Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Event Ended

The Lunar Overture Event has ended after the 21st of December 2023 and almost all associated items have been made unobtainable/removed.
This page has been preserved for historical purposes.

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This article is about Lunar Overture Event. You may be looking for other uses of Lunar.


The Lunar Overture Event was the twelfth event to be added to Tower Defense Simulator. This event brought two new event towers and a season pass, which requiredPumpkinPumpkins to reach higher ranks.

This event had three acts, which were three different maps with unique enemies and wave structure, with each act getting harder. The first act was released a few hours after the Lunar Overture Update released (on the 28th of October 2023), the second act was released on the 31st of October 2023, with the third act being released on the 12th of November 2023.

The event started on the 28th of October 2023 and ended the 21st of December 2023.

Lunar Overture Season Pass


PumpkinPumpkins were this event's currency. They were collected by killing enemies that spawn with randomly chosen pumpkin hats. All naturally spawned enemies can spawn with one of these hats. These enemies drop between one and three PumpkinPumpkins when killed, which have to be collected by walking up to them.

In total, it would take Pumpkin5,200 Pumpkins or Robux 5,900 to complete the season pass.

Lunar Overture Season Pass
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Rank 4
Rank 5
Rank 6
Rank 7
Rank 8
Rank 9
Rank 10
Rank 11
Rank 12
Rank 13
Rank 14
Rank 15
Rank 16
Unlock Cost
Pumpkin100 Robux 50
Pumpkin100 Robux 80
Pumpkin300 Robux 120
Pumpkin400 Robux 150
Pumpkin200 Robux 180
Pumpkin200 Robux 240
Pumpkin300 Robux 280
Pumpkin400 Robux 500
Pumpkin500 Robux 380
Pumpkin500 Robux 430
Pumpkin400 Robux 480
Pumpkin400 Robux 520
Pumpkin300 Robux 560
Pumpkin400 Robux 600
Pumpkin300 Robux 640
Pumpkin400 Robux 690


ADarkTaleIcon TheHauntedPastIcon TheGreatFinaleIcon
A Dark Tale The Haunted Past The Great Finale


NecromancerTowerIcon JesterIcon
Necromancer Jester


Masqueradescout Davinchisniper Davinchimilitant MasqCowboyIcon
Masquerade Scout Davinchi Sniper Davinchi Militant Masquerade Cowboy
FrankensteinElectroshocker MasqueradeWarden CrossbowTurret MasqueradeMedic
Frankenstein Electroshocker Masquerade Warden Crossbow Turret Masquerade Medic
GravediggerEngineer MasqueradeDJBooth
Grave Digger Engineer Masquerade DJ Booth


Binary Nametag


Spooky Dance Popcorn Emote Zombie Emote
Spooky Popcorn The Z Step


Accessories were originally obtained by triumphing acts, while the God Cube Fragments accessory was obtained by finishing an obby in the lobby. Accessories from the three acts can be purchased with Robux Robux if they are being re-sold by people who obtained them, with the prices varying based on who is selling them.

Act I
PumpkinShoulderPal ExecutionerHelmet ExecutionerAxe
Pumpkid Shoulder Pal Executioner's Helmet Executioner's Axe
Obtainment Method Chance to get upon Act I triumph Chance to get upon Act I triumph Chance to get upon Act I triumph
Stock 25,000 10,000 2,500
Act II
JackoBotHead JackoBotChestplate ReaperGear
Jack O' Bot Head Jack O' Bot Chestplate Reaper's Gear
Obtainment Method Chance to get upon Act II triumph Chance to get upon Act II triumph Chance to get upon Act II triumph
Stock 30,000 15,000 3,000
GodCubeFragments EclipseCrown Narrator's Top Hat Mask of Symphony
God Cube Fragments Eclipse Crown Narrator's Top Hat Mask of Symphony
Obtainment Method Finish the short obby in the "Nil Zone" Chance to get upon Act III triumph Guaranteed to get upon Act III triumph Chance to get upon Act III triumph
Stock 25,000 12,000 50,000 6,000
Necromancer's Tome image
Necromancer's Tome
Obtainment Method Chance to get upon Act III triumph
Stock 3,000


Act I
Pumpkid OvergrowthLunar GhostLunar ScarecrowLunar Swamper
Pumpkid Overgrowth Ghost Scarecrow Swamper
CitizenPlush KnightLunar CobaltGuardLunar ExecutionerPlush
Citizen Plush Knight Cobalt Guard Executioner
Act II
Pumpkid Skeletonlunar GhostLunar MummyAct2 WitchAct2
Pumpkid Skeleton Ghost Mummy Witch
ScarecrowLunar GiantSkeletonLunar AnotherFrankensteinLunar ClownAct2 DemonLunarTransparasement
Scarecrow Giant Skeleton Frankenstein Clown Demon
SinRealtdsnobackground HallowGuardLunar1 WerewolfAct2 ReaperAct2 refreshed JackoBotLunar
Sin Hallow Guard Werewolf Reaper Jack-o-Bot
Actor1 CitizenPlush KnightLunar Actor2 CobaltGuardLunar
Actor1 Citizen Plush Knight Actor2 Cobalt Guard
Voodoo Doll LO Marionette ExecutionerPlush Sock Actor3
Voodoo Doll Marionette Executioner Sock Puppet Actor3
Hand Hand2
Left Hand Right Hand




Promotional Images

Promotional Videos

Currency Accessories



  • The theater all the maps taken place in is called Solar Theatres.
  • This is the first event to feature cutscenes.
    • Additionally, this is the first event to feature animated narrators.
  • This is also the first event to have enemies with a set amount of cash they give upon death/after being dealt enough damage.
  • This is also the first event to give out UGC accessories as a reward for completing it.
    • However, it is not the first event to give out accessories, which would be the Spring 2020 Event.
  • This is the second event where players can get two event towers, with the first being the Christmas 2019 Event.
  • This is the second event to have voiced dialogue, with the first being the Solar Eclipse Event.
  • Weirdly, a render of the Umbra Commander skin is used for the season pass, despite this skin not being obtainable from the season but the Umbra Mini Plush.
  • The skins shown off in the season pass uses portview models instead of a custom render.
    • Because of this, most rewards in the Gift Box did not have images showcasing the reward.
  • An overture is an orchestral piece that is conducted at the start of various performances, including plays.
    • Additionally, overture is from the French word "ouverture", meaning "opening" or "setting up".
  • On the 3rd of November 2023, cardboard cutouts of towers and enemies were added to the audience in the lobby. The Scout, Commander, Gladiator and The Umbra can be seen in the audience.
  • This is the first event to reward a nametag, in this case through the season.
  • This is the first event to not give a badge for triumphing the event.
  • In the Hexscape Event, the Dispatcher refers to this event as the "Overture Incident".
