January 2025 - v1.50.0
    • Wave structure changed.
    • Now moved over to its own mode instead of using the Challenge Maps system to alter legacy Fallen mode.
    • Updated rewards.
    • Now uses the new income system.
    • Health scaling added.
    • Mode type is now displayed as Special.
    • Mutation increase per wave decreased from 10% to 6%.
    • Bug: Lost Souls is always active, but its effects are not until properly activated.
  • 22 January 2025 - v1.50.1
  • 29 January 2025 - v1.51.0
    • Wave 39 and 40 wave bonus increased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$50,000 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$75,000.
    • Coin Coins base rewards boosted from Coin 600 to Coin 634.
    • Triumph bonus increased from Coin 150 to Coin 200.
  • 5 February 2025 - v1.52.0


  1. Only active when every player has the Scout/Golden Scout, Shotgunner, Minigunner/Golden Minigunner and Commander, though due to a bug it always appears on the screen, without the effects being applied. The fifth tower can be any tower.
  2. Does not appear naturally, it can only be spawned by the Breaker2.
  3. Does not appear naturally, it can only be spawned by the Breaker4.
  4. Does not appear naturally, it can only be spawned by the Reaper.
  5. Does not appear naturally, it can only be spawned by the Demon.
  6. How long you have to wait before you can skip.
  7. Skip at 0:20.
  8. Skip at 0:30.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 In regular gameplay, this enemy has its spawn amount set to 0.7, meaning it gets rounded down to 0 preventing it from spawning. With Lost Souls, that number gets increased to 1.05, which is rounded down to 1, allowing for it to spawn

Regular Very Easy
PVP Test