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Molten Mode

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This article is about Molten Mode. You may be looking for other uses of Molten.

"For players who are experienced with the game and want a little challenge."
―Gamemode Description


Molten mode, formerly Normal mode, is one of the five main Survival modes. Molten mode has 35 waves. It is named after its final boss, the Molten Warlord.

Cash is only gained if an enemy is killed, or in some cases, damaged by a specific amount of health. Additionally, the amount gained is a set amount of cash, which is not always equal to the enemy's health. In solo, you receive 100% of the cash when an enemy is killed, or it is damaged enough. With each additional player, this decreases by 25%, which means that in a quad, you only get 25% of the cash. This amount is distributed between players based on how much damage they dealt. However, if a player has not dealt any damage, they will receive a percentage of the enemy's full cash upon its death or when it was damaged enough, which is 12.5% in duo, 16.7% in trio and 18.75% in quad. If it is a decimal, it gets rounded up or down depending on the decimal value. If it is at least 0.5, it gets rounded up. If it is less than 0.5, it gets rounded down. For example, the Molten Warlord gives Cash (Gameplay Currency)$1,000 after losing 1% of its health in solo, Cash (Gameplay Currency)$750 in duo, Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 in trio and Cash (Gameplay Currency)$250 in quad between the players that damaged it. Players that did not damage it receive Cash (Gameplay Currency)$125 in duo, Cash (Gameplay Currency)$167 in trio and Cash (Gameplay Currency)$188 in quad.

Health of enemies in this mode is scaled with proportion to player count, starting up from three players. For duo parties, this health is scaled by 5%, 10% in trio parties, and 20% in quad parties, all with an added set amount of health added on top of that increase. It is applied after attributes, like Bloated, meaning they can affect the health of an enemy. The first increase is not always 10%, while the second increase has a varied amount it increases health by, both affected by enemy health.


For former rewards, see this mode's Rewards page.

The game calculates how many Coin Coins and Experience EXP you receive based on how many waves you survived and if you won a match. During periods of 100% more Experience EXP (Friday ā€“ Sunday), any Experience EXP earned is multiplied by 2x through the XP Boost modifier. The VIP gamepass also multiplies any Experience EXP earned by 1.25x through the VIP Boost modifier. These two boosts are additive. Some maps like Mason Arch can also increase all rewards by a specific amount. Regular Experience EXP boosts are multiplicative with other modifiers.

Any rewards that end in a decimal point is rounded down, no matter the first figure of the leading decimal.

Rewards are calculated as:

Coins Reward EXP Reward
Coin 650 Ć· (1 + [(40 Ć· Current Wave) - 1]^1.3) + Coin 100 (Triumph Bonus) Experience 135 EXP Ć· (1 + [(40 Ć· Current Wave) - 1]) + Experience 50 EXP (Triumph Bonus)

Triumphing Molten mode can give out an additional reward, which can be a crate, consumable or ticket. They are meant to be guaranteed, though due to a bug this does not always happen. Additionally, items are sometimes not given out. These items are:


There are also two badges which you can obtain when playing this mode, which have additional rewards alongside the badge. These badges are:

Defeat Molten Warlord
D11MoltenBadge Well, that was a pretty heated battle.
Obtained Cowboy
Cowboy5 No description available



During some Passes, the Molten mode could give currency rewards which you used to progress through a season. Rewards for all the seasons were calculated as:

Season Rewards
End of Summer Season Shell 175 Ɨ (Waves/30)^1.75
Season of Love Love Letter 50[1] Ɨ (Waves/30)^1.75
Solar Eclipse Season Shard 25 Ɨ (Waves/30)^1.75
Frost Invasion Season Shard 25[2] Ɨ (Waves/30)^1.75
Operation I.C.E Battle Pass Bell 10[3] per wave


This does not include enemies that appear in special maps, but includes the Enemies Beta enemies.

Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 4
Elite Abnormal
Wave 8
Wave 10
Wave 11
Wave 14
Molten Corpse
Molten Golem
Wave 16
Wave 17
Hidden Boss
Wave 18
Molten Necromancer
Wave 20
Molten Demon
Molten Hound
Wave 21
Molten Mech
Wave 24
Elite Molten
Wave 24
Elite Hazmat
Wave 24
Wave 26
Wave 26
Wave 28
Molten Titan
Wave 29
Molten Executioner
Wave 30
Wave 31
Molten Summoner
Wave 31
Molten Warlord
Wave 35

Wave Structure

Currently, the formula for calculating wave bonus depends on wave. Between waves 1 to 15, the wave bonus is calculated as:

Cash (Gameplay Currency)$250 + ([Waves Completed - 1] Ɨ Cash (Gameplay Currency)$60)^1.03

Between waves 16 and 24, it is calculated as:

Cash (Gameplay Currency)$300 + ([Waves Completed - 1] Ɨ Cash (Gameplay Currency)$70)^1.07

Between waves 25 and 29, it is calculated as:

Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 + ([Waves Completed - 1] Ɨ Cash (Gameplay Currency)$80)^1.09

Between waves 30 and 33, it is calculated as:

Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 + ([Waves Completed - 1] Ɨ Cash (Gameplay Currency)$100)^1.1

Between waves 34 and 35, it is just Cash (Gameplay Currency)$10,000. Depending on player count, the wave bonus is reduced using multipliers. These multipliers are:

Players Reduction per Player Total Reduction
Solo 0% 0%
Duo 5% 10%
Trio 5% 15%
Quad 5% 20%

For example, on Wave 2, the wave bonus is Cash (Gameplay Currency)$317.84155407, rounded down to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$317. The full number is used in the equation. In duo, it is Cash (Gameplay Currency)$286 (Cash (Gameplay Currency)$286.057398663 Ɨ 0.9), in trio, it is Cash (Gameplay Currency)$270 (Cash (Gameplay Currency)$270.165320959 Ɨ 0.85), while in quad it is Cash (Gameplay Currency)$254 (Cash (Gameplay Currency)$254.273243256 Ɨ 0.8). The wave clear bonus appears when every enemy from that wave was killed and no damage was dealt to the base health. It is 40% of the wave bonus in solo, while for duo, trio and quad it is 20%.

Before 11th of December 2024, the formula for calculating wave bonus on each wave was:

(Cash (Gameplay Currency)$205 + (Waves Completed - 1) Ɨ Cash (Gameplay Currency)$75) Ć· (1 - 0.1 Ɨ Players)

Before 23rd of May 2024, the formula for calculating wave bonus on each wave was:

(Cash (Gameplay Currency)$180 + (Cash (Gameplay Currency)$75 Ɨ Waves Completed)) Ɨ Players

Before the Overhaul Update, it was calculated as:

(Cash (Gameplay Currency)$50 - 5 Ɨ (Players - 1)) Ɨ Waves Completed

The waves in Molten mode follow these timings:

Waves Wave Timer Skip Time[8]
1-17 1:00 0:19[9]
18-19 1:15 0:19[10]
20-22 1:00 0:19[9]
23 1:15 0:19[10]
24 1:00 0:19[9]
25 1:10 0:19[11]
26 1:15 0:19[10]
27 1:00 0:19[9]
28 1:05 0:19[12]
29 1:00 0:19[9]
30-34 1:20 0:19[13]
35 āˆž N/A

Bolded names indicates an enemy type's debut.

For former wave structures of Molten mode, visit the Waves page.

Wave Structure
Wave Commander Dialogue Enemy Type & Amount
Weā€™ve gotten reports of Molten enemies in the vicinity. 4x Abnormal
Be cautious, even one misstep can result in disaster.
2 - 5x Abnormal, 1x Quick
3 - 6x Abnormal, 2x Quick
Heads up, heavy enemies inbound! 3x Abnormal, 2x Heavy, 3x Abnormal
Remember, strategically placed defenses are better than any upgrade
5 - 5x Quick (Corpse), 5x Quick
6 - 2x Heavy, 4x Quick, 2x Heavy, 4x Quick
7 - 8x Heavy
Wait, is that an Elite Abnormal?![14] 12x Abnormal, 1x Elite Abnormal (Boss)
Don't be intimidated! They're beneath us!
9 - 8x Quick (Bloated), 5x Heavy, 6x Abnormal (Bloated), 4x Quick (Bloated)
Motion detectors are picking up some Hidden enemies nearby. Have some hidden detection ready! 5x Heavy (Nimble), 8x Hidden, 1x Elite Abnormal
Can you feel it? There's a growing tension in the air. they'll be searching for our weak points.
They're ramping up their attack. Breaker enemies incoming. 8x Heavy, 1x Elite Abnormal, 12x Quick (Bloated), 3x Breaker2
They think they can overwhelm us with some cheap gimmicks.
12 - 5x Breaker2, 3x Heavy (Bloated), 1x Elite Abnormal, 3x Heavy (Bloated), 1x Elite Abnormal
13 - 10x Hidden, 1x Elite Abnormal (Bloated), 10x Hidden
Molten enemies spotted! I hope we're prepared! 2x Molten, 1x Elite Abnormal, 6x Breaker2, 10x Hidden
Our reports indicate that these Molten are more advanced. Don't get too comfortable!
15 - 4x Breaker2, 2x Elite Abnormal (Bloated), 3x Molten (Corpse)
What is that monstrosity?! 4x Hidden (Bloated, Corpse), 2x Elite Abnormal (Nimble), 1x Molten Golem (Boss)
The Molten have begun to adapt and manifest new enemies. They seem to be...learning.
17 - 5x Hazmat, 6x Breaker2, 5x Hazmat, 6x Breaker2
I can't believe it! They're using the Hidden Bosses! 3x Hidden (Nimble, Corpse), 1x Hidden Boss, 5x Breaker2 (Nimble), 6x Molten, 2x Elite Abnormal (Bloated)
With our level of firepower, nothing will get past us!
19 - 5x Molten (Nimble), 1x Hidden Boss, 3x Hazmat, 1x Hidden Boss
Molten Necromancer spotted in the horde. 4x Hazmat, 1x Molten Necromancer, 4x Molten (Corpse), 1x Molten Necromancer, 4x Hazmat
It will summon demons to fight for itā€•but I have to wonder, where exactly do these summoned demons come from?
Reports are coming in about something strange on the field. is that 1x Hidden Boss, 5x Molten, 3x Molten Hound, 5x Molten
Down boy! We're sending you back to the knennel[sic]!
22 - 1x Molten Golem, 2x Hidden Boss, 6x Molten, 5x Hazmat, 2x Molten Necromancer
23 - 1x Hidden Boss, 10x Molten (Bloated, Corpse), 1x Molten Golem, 1x Molten Necromancer (Bloated), 1x Molten Golem
Elite Molten are beginning to run down the field. 1x Molten Mech, 4x Elite Hazmat (Nimble), 3x Elite Molten, 1x Molten Mech, 4x Elite Hazmat (Nimble), 3x Elite Molten,
We cannot not[sic] be defeated! Our recruits are the finest in the field!
25 - 4x Molten Hound (Corpse), 2x Hidden Boss, 1x Molten Mech (Corpse), 5x Elite Hazmat (Nimble), 10x Molten (Nimble), 1x Molten Golem (Nimble), 4x Elite Molten
Brace yourselves! Boomers are on their way! 5x Breaker4, 10x Breaker2 (Nimble), 1x Boomer, 6x Elite Molten (Corpse), 1x Molten Necromancer (Bloated), 5x Breaker4, 10x Breaker2 (Nimble)
They're adjusting their strategies, but nothing can break through us!
27 - 1x Boomer (Bloated), 6x Molten Hound (Nimble), 2x Molten Mech (Bloated), 5x Elite Hazmat (Bloated), 1x Molten Golem (Bloated), 5x Elite Hazmat (Bloated)
28 - 1x Boomer, 3x Molten Golem, 4x Elite Molten (Hidden), 4x Elite Hazmat (Bloated), 1x Molten Mech (Bloated), 1x Bulwark, 1x Boomer, 4x Elite Molten (Hidden)
29 - 1x Molten Titan, 6x Breaker4, 1x Boomer (Corpse), 4x Elite Molten (Corpse), 1x Molten Titan, 5x Elite Hazmat (Bloated), 1x Molten Necromancer (Bloated)
We've spotted a Molten Executioner! 1x Molten Titan, 4x Molten Mech (Corpse), 5x Elite Molten (Nimble), 1x Molten Executioner (Boss), 1x Bulwark, 7x Elite Molten (Hidden), 4x Breaker4
Give it everything we've got!
A Molten Summoner?! This could be a massive problem if they keep it up! 1x Tanker, 1x Bulwark, 5x Elite Molten (Hidden), 1x Bulwark, 1x Molten Golem, 1x Molten Mech, 5x Elite Molten, 1x Molten Summoner (Boss)
Hah! As if! We're unbeatable!
32 - 4x Molten Mech (Bloated), 1x Tanker, 1x Boomer, 1x Bulwark, 1x Molten Titan, 1x Boomer, 1x Molten Titan
33 - 1x Tanker, 1x Molten Titan, 6x Molten Mech (Corpse), 4x Molten Hound (Nimble, Hidden), 1x Molten Summoner (Bloated), 15x Elite Molten
34 - 10x Molten Hound (Bloated, Nimble, Corpse), 1x Molten Executioner, 1x Bulwark, 1x Tanker, 3x Molten Necromancer (Bloated), 2x Molten Golem, 8x Elite Molten
This is it, the Molten Warlord thinks it can challenge us! 5x Molten Hound (Corpse), 1x Molten Executioner, 2x Molten Titan, 1x Bulwark, 1x Molten Summoner, 1x Molten Warlord, 1x Molten Necromancer, 6x Molten Hound, 5x Elite Molten (Corpse)
Fight with fire in your heart! Dominate the battlefield and show no mercy!
Lose Dialogue
One icon and dialogue is randomly chosen upon defeat:

ā€¢We're toast!
ā€¢Mission Failed, we'll get em' next time.
ā€¢Not enough numbers!
ā€¢Mistakes are just part of the journey..
ā€¢We're overrun chief!
ā€¢We'll get them next time!
ā€¢Don't give up!
ā€¢We need back up sergeant!
ā€¢We just had our grave dug..
ā€¢We have to fall back soldier!
ā€¢Oops! Try again!
ā€¢The enemies got to the base!
ā€¢Strategy is key!

Wave Audio
Wave Audio


Wave 1-14
These soundtracks can be randomly chosen to play between these waves.

Wave 15-29
These soundtracks can be randomly chosen to play between these waves.

Wave 30-34
These soundtracks can be randomly chosen to play between these waves.

Final Wave
This soundtracks are or were played on final wave.





  • Since v1.45.0, the Commander uses voicelines in this mode, making it the first non-event mode where a narrator uses voicelines.

Update History

  • 13 October 2019 - Release v1.0.0
    • Normal mode added.
  • 14 October 2019 - Release v1.0.1
    • Shared cash of 50% added.
  • 9 November 2019 - Release v1.2.0
    • Final wave music changed from Fallen Boss to Molten Doom.
  • 25 November 2019 - Release v1.3.0a
    • Beginning text on Wave 40 changed from "Boss text here lol" to "Things are getting really. Really. Heated.".
  • 11 February 2020 - Release v1.7.0
    • Name changed from Normal mode to Molten mode.
    • New icons.
  • 18 March 2020 - Release v1.8.0
    • New medal icon.
  • 26 May 2020 - Release v1.11.0
    • Wave structure changed.
  • 29 October 2020 - Overhaul v1.0.0
    • Wave structure changed.
    • Dialogue added.
    • Wave bonus formula changed.
    • Coin Coins and Experience EXP rewards formula changed.
    • New medal icon.
    • New mode icon.
    • Final wave music now plays when the Molten Boss spawns instead of playing at the beginning of the wave.
  • 22 March 2022 - v1.1.0e
    • Bug: Final wave music no longer plays.
  • 11 April 2022 - v1.1.0k
    • Bugfix: Final wave music now plays again.
  • 29 July 2022 - v1.3.0
    • Final wave music changed from Molten Doom to Meltdown.
  • 9 June 2023 - v1.8.0
    • In community maps, rewards now depend on difficulty. Easier maps have reduced rewards and harder maps have increased rewards. Normal difficulty rewards are not changed.
  • 28 October 2023 - v1.9.0
    • Bug: Shared cash does not work.
  • 3 November 2023 - v1.9.0j
    • Bugfix: Shared cash now works.
  • 3 May 2024 - v1.20.0
    • Description now has rewards reduced by 20%, but actual rewards are unchanged.
  • 18 May 2024 - v1.22.0
  • 23 May 2024 - v1.23.0
    • Wave structure changed.
    • Starting cash changed.
      • Solo starting cash remains at Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500.
      • Decreased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$400 in duo.
      • Decreased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$350 in trio.
      • Decreased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$300 in quad.
    • Coin Coins and Experience EXP rewards formula changed.
    • Wave bonus formula changed.
    • Updated to the new mode system.
    • Bug: Economy does not work.
    • Bug: Rewards are much lower than intended.
    • Bug: Badge is unobtainable.
    • Bug: Rewards are unaffected by the difficulty based rewards on community maps.
    • Bug: Consumable crate and Time Scale Ticket Time Scale Ticket rewards can no longer be gotten.
  • 23 May 2024 - v1.23.0a
    • Bugfix: Economy now works.
  • 27 May 2024 - v1.23.2
    • Starting cash increased.
      • Increased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$600 in solo.
      • Increased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$400 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 in duo.
      • Increased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$350 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$450 in trio.
      • Increased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$300 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$400 in quad.
    • Bugfix: Experience EXP rewards are now the intended amount, Coin Coins partially corrected.
    • Bugfix: Badge is now obtainable.
  • 27 May 2024 - v1.23.2a
    • Rewards now use the old formulas.
    • Bugfix: Coin Coins rewards are now the intended amount.
  • 19 July 2024 - v1.26.0
    • Triumph bonus reduced from Coin 100 to Coin 50.
    • Bonus rewards for triumphing changed.
    • Bug: Spin Ticket Spin Ticket and Revive Ticket Revive Ticket triumph rewards are not always given out despite being shown on the triumph screen.
    • Bug: Triumph rewards sometimes are not given out or shown in the triumph screen.
    • Bugfix: Triumph rewards now work again.
  • 6 August 2024 - v1.27.2
    • Bugfix: Spin Ticket Spin Ticket and Revive Ticket Revive Ticket triumph rewards are now given out.
  • 28 August 2024 - v1.29.0
    • Bug: Entering a Molten mode match through the PLAY SURVIVAL button creates a match in Molten mode from before 23rd of May 2024.
  • 25 September 2024 - v1.33.0
    • Coin Coins rewards decreased, Experience EXP rewards increased.
  • 11 December 2024 - v1.45.0
    • Wave structure changed.
    • Coin Coins and Experience EXP rewards formulas changed.
    • Wave bonus formula changed.
    • Changed triumph rewards.
      • Grenade, Flash Bang, Molotov and AirStrike removed from the reward pool.
      • Common chance increased from 50% to 55%.
      • Uncommon chance increased from 30% to 35%.
      • Rare chance decreased from 20% to 10%.
      • Time Scale Ticket Time Scale Ticket rarity changed from Uncommon to Common.
      • Time Scale Ticket Time Scale Ticket rarity changed from Uncommon to Common.
      • Time Scale Ticket Time Scale Tickets increased from 1 to 2-4.
      • Revive Ticket Revive Ticket rarity changed from Uncommon to Common.
      • Revive Ticket Revive Tickets increased from 1 to 2-3.
      • Spin Ticket Spin Ticket rarity changed from Rare to Common.
      • Spin Ticket Spin Tickets increased from 1 to 2-3.
      • Low Grade Consumable Crate rarity changed from Rare to Common.
      • Barricade rarity changed from Rare to Common.
      • Barricades increased from 1 to 2-4.
      • Supply Drop rarity changed from Rare to Common.
      • Supply Drops increased from 1 to 2-4.
      • Cooldown Flag added as an Uncommon reward. Given out 2-4 times.
      • Range Flag added as an Uncommon reward. Given out 2-4 times.
      • Damage Flag added as an Uncommon reward. Given out 2-4 times.
      • Mid Grade Consumable Crate added as an Uncommon reward. Given out 1 time.
      • Turkey Leg added as an Uncommon reward. Given out 1-3 times.
      • Pumpkin Bomb added as an Uncommon reward. Given out 1-2 times.
    • Now uses the new income system.
    • Starting cash is now Cash (Gameplay Currency)$500 regardless of player count.
    • Updated mode icon.
    • Description chagned.
    • Ambient music added.
    • Level requirement increased from Level 0 to Level 15.
    • Bugfix: The PLAY SURVIVAL button no longer creates a match in the legacy version of Molten mode.
  • 20 December 2024 - v1.47.0
    • Wave structure changed.
  • 15 January 2025 - v1.49.0
  • 5 February 2025 - v1.52.0
    • Updated soundtracks.
      • Early-game tracks now play between waves 1-14. It can play Heatwave, Ground Zero and Into The Void.
      • Mid-game tracks now play between waves 15-29. It can play Hellfire, Art Of War and Return to Ruin.
      • Late-game tracks now play between waves 30-34. It can play Infernal Torment and Catharsis.


  1. ā†‘ Originally was Love Letter 25
  2. ā†‘ Before 16th of May 2021, it was Shard 35.
  3. ā†‘ Before 18th of December 2024, the rewards were Bell 13 per wave.
  4. ā†‘ Does not appear naturally, it can only be spawned by the Breaker2.
  5. ā†‘ Does not appear naturally, it can only be spawned by killing enemies with the Corpse attribute.
  6. ā†‘ Does not appear naturally, it can only be spawned by the Molten Necromancer.
  7. ā†‘ Does not appear naturally, it can only be spawned by the Breaker4.
  8. ā†‘ How long you have to wait before you can skip.
  9. ā†‘ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Skip at 0:40.
  10. ā†‘ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Skip at 0:55.
  11. ā†‘ Skip at 0:50.
  12. ā†‘ Skip at 0:45.
  13. ā†‘ Skip at 1:00.
  14. ā†‘ an Elite Abnormal was misspoke as an Abnormal Boss by Commander.

Special Maps
Special Maps
Special Maps