Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki


Nimble is a status effect that makes an enemy twice as fast.


Nimble makes any enemy with it twice as fast.

Enemy List

These following event enemies have Nimble:

These following enemies can spawn with Nimble, but do not have it by default:

These following enemy used to spawn with Nimble, but did not have it by default:

The following enemies could spawn with Nimble in events, but did not have it by default:

All enemies in the Vanguard challenge map spawn with the Nimble attribute due to the Vanguard modifier.

Enemies can receive Nimble, even if they did not spawn with it if they are hit by a gift explosion created by the Fallen Jester's Devious Tricks ability and by the Hex Weaver with its Spooky Tricks ability.

Update History

  • 3 May 2024 - v1.20.0
    • Nimble added.
    • Bug: When a burn, chillness, stun, Toxic Gunner poison or DJ Booth slowdown effect is applied to a Nimble enemy, the enemy loses the speed increase from Nimble once the effect ends.
  • 4 November 2024 - v1.39.7
    • Bugfix: All effects no longer cause enemies to lose their speed increase from Nimble once the effect ends.

Enemy Types
Status Effects