Narrators are characters seen in a dialogue, which most commonly appears during matches. They can give you tips or information about the game, tell you about incoming enemies or simply talk to the player. Prior to the Overhaul Update, there were no Narrators, instead there was only beginning text.
Aggressive | Skeptical | Stressed | Observant | Disappointed |
Teaching | Neutral 1 | Neutral 2 | Lost 1 | Lost 2 |
Lost 3 | ||||
The Commander is the main narrator of the game. He appears as a narrator in every mode, as well as Outpost 32, Totality Tower, D00M's Revenge, Cold Ambush, The Great Finale and Pls Donate. He also can appear outside of modes. He is the same as the Commander tower.
- In v1.22.0, the Commander's model was updated for the Commander rework, although this change was reverted in v1.23.0, most likely as a mistake.
- This was later fixed in v1.37.0
- The Commander is the only narrator that has different icons for the You lost! screen.
- The Commander's dialogue icons have a different skin tone than the Commander tower in the game.
- This is because the dialogue icons were based on the Commander's appearance during the Hardcore Testing BETA.
- This issue is corrected for both the animated viewport dialogue and the You lost! icons.
- The "OOF!" lose dialogue is a reference to the old death sound used on Roblox.
- The "Mission Failed, we'll get em' next time." lose dialogue is a reference to the Mission Failed, we'll get em' next time meme.
- The "Not enough numbers!" lose dialogue is a reference to the "Strength in numbers!" voiceline that can play when using the Commander's Call to Arms ability.
- The "We just had our grave dug.." lose dialogue is a reference to the Grave Digger enemy, as the dialogue on wave 25 of Easy mode mentions the Grave Digger digging the player's grave.
- In v1.41.0, The Commander uses voicelines for the first time in Pls Donate. These would later appear in more modes, such as in Molten mode.
Neutral |
??? is the main narrator for Hidden Wave.
- The ??? narrator uses the same model as 1x1x1x1 from The Classic Event, except that it has a completely black body and a ribcage.
- However, these two narrators are not the same character.
- It is likely that this is Lord Exo, as the same model can be seen in the portal of Failed Gateway which was set to lead to Lord Exo's prison.
Commander (April Fools 2022)
Aggressive | Skeptical | Stressed | Teaching | Neutral |
Lost 1 | Lost 2 | Lost 3 | ||
The Commander is the main narrator of the game for the April Fools 2022. He appears as a narrator in every mode. He is the Commander tower from the game, exception that he is a white wolf.
- The Commander speaks in furry talk, where each "r" and "l" is replaced with the "w". It also often ended its dialogue with a emoticon.
- Its skeptical icon is a stickman with a white background, while the teaching icon is the LOL Guy, rather than a variant of the Commander.
Narrator (Halloween 2020)
Talk | Evil | Sinister |
The Narrator is the narrator for the Trick or Threat Town map.
- The Narrator is the same person as the Narrator from the Lunar Overture Event.
Giga AJ
Dialogue | Angry | Concerned |
The Giga AJ is the narrator for the Metaverse Champions Event. It is the AJ Striker from the Roblox's Metaverse Champions.
- The Giga AJ could be seen in the lobby next to the portal for the Metaverse Champions Event.
- The Giga AJ's name and poses are a reference to the GigaChad meme.
Neutral | Aggressive | Scared | Taunt |
The Jaxe is the narrator for the Rotfield map. It is the Jaxe from the Solar Eclipse Event.
- The Jaxe's dialogue icons have a slightly different appearance than the Jaxe enemy in the game.
- The inside of the pumpkin head in the dialogue icons is glowing yellow, while in-game it is orange.
Swamp Monster
Neutral | Aggressive | Scared | Taunt |
The Swamp Monster is the narrator for the Foggy Forest map. It is the Swamp Monster from the Solar Eclipse Event.
- The Swamp Monster's dialogue icons have a slightly different appearance than the Swamp Monster enemy in the game.
- The Swamp Monster wields one trident in the dialogue icons, while in the game the Swamp Monster wields four.
Neutral | Aggressive | Scared | Taunt |
The Penumbras is the narrator for the Tower Outskirts map. He is the Penumbras from the Solar Eclipse Event.
The Umbra
Neutral | Aggressive | Taunt |
The Umbra is the narrator for the Totality Tower map. She is The Umbra from the Solar Eclipse Event.
- The Umbra is the first narrator that uses voicelines.
- The Umbra is voiced by BethyVA.
Narrator (Lunar Overture)
The Narrator is the main narrator for the A Dark Tale, The Haunted Past and The Great Finale maps.
- The Narrator is the second narrator that uses voicelines.
- The Narrator is the first narrator to use a viewport model rather than static renders.
- The Narrator's top hat was turned into an UGC accessory obtained by triumphing The Great Finale, with the accessory being Narrator's Top Hat.
- The Narrator originally was only a translucent black humanoid with small white eyes, red and gold tophat, white gloves and a microphone.
- When the second act of the Lunar Overture Event its hat gained feathers and he now wears a red coat with a rose on the chest, golden accents and frills on the sleeves, its eyes are larger with a smile and its right side of the face is now white.
- The Narrator also has a long brown magic wand in its right hand, that clips through the microphone.
- In The Great Finale, The Narrator was confirmed to be the same person as the Narrator from Trick or Threat Town.
- The Narrator is voiced by RemingtonVA.
Neutral |
The Executioner is a secondary narrator for the A Dark Tale and The Great Finale maps. It is the Executioner enemy from the Lunar Overture Event.
Neutral |
Santa is the narrator for the Krampus Frosthold map. He could also be found in the main lobby, where you can speak with it to pick one event quest.
Neutral |
1x1x1x1 is the main narrator for the maps Classic Candy Cane Lane, Classic Winter, Classic Forest Camp, Classic Island Chaos and Classic Castle during The Classic Event.
- 1x1x1x1 states that it was roommates with Korblox Deathwalker in college.
- 1x1x1x1 is a test account that was created by Shedletsky, formerly Telamon. Throughout the community, many rumors spread about 1x1x1x1 being a "hacker".
- The remade 1x1x1x1 account was created in August of 2010 by user makkapakka3, due to the account sharing the same passwords as other accounts he had created.
- One of its lines in Classic Island Chaos, "I don't like sand. Its coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere", is a reference to Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.
- 1x1x1x1 shares the same animation of Narrator's dialogue 1.
- 1x1x1x1 looks identical to ???, with a different texture.
- These two narrators are not the same characters.
Neutral | Aggressive | Teach | Scared |
Sneaky | Disappointed | Thinking | No Animation |
Dispatcher is a narrator that appears in Failed Gateway, The Nightmare Realm, Containment, Pls Donate, and Outpost 32 maps.
- The phrase "Nah, we'd win." is a reference to a phrase from the manga series Jujutsu Kaisen.
- Dispatcher shares the same animations with the Commander.
- Dispatcher is voiced by BethyVA.
Icons (Regular)
Neutral |
Icons (Corrupted)
Neutral |
Titus is a narrator for the Failed Gateway and Containment maps. He is Titus and Corrupted Titus from the Hexscape Event.
- Titus is voiced by Enthrallist.
Icons (Regular)
Silhouette | Neutral |
Icons (Corrupted)
Neutral |
Conserver is a narrator for The Nightmare Realm and Containment maps. It is the Conserver and Corrupted Conserver from the Hexscape Event.
- Conserver is voiced by Enthrallist.
Professor V
Aggressive | Neutral | Research |
No Animation | ||
Professor V is a narrator for the Outpost 32 map from the Operation I.C.E Event.