Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Event Ended

The Operation I.C.E Event has ended after the 15th of January 2024 and almost all associated items have been made unobtainable/removed.
This page has been preserved for historical purposes.


Operation I.C.E Event was the eighteenth event to be added in Tower Defense Simulator. It brought two new towers and a battle pass, which requires Bell Bells to reach higher levels.

This event featured a unique map with mostly returning enemies from the Frost Invasion Event and Krampus' Revenge Event, along with a unique wave structure. This event also had two difficulties: Easy and Hard.

The event started on the 16th of December 2024 at 22:00 UTC and ended on the 15th of January 2024 at 20:00 UTC.

Operation I.C.E Battle Pass

Operation I.C

Bells were the currency used for Operation I.C.E Battle Pass, which could be collected from enemies. Enemies drop between one and three Bell Bells on death and could be collected by walking near them. These currency drops do not gave one Bell Bell each. The number varies based on the mode played.

Mode Bells per Wave Total Bells
Outpost 32 (Easy) Bell 10 Bell 250
Outpost 32 (Hard) Bell 23 Bell 920
Easy Bell 5 Bell 125
Casual Bell 8 Bell 240
Intermediate Bell 10 Bell 300
Molten Bell 10 Bell 350
Fallen & Challenge Maps Bell 14 Bell 560
Special Maps Bell 1 Bell 40
Hardcore[1] Bell 16 Bell 800

In total, it took Bell 27,080 or Robux 5,030 to complete the battle pass. It it had two tracks, the regular track obtained for free and a premium track purchasable for Robux 499. During the Winter 2024 Holiday Sale, it was obtainable for Robux 374.

Operation I.C.E Battle Pass
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Level 11
Level 12
Level 13
Level 14
Level 15
Level 16
Level 17
Level 18
Level 19
Level 20
Level 21
Level 22
Level 23
Level 24
Level 25
Level 26
Level 27
Level 28
Level 29
Level 30
Level 31
Level 32
Level 33
Level 34
Level 35
Level 36
Level 37
Level 38
Level 39
Level 40
Unlock Cost
Bell 30 Robux 32
Bell 50 Robux 34
Bell 70 Robux 36
Bell 100 Robux 38
Bell 120 Robux 140
Bell 150 Robux 42
Bell 180 Robux 84
Bell 210 Robux 46
Bell 240 Robux 48
Bell 280 Robux 210
Bell 310 Robux 52
Bell 340 Robux 54
Bell 380 Robux 56
Bell 410 Robux 58
Bell 450 Robux 235
Bell 480 Robux 62
Bell 520 Robux 64
Bell 550 Robux 116
Bell 590 Robux 68
Bell 630 Robux 270
Bell 670 Robux 72
Bell 0 Robux 74
Bell 1450 Robux 126
Bell 780 Robux 128
Bell 820 Robux 305
Bell 860 Robux 82
Bell 900 Robux 84
Bell 940 Robux 136
Bell 980 Robux 88
Bell 1,020 Robux 340
Bell 1,070 Robux 92
Bell 1,110 Robux 94
Bell 1,150 Robux 146
Bell 1,190 Robux 158
Bell 1,230 Robux 420
Bell 1,280 Robux 102
Bell 1,320 Robux 104
Bell 1,360 Robux 106
Bell 1,410 Robux 168
Bell 1,450 Robux 460
Skip Cost
Robux 5,030
Robux 4,998
Robux 4,964
Robux 4,928
Robux 4,890
Robux 4,750
Robux 4,708
Robux 4,624
Robux 4,578
Robux 4,530
Robux 4,320
Robux 4,268
Robux 4,214
Robux 4,158
Robux 4,100
Robux 3,865
Robux 3,803
Robux 3,793
Robux 3,623
Robux 3,555
Robux 3,285
Robux 3,213
Robux 3,193
Robux 3,013
Robux 2,885
Robux 2,580
Robux 2,498
Robux 2,414
Robux 2,278
Robux 2,190
Robux 1,850
Robux 1,758
Robux 1,664
Robux 1,518
Robux 1,360
Robux 940
Robux 838
Robux 734
Robux 628
Robux 460


Outpost 32


SnowballerIcon ElementalistIcon
Snowballer[2] Elementalist[3]


FrostLegionSniperIconIG DarkFrostSoldierIcon DarkFrostCrookBossIconIG FrostLegionFreezerIconIG
Frost Legion Sniper Dark Frost Soldier Dark Frost Crook Boss Frost Legion Freezer
DarkFrostWardenIconIG CozyCampFarmIconIG DarkFrostMortarIconIG DarkFrostTrapperIconIG
Dark Frost Warden Cozy Camp Farm Dark Frost Mortar Dark Frost Trapper
DarkFrostCowboyIconIG NutcrackerMinigunnerIconIG DarkFrostElectroshockerIconIG SantaCommanderIconIG
Dark Frost Cowboy Nutcracker Minigunner Dark Frost Electroshocker Santa Commander
DarkFrostEngineerIconIG RudolphBrawlerIconIG FrostLegionMercenaryBaseIconIG
Dark Frost Engineer Rudolph Brawler Frost Legion Mercenary Base


PresentClusterBombConsumable FruitCakeConsumable FestiveTreeConsumable Santa'sAirStrikeConsumable
Present Cluster Bomb Fruit Cake Festive Tree Santa's Air Strike
Molten Monster


Reindeernametag Blizzardnametag GingerbreadNametag Auroranametag
Reindeer Nametag Blizzard Nametag Gingerbread Nametag Aurora Nametag
FireworkNametag MeltingIceNametag NorthstarNametag StarryNightNametag
Firework Nametag MeltingIce Nametag Northstar Nametag StarryNight Nametag


JollyTreeEmote DoubleChunkCookieEmote ChillyEmote SnowmanEmote
Jolly Tree Double Chunk Cookie Chilly Snowman
CarolingEmote SleighRideEmote SnowballEmote
Caroling Sleigh Ride Snowball


ChillySticker GoofySledgerSticker ElfPresentSticker FrostSpiritSticker
Chilly Goofy Sledger Elf Present Frost Spirit


SnowballerCharmIcon ElementalistCharmIcon FrostSpiritCharm CultistRamielCharmIcon
Snowballer Elementalist Frost Spirit Cultist Ramiel
Frost Commander


Snowy1 Frozen1 Frost Spawner Preview Packediceicon2024 SnowMinion24
Snowy Frozen Siege Engine Packed Ice Snow Minion
SnowGolemColdAmbush SnowmanNew GhostLunar NewDeepFreezeIcon FrostHunterNew
Snow Golem Snowman Cold Mist Deep Freeze Frost Hunter
UnstableIce24 CryingAngel24 FrostMystery24 FrostInvader24 Femalegirlwithwings
Unstable Ice Crying Angel Frost Mystery Frost Invader Frost Mage
RavanagerNew FrostNecroNew FrostUndead BiggestGlowDownEverTbh FrostSpir2024Better
Frost Ravager Frost Necromancer Frost Undead Frost Hero Frost Spirit
Ice Beacon


Regular Token
WinterSpotlightICEBadge Frost Spirit has returned to TDS! Complete the Frost Invasion event mission on Easy difficulty.
Elite Token
WinterSpotlightICEBadge Challenge Frost Spirit in his true form. Find the shards, enter the code, and hold your ground against a vengeful spirit.
Frost Invasion - Easy
NewOperationICEEasy Defeat the Frost Spirit on Easy


Frost Invasion - Hard
NewOperationICEHard Defeat the Frost Spirit on Hard





Promotional Images


  • This event was a retelling of the Frost Invasion Event.
    • In multiple occasions, the event did not go by Operation I.C.E but rather Frost Invasion.
  • Operation I.C.E stands for "Operation Intercept Commander and Eliminate" as said by Sentinel Ramiel.
  • This event had the most waves out of any event, with 40 waves in the Hard difficulty.
  • Weirdly, none of the skins in the battle pass have the Event rarity, which was also the case for the previous Hexscape Event battle pass.


  1. ā†‘ Did not drop Bell Bells due to a bug.
  2. ā†‘ Beat Outpost 32 on the Easy difficulty.
  3. ā†‘ Beat Outpost 32 on the Hard difficulty.
