Interactables are objects or items that appear on the map. These can either be there to help out the player, like allowing them to apply effects to enemies or block enemy paths, or they are on the map to make it harder, like having to pay to unlock more tower placement spots. Some interactable objects also do not impact the gameplay in any way.
Items are collectable objects that appear on the ground, generally due to an enemy being killed. These can be collected, so that they can be used for something else or just increase the amount of currency you have.
There are mutliple items which when picked up, increase the amount of currency you have. Most of the time, this is only used for season currency. These are dropped by enemies that wear specific hats upon death. These will slowly sink into the ground, before disappearing completely.
These following currencies had to be picked up as items:
The Cowboy also used to have the Gold Rush ability. When used, it had a 4% chance of spawning a cash bag which could be picked up. It would grant between $100 and $350 upon being picked up. It could only be picked up by the player who activated the Cowboy's ability.
For more information, see the Battery page.
The Battery was an item that appeared in The Great Finale as part of the Lunar Overture Event.
One Battery was randomly dropped when an enemy dies. These batteries were then used to activate the Spotlight.
For more information, see the Charge page.
The Charge was an item that appeared in the Totality Tower as part of the Solar Eclipse Event.
The Charge did not appear until Wave 16. On Wave 16, Charges would randomly appear around the map. They were used to charge up the Star Cannon.
Super Computer Parts
For more information, see the Super Computer Parts page.
Super Computer Parts are interactable items that appear in The Nightmare Realm as part of the Hexscape Event.
They are scattered on the ground at the beginning of the match and cost cash to purchase. Once all eight of them are purchased, they complete the Super Computer necessary for the objective. All eight have to be purchased before Wave 20 to complete the objective, which heavily lowers the health of the Conserver, the final boss of that map.
Shards are a collectible item found in the Outpost 32 as part of the Operation I.C.E Event. Eight of them appear in 16 different locations around the map. All of them need to be collected for the radio to be used.
The Radio is an interactable item which is used to activate the Frost Spirit's True Form. When all shards are collected, the player needs to write "operation ice" or "operation i.c.e" in it to do so. It is not case sensitive.
For more information, see the Logbooks page.
Logbooks are used to add enemies as an entry in the Index. They have a chance to drop from enemies upon death.
Offensive Objects
Offensive Objects are interactable objects which are used to fight against enemies. This does not mean that they specifically damage enemies, as they can also combat them by applying effects to them, like stuns or confusion.
For more information, see the Spotlight page.
The Spotlight was an interactable map object that appeared in The Great Finale as part of the Lunar Overture Event.
It was used to apply the confusion effect to regular enemies and to deal damage to the Left Hand and Right Hand. It required 10 Batteries to be used. There were three Spotlights in total.
Star Cannon
For more information, see the Star Cannon page.
The Star Cannon was an interactable map object that appeared in Totality Tower as part of the Solar Eclipse Event.
It was used to stun The Umbra, generally when it was going to use its Shot of The Century ability. It required three Charges to be used.
Obstacles are objects which either block tower placement or prevent enemies from moving down a path, though they can also have additional effects, like increasing base health. They need to be purchased using cash to be removed or built.
Tower Obstacles
D00M's Revenge - $71,050 Total
- Plot Spaces (38) - Varied Cost
- Cliff Spaces (9) - Varied Cost
Cold Ambush - $30,300 Total
- Plot Spaces (9) - Varied Cost
- Cliff Spaces (7) - Varied Cost
Enemy Obstacles
The Great Finale - $10,800 Total
- Gates (9) - $1,200
These are interactable objects that do not fit in any other category.
- In the first version of the Crossroads map, there was a trampoline that appeared in one of the quadrants. When stepped on by a player, it would launch them into the air.
- The car in the Huevous Hunt and Simplicity Remaster is drivable by players.
- You can sit on the train trailers in the Survival Intermission Lobby.