Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
How to Play

This page aims to guide new players through the mechanics and functions of the game, though it can be referred to later on during the game.

This guide was last updated on the 6th of January 2025.

Getting Started


Login Rewards


Starting UIs

Upon joining the game you will be greeted with an interface showing various custom UIs, as well as the familiar Roblox GUIs such as the chat. You will initially receive the Login Rewards for the day, which you can claim every day whenever you play the game. The custom UIs have various functions.

UI Icon Popup UI Name Function






Store This is the place to buy Towers, Emotes, Skincrates, Nametags, Gamepasses and developer products.

Under Home, you check in-game advertisements, of Gamepasses, Skincrates or Towers.

Under Towers, you are sent to the inventory.
To buy one, you need to select a tower in the store you have not bought, and click Buy.

Under Skins, you can buy Skincrates or a specific skin for sale, that can be used for your towers. Three random skins and four skincrates can be bought there, which change every day.
To buy one, click on a skin/skincrate then click Buy.

Under Emotes, is where you buy new emotes to your inventory. Four emotes can be bought there, with the emotes changing every day.
To buy one, you need to select an emote in the store you have not bought, and click Buy.

Under Tags, you can buy Nametags. Eight random nametags, two for each rarity can be bought here, which change every day.
To buy one, click on a nametag then click Buy.

Under Gamepasses, you can buy various gamepasses and towers, such as DJ Booth Custom Music Gamepass or the Crook Boss tower. for Robux Robux. Any offers will be shown and you can also buy gamepasses on the game's landing page.

Under Credits, you buy Coin Coins and Gem Gems.

Under tickets, you can buy various tickets, such as Time Scale Ticket Time Scale Tickets.








Items This is the place where you equip your Towers, Emotes, Nametags, Charms, select skins for towers, and open Skincrates. You can also purchase skincrates and towers here.

To select Towers for your loadout, you need to have free slots available on your Tower Loadout. You then choose Towers you want to equip and then select Equip.
To select skins for a specific tower, you must click Skins and you will be shown all the skins that you have for the tower. To unlock more skins for the tower, you must open Skincrates which is the third tab of this menu, purchase them from the daily store or unlock them from Codes.
Some towers have golden perks, which are unlocked by getting a Golden skin. You need to click Golden for the golden perk to be activated.

In the Crates section, you can purchase any crate that is currently on sale. You can open these crate by clicking Open.
You can also see every item in the crate by clicking View Contents. You can also see how likely you are to get the skin, the rarity of each skin and what skins you have unlocked.

In the Emotes section, you can select the position for your emotes or stickers by choosing an emote and clicking Equip, after that an emote wheel will be shown to you. After that you can choose a slot to equip an emote.

In the Consumables section, you can equip your consumables by clicking a consumable and clicking Equip. Up to four consumables can be equipped.

In the Charms section, you can pick a charm that you want to use. You do it by choosing a charm and clicking Equip.

In the Nametags section, you can pick a Nametag that you want to appear above your character. You do it by choosing a nametag and clicking Equip.


Mission quests

Quests This is the place to start, cancel and collect rewards for completing Quests, Mission Quests or to start Challenge Maps. In the Quests tab, there are four daily quests, which reset every 24 hours and two weekly quests, which reset every seven days. The timer for quests getting reset does not start until you join the game. Cancelling a quest resets progress for it. Only two daily quests and one weekly quest can be active at the same time.

In the Mission tab, there are three contracts which can be accepted at a cost. These missions are the same for each player and reset at 00:00 UTC. These take much longer than regular Quests, but have better rewards. These also have no time limit.

In the Challenges tab, there is one challenge map. Challenge maps are regular maps with specific modifiers applied, making the match harder. They reset at 00:00 UTC every Sunday. Rewards from them can only be obtained once a week.

During events, an additional tab may be added which includes limited time quests which include rewards, which can vary from permanent items like the Premium Skincrate and limited time items like Krampus Slayer Cryomancer.

Daily and Weekly Quests can be refilled using Robux Robux, bypassing the timer. Refilling daily quests costs Robux 50 and Robux 120.


Index This is the place where you can check the statistics of enemies you've unlocked.

To view an enemy, you must collect a Logbook that they can randomly drop. This has a low chance of dropping.

Once you have selected an enemy, you can view their statistics, such as their speed and health. You can also view the description of an enemy, if it has one.

You can also view maps after completing it on any mode. This will show the amount of times you have won and lost at the said map, your win to lose ratio, and how far you have gotten in every mode that the map is playable on.

Codes This is where you redeem Codes, simply enter a code in the box then click Redeem.


Settings This is the place where you configure your game to your liking. You can also access this GUI during a match.

Under Graphics, you can turn on or off multiple graphical settings, such as HQ explosions, camera shake, bullet trails or change the size of your character.

Under Sound, you can change the volume of various sounds, such as music, emotes and towers.

Under Keybinds, you can change keybinds or reset them to default settings. This menu is not available on mobile or consoles.








Party This is where you can create or join parties.

Under Party, you can see your party and people you can invite. If you are not in a party, a party list is displayed instead. To create a party, click Create Party.
When you create a party, you become the party owner, they can invite players to join their party, disband the party and kick players from the party. Other players cannot do this, but they can leave the party.
A match can be started by going up to any of the statues present in the lobby, such as the Minigunner statue or the Gunslinger statue. In there, you have up to four options, solo, duo, trio and quad.

It is possible to change the settings of a party. There are four options. Party lock is turned on by default, disabling it allows uninvited people to join the party. Members can invite allows other party members to invite people, this is turned off by default. The two other settings are Level requirements, by default it is set to Level 0-1000. You can also be invited to parties. When you are invited, you will receive a message on the bottom of your screen telling you that a player has invited you to their party. You can join their party by pressing the Accept button on the message or under Invites. You can also press the Deny button there to decline an invite.

When the party owner starts a match, multiple interfaces will appear, that display player that was in their party, their loadouts, victories, triumphs and losses. On the top, you will see an interface that tells you if you found a game and how long you were looking for it. On the right side of it, you can also press a button which allows you to leave the matchmaking search, as long as matchmaking is still looking for players.
If the party is not full, you will be in a match with people that were not in your party.

Gift Box This is the place where you can claim various gifts, such as towers or skins.
News Feed This is where you can see the update log for updates. It only shows updates after the end of the Solar Eclipse Event, though only most recent ones are shown.

UI Name Function
Coin & Gem Counter This is where you can see how much currency you have, mainly the Coin Coins and Gem Gems currencies.
Tower Loadout There are mainly five available slots in which you can equip your towers, though some events give the player a sixth tower while some modes reduce the number of towers. The fifth slot can only be unlocked if you are Level 15+.
Each slot has a number in the top left corner, which shows which key on the keyboard you have to press to place down your towers during a match.
Quest List On the side in the lobby and during matches, a list of currently active Quests and Mission Quests can be seen, which also showcases the progress made, its name and requirements.

Upon completing a quest, the completion requirement text will change a message telling you to redeem the rewards in the lobby.

Play Survival Above player's loadout, a button that quickly allows someone to play a match can be found. Clicking it will open up a menu with various matchmaking options. On the side of the button, current party members can also be found.
Level Bar This is the level progress bar which displays Experience EXP gained for that level, the level and the Experience EXP required to level from left to right.

Currently, the formula for levelling up is
Between Levels 0 and 10: 45 + (Current Level Ɨ 3.5)
Between Levels 10 and 40: Current Level Ɨ 8
All Levels above 40: 260 + (Current Level Ɨ 1.5)

Emote Wheel This is the wheel that shows your emotes. To use an emote, simply click on one of them.
Sticker Wheel This is the wheel that shows your sticker. To use an sticker, simply click on one of them.

PC Controls

Multiple of these controls can be changed using the Settings menu.

Controls Function
WASD/Arrow Keys Walk Around
Space Bar Jump
Left Shift Sprint
Hold RMB & Drag Pan Camera
LMB Click
G/Period Open Emotes menu
H Open Stickers menu
Q Cancel placement of tower
R Rotate placement of tower
1/2/3/4/5/6 Picking a tower to place
E Upgrade tower
T Upgrade tower's bottom path
Q Switch hotbar
X Sell tower
F/B/H/J/K/L Ability keybinds

Xbox Controls

Controls Function
Left stick Walk around
Left stick click Sprint
A button Jump
Right stick Pan camera
Right stick click Zoom
Menu button Game menu toggle
Right stick Move in menus, though it only works in some menus, others require game menu toggle
B button Open battle pass in lobby
Y button Open catalog in lobby
X button Open main matchmaking menu in lobby
D-pad up Open/close sticker wheel
D-pad right Open/close leaderboards
D-pad down Open/close emote wheel
A button/Right trigger Select, right trigger sometimes works on some
B button Close, only works on some menus
X button Interact with something
Left trigger Swap hotbars
Y button Start tower placement
B button Cancel placement of tower
Left bumper/Right bumper Cycle through placeable towers
Left trigger Rotate
Right trigger Place down tower
Right trigger Select placed down tower

PlayStation Controls

Controls Function
Left stick Walk around
Left stick click Sprint
Cross button Jump
Right stick Pan camera
Right stick click Zoom
Touch pad button Game menu toggle
Right stick Move in menus, though it only works in some menus, others require game menu toggle
Circle button Open battle pass in lobby
Triangle button Open catalog in lobby
Square button Open main matchmaking menu in lobby
D-pad up Open/close sticker wheel
D-pad right Open/close leaderboards
D-pad down Open/close emote wheel
Cross button/R2 button Select, r2 sometimes works on some
Circle button Close, only works on some menus
Square button Interact with something
L2 button Swap hotbars
Triangle button Start tower placement
Circle button Cancel placement of tower
L1 button/R1 button Cycle through placeable towers
L2 button Rotate
R2 button Place down tower
R2 button Select placed down tower

Mobile/Tablet UIs


Mobile/Tablet UIs

Mobile and Tablet users have a similar UI to PC players, however, there are Run, Emote, Sticker, Move joystick and Jump buttons.

Starting Out

At the beginning of your time in the game, you start off with the Scout, Sniper, Garry's Dance, Flex sticker and GG. Starting players will also be greeted with the Tutorial objective, which when finished rewards the player with Coin 600 and Experience 200 EXP, and makes them purchase the Demoman. To get more coins, you can either redeem Codes or purchase some with Robux Robux. Follow the instructions above to buy and equip towers.

New players also receive the Starter Bundle, which can be bought for Robux 350. If bought, it will give these following items:

MilitantRender MediumPileCoin PremiumSkincrateNew
Militant Coin 3,500 3x Premium Skincrate

The Lobby

You spawn in the middle of the lobby, it is a large enclosed area. There are also four statues, a single survival Matchmaking statue, one special map Matchmaking statue that requires you to be Level 25+ to be used, a Hardcore mode Matchmaking statue that has a level requirement of Level 50+ and Challenge Maps matchmaking statue that has a level requirement of Level 50+ Two leaderboards can be found on the walls of the lobby. One showcases the highest amounts of Experience EXP this and last month while the other showcases highest amounts of triumphs this and last month. A Spin Wheel can also be seen.

There are four areas to the sides of the lobby. The first is a Survival area, which has a single Hardcore subsection. There are four Survival elevators and a single Hardcore mode elevator. Next to it is a PVP section, though it is currently unavailable. Next to it is the crates section, which has no actual purpose other than serving as the background while opening skincrates. Next to it is an event section, which has the currently ongoing events.



Mode Vote

When you first enter a Survival match, you can choose the mode for the match you are about to play. You can choose Easy, Casual, Intermediate, Molten and Fallen. From left to right, the mode becomes harder as enemies with more health and special abilities appear. Overall, the defeat/triumph rewards are greater for harder modes per wave.
If you entered a Hardcore match, you cannot choose the gamemode. It will always be Hardcore mode. If you are playing on Polluted Wasteland II, Pizza Party or Badlands II, you cannot choose the gamemode. It will always be Fallen mode, although it will be quite different from a standard Fallen mode match due to the modifiers on that map.

The mode with the most votes is selected. If nobody votes, then the timer to the beginning of Wave 0 does not count down. If people vote and there is a tie, easiest mode is selected. Using the ready button under the modes skips the timer to five seconds. In Hardcore mode, special maps and events, a ready button appears instead, which when most players select that they are ready starts the match. After this, all players start with a set amount of cash, based on the mode. With it you can purchase towers and their upgrades. Joining the Paradoxum Games group also increases it by Cash (Gameplay Currency)$100.

You get additional money by damaging enemies yourself, if someone else damages enemies (this does not get you money in Hardcore mode, while in Easy you only get it if you dealt no damage to the enemy), wave rewards or economy towers like Cowboy and Farm.

At the beginning, multiple arrows will appear on the path and move through it, showing the path taken by enemies. After the starting wave, arrows indicating the path enemies take stop appearing until the next wave ends. Enemies follow the path. They do not variate and follow a set pattern, which more or less follows that found on the Waves page. The exceptions are event maps. Certain enemies have attributes and abilities. For example, Moltens cannot be burnt by Pyromancers, Hiddens cannot be attacked by towers without hidden detection and the Templar can stun towers.


Incorrect Ground Placement


Correct Ground placement


Incorrect Cliff Placement


Correct Cliff placement

You can only place towers down if their primary range circle is white. Ground towers, such as the Scout or Soldier, can be placed on ground spots, where there are no red spots from other towers. Cliff towers, such as the Sniper or Ranger can be placed on cliff spots, where there are no red spots from other towers. You may not be able to place towers even if the range circle is white due to other towers being present or obstacles on the map. Cliff spots will become highlighted while placing down a cliff tower. The white circle of the tower indicates the range of the tower. If an enemy crosses this white circle, the tower will be able to attack the enemy, so long the enemy does not have an immunity to that tower or the enemy requires Hidden detection, Flying detection or Lead detection and your tower does not have it. Some towers, such as the Rocketeer, also have a red range circle called the deadzone range. Enemies in this range cannot be targeted by the tower. Some other towers like the Necromancer or Engineer have additional orange range circles which have varied functionality.

To place down a tower, click the tower icon you want to place down, or a specific keybind. You can use the Q key to cancel placement and the R key to rotate placement. For tablet/mobile users, you need to double tap to select and place down towers. You can place down 40 towers in a solo, 30 in a duo, 25 in a trio and 20 in a quad. Certain towers, like the Military Base, have placement limits. In some cases, their placement limit can vary based on player count.


Health & Skip Wave Vote

The main bar is the amount of health you have. It is calculated by doing

100 + [(Player Levels Ć· 5) Ɨ 2]

This does not apply for certain event maps and for gamemodes or maps with the HP Locked modifier. For each enemy that reaches the end, their health is taken away from the base health. If the base health reaches zero, you will lose.

The left text is the current wave. The right text is the remaining amount of time for the wave to end/wave to start. After a certain amount of time, a skip wave box appears which you can accept or decline. It requires the stated amount of votes for the vote to continue. For example, 0/2 means that 0 players have voted to skip the wave and 2 players are required to skip the wave. Skipping the wave means that you get the wave reward early but that also means that the next wave starts early, meaning that enemies can create huge hordes. Completing a wave results in the wave reward being granted to place or upgrade towers. See the Waves page for more information about timers and skip wave vote.



There may be small icons on the bottom left side of your screen while playing a match. These are modifiers, which are special attributes applied to maps and gamemodes, that can affect gameplay. Modifiers can be purely cosmetic, like for example the Cowboy modifier, which adds cowboy hats to all enemies in Badlands II. Additionally, some cosmetic modifiers are applied to all matches during holidays, such as the Fireworks modifier, which is active in all matches on the 4th of July and New Year's Day. Modifiers can also make the match harder, such as the HP Locked modifier, which when active sets the base health to 100, regardless of the player's levels.

Modifiers can also increase the amount of currency rewards, like Coin Coins or Experience EXP. Only modifiers that make the match harder increase the rewards.


Tower Upgrade

If you tap or click on a placed tower, you open up its upgrade box. There you can see various information about the tower. The next upgrade changes are shown, as well as the next upgrade's name, level and icon. Around the icon, icons for hidden, lead and flying detections can be seen. Under the upgrade name, a progress bar can be seen, which shows how many upgrades are left until the last level. Depending on the tower, it can have from three to six upgrades. The upgrade cost is also shown. You can click it to buy the upgrade. If the tower is on its last level, the upgrade button is greyed out.

You can sell towers to remove them, but only get the stated amount of money back. Next to the sell button, the targeting of the tower can be seen. There are seven targeting options:

  • First targets the first enemy and is the default setting for all towers.
  • Last targets the last enemy.
  • Strongest targets the strongest enemy.
  • Weakest targets the weakest enemy.
  • Closest targets the closest enemy.
  • Farthest targets the farthest enemy.
  • Random targets a random enemy.

Under the tower's model preview, you can see the total amount of damage the tower has dealt, current Level and the total amount of Cash (Gameplay Currency)Cash you spent on the tower. Additionally, you can also see the tower's current statistics on the right of the upgrade box. This does not show every statistic for a tower, but only the basic statistics such as damage, firerate, range or income.



Consumables are another way to combat the enemies. Consumables like the AirStrike can be used to kill the enemies, consumables like the Flash Bang can be used to debuff enemies while consumables like the Damage Flag can be used to help the player. There is a limit on how many consumables can be used in a match and each has a cooldown when the match starts and after being used. Consumables are disabled in Hardcore mode and some Challenge Maps.


Triumph Screen


You Lost Screen

After the round ends, you are given two results. You can can either triumph or lose. The match length, mode type and map name is shown below the result as well as the round rewards for all players. Any additional reward for beating the map (such as towers or UGC accessories) are also shown. You are given a certain amount of Coin Coins/Gem Gems and Experience EXP. The Coin Coins and Gem Gems can be used to buy Skincrates, Towers or Emotes.

After this, everyone is teleported back to the lobby.
