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Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
PVP Test

Removed Content

PVP Test has been removed from the game as of the 23rd of July 2024.
PVP Test may still exist in the game's code, though it is no longer officially used in-game, outside of possibly being in Sandbox in some form. This page has been preserved for historical purposes.

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This article is about PVP Test. You may be looking for other uses of PVP or Versus.


PVP Test was a recurring test mode for an upcoming PVP mode. The enemies in PVP Test were very similar to Easy mode, though instead of the goal being surviving to the final match, players were meant to defeat their opponent by sending enemies at them. If the final wave was beaten, the player with the highest base health won. If both players had the same amount of base health, the winner was chosen randomly. Wins did not count as triumphs (except for Quests), but losing this mode counted as a loss.

Every 10 seconds, players received cash from an economy bonus. The economy bonus could be seen under the tower placement limit. It could be increased by sending enemies at the opponent. Each send increased it by its own value and Cash (Gameplay Currency)$20 was added to the bonus after each wave.

Cash was only obtained if an enemy was killed, or in some cases, damaged by a specific amount of health. Additionally, the amount gotten was a set amount of cash, which was not always equal to the enemy's health. In solo, the player received 100% of the cash when an enemy was killed or damaged enough. With each additional player, this decreased by 25%, which means that in a quad, any specific player would only get 25% of the cash. This amount was distributed between players based on how much damage they dealt. However, if a player did not deal any damage, they would receive a percentage of the enemy's full cash upon its death or when it was damaged enough, which was 12.5% in duo, 16.7% in trio and 18.75% in quad. If it was a decimal, it got rounded up or down depending on the decimal value. If it was at least 0.5, it got rounded up. If it was less than 0.5, it got rounded down. For example, the Hidden Boss gave Cash (Gameplay Currency)$600 when killed in solo, Cash (Gameplay Currency)$450 in duo, Cash (Gameplay Currency)$300 in trio and Cash (Gameplay Currency)$150 in quad between the players that damaged it. Players that did not damage it received Cash (Gameplay Currency)$75 in duo, Cash (Gameplay Currency)$100 in trio and Cash (Gameplay Currency)$113 in quad.


PVP Test did not grant any rewards or badges upon completion. Instead, the end of the match screen will show the reward as Experience 0 EXP.


Intermediate Normal
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 4
Normal Boss
Wave 7
Wave 9
Wave 11
Wave 13
Wave 14
Slow Boss
Wave 16
Hidden Boss
Wave 17
Wave 19
Wave 23
Grave Digger
Wave 30


Only up to ten enemy groups could be in the enemy queue.

The number of enemies that were sent would be increased through the waves. The ones listed are the lowest and highest. For the changes, see the send changes table below this one.

Enemy Group Wave Unlock Send Cost Economy Bonus Send Number
Normal 2 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$50 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$4 3-9
Speedy 3 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$65 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$6 2-6
Slow 5 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$90 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$8 3-8
Hidden 8 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$102 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$16 3-9
Breaker2 10 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$130 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$12 2-7
Armored 12 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$180 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$20 2-7
Bolt 15 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$210 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$24 3-4
Necromancer 18 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$260 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$0 1
Hidden Boss 20 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$480 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$0 1
Slow Boss 22 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$660 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$44 1
Breaker4 24 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$750 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$0 4
Tank 26 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$3,000 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$0 1
Send Changes
Wave Changes
3 +1 Normal sends
4 +1 Normal sends
5 +1 Normal sends, +1 Speedy sends
6 +1 Normal Sends
7 +1 Normal sends, +1 Speedy sends, +1 Slow sends
8 +1 Normal sends
9 +1 Slow sends
10 +1 Speedy sends, +1 Hidden sends
12 +1 Speedy sends, +1 Slow sends, +1 Hidden sends
14 +1 Slow sends, +1 Breaker2 sends
15 +1 Hidden sends
16 +1 Slow sends, +1 Armored sends
17 +1 Hidden sends, +1 Breaker2 sends
19 +1 Armored sends
20 +1 Hidden sends
21 +1 Breaker2 sends
22 +1 Hidden sends, +1 Armored sends
24 +1 Breaker2 sends
26 +1 Armored sends
27 +1 Breaker2 sends
29 +1 Armored sends, +1 Bolt sends

Wave Structure

The waves in PVP Test mode follow these timings:

Waves Wave Timer
1-30 0:45

Bolded names indicate an enemy type's debut.

Wave Structure
Wave Enemy Type & Amount
1 4x Normal
2 2x Speedy, 6x Normal
3 10x Normal, 6x Speedy
4 3x Slow, 10x Normal, 5x Speedy
5 8x Slow, 15x Normal, 10x Speedy
6 10x Slow, 20x Normal, 8x Speedy
7 8x Slow, 1x Normal Boss
8 10x Normal, 10x Slow, 1x Normal Boss, 5x Speedy
9 10x Normal, 8x Hidden, 5x Speedy
10 5x Slow, 2x Normal Boss, 20x Speedy
11 8x Breaker2, 10x Hidden
12 12x Slow, 10x Breaker2, 10x Speedy
13 4x Hidden, 5x Breaker2, 4x Slow, 1x Normal Boss, 4x Speedy, 1x Necromancer
14 10x Armored, 8x Breaker2, 15x Speedy
15 3x Breaker2, 4x Hidden, 3x Breaker2, 8x Slow, 3x Armored, 4x Normal Boss, 1x Necromancer
16 4x Breaker2, 4x Hidden, 6x Slow, 1x Slow Boss
17 10x Normal, 10x Armored, 6x Breaker2, 1x Hidden Boss
18 2x Slow, 12x Armored, 2x Necromancer, 4x Breaker2
19 7x Bolt, 15x Armored
20 10x Breaker2, 5x Bolt, 1x Hidden Boss, 1x Slow Boss, 1x Necromancer
21 4x Slow, 7x Armored, 4x Hidden, 5x Normal Boss, 1x Hidden Boss, 5x Bolt, 5x Breaker2, 1x Slow Boss, 2x Necromancer
22 1x Slow Boss, 1x Hidden Boss, 10x Bolt, 8x Armored, 2x Necromancer
23 3x Hidden Boss, 10x Breaker2, 6x Bolt, 2x Breaker4
24 1x Slow Boss, 5x Normal Boss, 14x Bolt, 3x Breaker4, 1x Necromancer, 1x Hidden Boss
25 1x Hidden Boss, 10x Bolt, 3x Breaker4, 1x Slow Boss, 8x Normal Boss, 1x Hidden Boss, 10x Bolt, 2x Necromancer
26 35x Armored, 6x Normal Boss, 1x Slow Boss, 2x Necromancer, 12x Breaker2, 5x Breaker4
27 1x Hidden Boss, 10x Hidden, 1x Slow Boss, 2x Breaker4, 5x Breaker2, 1x Hidden Boss, 10x Hidden, 1x Slow Boss, 2x Breaker4, 5x Breaker2, 1x Hidden Boss, 10x Hidden
28 1x Slow Boss, 2x Necromancer, 8x Bolt, 4x Speedy (Tank), 1x Slow Boss, 2x Necromancer, 8x Bolt, 4x Speedy (Tank), 2x Necromancer (Bloated)
29 35x Speedy (Tank), 1x Slow Boss (Bloated), 10x Armored (Bloated), 2x Breaker4, 10x Armored (Bloated), 2x Breaker4, 2x Necromancer (Bloated)
30 35x Armored (Bloated), 6x Normal Boss (Bloated), 3x Slow Boss, 3x Breaker4, 2x Necromancer, 1x Grave Digger
Lose Dialogue
One icon and dialogue is randomly chosen upon defeat:

ā€¢We're toast!
ā€¢Mission Failed, we'll get em' next time.
ā€¢Not enough numbers!
ā€¢Mistakes are just part of the journey..
ā€¢We're overrun chief!
ā€¢We'll get them next time!
ā€¢Don't give up!
ā€¢We need back up sergeant!
ā€¢We just had our grave dug..
ā€¢We have to fall back soldier!
ā€¢Oops! Try again!
ā€¢The enemies got to the base!
ā€¢Strategy is key!


  • It was possible to infinitely delay Wave 7 and Wave 16 by sending enemies, due to the waves not ending until all enemies, including summoned ones, disappeared from the map.
  • In the first PVP Test, the Tank could be seen in the send menu, but could not be sent because it could only been sent at Wave 26, while the first PVP Test only had 25 waves.

Update History

  • 18 May 2024 - v1.22.0
    • PVP Test added.
    • Bug: Multiple bugs caused by the game thinking the match is a duo.
      • Placement limit is 30 instead of 40.
      • Cash given from enemies is 75% instead of 100%.
      • Starting cash is Cash (Gameplay Currency)$400 instead of Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500.
    • Bug: When one team kills an enemy, the opponent will receive shared cash from it.
    • Bug: Summoned enemies spawn on both paths.
    • Bug: Units will attack units from the other team.
    • Bug: Towers can apply buffs to both towers from their team and from the opponent.
    • Bug: If a tower has an opponent's tower in their range, it will stop attacking enemies.
    • Bug: It is not possible to cancel sending out an enemy.
    • Bug: Players will see boss bars of every boss enemy instead of just the ones on their side.
    • Bug: Tank is a sendable enemy unlockable at an unreachable wave, with all its stats being 0.
    • Bug: Enemy send cooldown is applied for every player, not just the one that sent the enemy.
    • Bug: Kills from the opponent count towards the Kill ENEMY! quests.
    • Bug: It is possible to play with more than one player on each team.
    • Bug: Triumphs count towards non-map specific mode triumps Quests and Mission Quests.
    • Bug: Sent enemies prevent the wave from finishing.
    • Bug: When a player disconnects in the match and rejoins, they are unable to send enemies.
  • 20 May 2024 - v1.22.1a
    • PVP Test removed.
  • 29 May 2024 - v1.23.4
    • PVP Test readded.
    • Removed infinite timers on boss waves.
    • Players now spawn on proper sides depending on their team.
    • Starting increased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$600.
    • There is no longer a break between waves.
    • Economy bonus is now granted every 10 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
    • Max number of enemy send groups increased from 7 to 10.
    • Player leaderboards are now colored based on the player's team.
    • Updated enemy sending stats.
    • Updated wave structure.
      • PVP Test is now 30 waves long.
    • Bug: Starting cash can sometimes be Cash (Gameplay Currency)$800 instead of Cash (Gameplay Currency)$700, for both or only one player.
    • Bug: Wave 30 does not have an infinite timer.
    • Bug: Tank does not use its Enemies Beta model.
    • Bugfix: Enemy send cooldown is no longer applied to every player.
    • Bugfix: Enemies no longer summon enemies on both paths.
    • Bugfix: Sent enemies no longer prevent the wave from finishing.
    • Bugfix: Tank is now sendable and has proper stats.
  • 31 May 2024 - v1.23.5
    • Added 2v2.
    • Bug: Being in a party with someone and choosing 2v2 does not always put you both in the same team.
    • Bug: Restarting applies the economy bonus again.
    • Bug: Enemies sent before a match is restarted do not get removed upon restart.
    • Bug: Enemies sent before a match is restarted have a chance to follow the path from the previous match.
    • Bugfix: Opponent's kills no longer give shared cash to the other team.
    • Bugfix: Cash given from enemies is now based on the team's player count.
  • 1 June 2024
    • Bug: PVP Test is still active, with the timer displaying negative time.
  • 2 June 2024 - v1.23.5a
    • PVP Test removed.
    • Bugfix: PVP Test is no longer active.
  • 21 June 2024 - v1.25.0
    • PVP Test readded.
    • Updated enemy sending stats.
    • Bugfix: PVP Test timer will no longer display negative time, now it will disappear after reaching zero.
  • 24 June 2024 - v1.25.1
    • PVP Test removed.
  • 19 July 2024 - v1.26.0
    • PVP Test readded.
    • Updated icons for tower and enemy loadouts.
    • Tower loadout is now set to 4.
    • Now has a selection of 11 maps instead of a single map with multiple variants.
    • Send cooldown removed from enemies.
    • Bug: In maps where both teams share a path, units can collide with each other.
    • Bug: In maps where both teams share a path, the Trapper can kill or destroy units with its traps.
    • Bug: When a player disconnects in the match and rejoins, the enemy loadout icon gets changed to tower loadout icon.
    • Bugfix: Towers can no longer apply buffs to the opponent's towers.
    • Bugfix: Sent out enemies now can be cancelled.
  • 23 July 2024 - v1.26.2
    • PVP Test removed.


  1. ā†‘ Does not appear naturally, it can only be spawned by the Breaker2.
  2. ā†‘ Does not appear naturally, it can only be spawned by the Necromancer.
  3. ā†‘ Does not appear naturally, it can only be spawned by the Breaker4.
  4. ā†‘ Does not appear naturally, can only be sent starting from Wave 26.

Special Maps
Special Maps
Special Maps