Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki

This page contains all miscellaneous articles pertaining to random assortments of game knowledge.


There are various Tower Defense Simulator-themed Toys, generally sold by Roblox or Paradoxum Games, which can be mini-figures or plushies. They are based on multiple things that appear in the game, such as towers, enemies or units.

See them all here.

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Tower Defense Simulator has Merchandise themed around the game, with designs based on elements and characters of Tower Defense Simulator.

See them all here.

How to Play

This is a guide for new players through the mechanics, controls and functions of the game, though it can be referred to later on during the game.

Read more about it here.


Tower Defense Simulator uses a wide range of soundtracks, many of them original, others taken from certain music sources. The game itself has a dedicated music composer (Phoqus) who creates most of the music themselves.

All soundtracks can be found here.


Tower Defense Simulator has ambience sounds play in the background in specific parts of the game. These are, most often, long audios that play on loop, similarly to Soundtracks, though these are separate and have different purposes.

Read more about it here.

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Tower Defense Simulator has used a wide range of images to promote and represent the game. A collection of thumbnails, icons and promotional images can be seen on the page.

Read more about it here.


Trailers are videos that appear on the main game page of Tower Defense Simulator. They are usually up to 30 seconds long, usually being meant to give a brief look into the game following an update or event.

Read more about it here.


Badges are obtained for either beating maps, leveling up, beating events and miscellaneous stuff.

Read more about it here.

Update Log

The game has developed quite considerably over the years. It has undergone considerable change since the game was created on the 5th of June 2019.

All development logs since the game was released to BETA can be found here.

Children of Exo

The Children of Exo are a very devoted cult as well as a mysterious and ruthless terrorist organization which seems to follow and worship the enigmatic Lord Exo. They are the main antagonists of various events.

Read more about it here.

TDS Experimental

TDS Experimental is used by the developers to test changes made to the game, which anyone can participate in.

Read more about it here.

Discord Art Contest Winners

On the Tower Defense Simulator Discord, occasional art contests are held. Those who win are usually rewarded with a prize, as well as having their artwork featured in the lobby.

All winners can be found here.

Award Nominations

Every year, Roblox hosts the Innovation Awards event (formerly the Bloxys). Tower Defense Simulator has been nominated by Roblox in the Bloxys and Innovation Awards multiple times.

All nominations can be found here.


Tower Defense Simulator has UGC made themed around it that can be either bought in the Roblox marketplace, triumphing certain maps or finishing certain quests,

All UGC can be found here.

Evil Smirk
Funny Faces (April Fools 2020)

Funny Faces were an April Fools joke that were added to the game in 2020. It replaced all humanoid towers' faces with one of the faces shown.

Read more about it here.


Gamepasses can be purchased with Robux Robux. Some Gamepasses only give cosmetic changes, such as emotes or the ability to change the DJ Booth's music, while others are gameplay changing, such as ability to gain level and exclusive towers.

Read more about it here.

Cooldown Icon
Firerate Bug

The Firerate Bug, also known as the ROF Bug, is a bug with Roblox's engine which increases a tower's firerate. This bug heavily affects the statistics of fast-firing towers, such as the Minigunner and Accelerator by significantly decreasing their DPS, while slow-firing towers like the Ranger or Sniper are barely affected.

Read more about it here.

April Fools 2022

The April Fools 2022 update was an April Fools joke that was added to the game on the 31st of March 2022. It randomized the faces, animations, and the sounds of towers, units and enemies. Additionally, it also changed the Commander narrator's icons and dialogue.

Read more about it here.
