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Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
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"2024 Winter Consumable Crate"
―In-Game Description


The Holiday Crate is a consumable crate made for the Operation I.C.E Event. It contains mostly consumables made for the event, though it also contains the Blizzard Bomb as it is a cold themed consumable. The main method of obtainment is getting it through event related activities, like the battle pass, though it can be bought for Robux 32 in the store. It gives five consumables when opened.

Methods of Obtaining

  1. Purchase in the store for Robux 32.
    • This can be repeated multiple times.
    • Due to underage gambling laws, you are unable to use this method if you are in the Netherlands, Australia or Belgium. Additionally, players who cannot verify their age to be over 18 in the United Kingdom cannot also use this method.
  2. Chance upon triumphing a match of Outpost 32 (Operation I.C.E).
    • This could be repeated multiple times.
  3. Level 2, 4, 13, 23 and 28 of the Operation I.C.E Battlepass.


FruitCakeConsumable PresentClusterBombConsumable FestiveTreeConsumable Santa'sAirStrikeConsumable
Rarity Common Uncommon Rare Rare
Percentage 26.25% 31.25% 16.67% 16.67%
Consumable Fruit Cake Present Cluster Bomb Festive Tree Santa's Air Strike
BlizzardBombIcon MoltenMonsterConsumable
Rarity Epic Legendary
Percentage 8.33% 0.83%
Consumable Blizzard Bomb Molten Monster


  • The Holiday Crate is the first event consumable crate. In the previous event with event consumables, that being the Hexscape Event, they were put in regular crates instead.
  • The Holiday Crate actually has "crate" in its name. This means that, in a few places where "crate" is added to the end of crate names automatically, the name of it will be displayed as "Holiday Crate crate".
  • The Robux 32 price may be a reference to Outpost 32, or the 32 meme within the Tower Defense Simulator community.

Update History

  • 16 December 2024 - v1.46.0
    • Holiday Crate added.

Skin Series
Daily Store