Hidden Wave (Legacy) has been removed from the game as of the 4th of December 2021.
Hidden Wave (Legacy) may still exist in the game's code, though it is no longer officially used in-game, outside of possibly being in Sandbox in some form. This page has been preserved for historical purposes.


HIDDEN WAVE" - ―Right before the Hidden Wave

SEE IF YOU CAN BEAT THIS!" - ―Beginning of the Hidden Wave
The legacy version of the Hidden Wave was a secret wave that could have been accessed by defeating wave 40 on Fallen mode in 1,009 seconds (16 minutes and 49 seconds) or less.
This wave was extremely difficult and spawned unique and powerful enemies. Coins and
EXP earned remained the same for Fallen mode regardless if the Hidden Wave was triggered, but losing on the Hidden Wave only rewarded you with the rewards when losing on wave 40 Fallen mode. Triumphing the Hidden Wave awarded a special badge. Originally, there was no other reward, though after the 9th of June 2023 anyone with the badge will be able to claim the Glitchy Nametag through the Gift Box.
Accessing the wave was quite difficult as you needed to speedrun through Fallen mode. This meant that you needed three or more other players to trigger the Hidden Wave. The Hidden Wave could not have been triggered on MEGA Servers through the time requirement (interestingly, the Hidden Wave could have been triggered on a MEGA Server if the player count was 4 or lower before wave 40 on Fallen mode). Certain maps were favored over others due to cliff space, space near the path entrance, etc.
After the Overhaul Update, the wave intro broke. You could still activate it, but the text box did not appear and the game did not acknowledge that the Hidden Wave had been activated. Additionally, the lighting filter did not change to a red hue with text glitching. The wave would change to 1, while the timer would change to 111111111111111120:00. The only way to know if you have triggered the Hidden Wave was if the triumph screen did not show after the final wave countdown after you defeated the Fallen King.
The Hidden Wave has been replaced with a modern version.
Glitchy Nametag |
Enemies/Wave Structure
Glitched Giant | Bruh | Bug | Frost Hero | Jaxe | Mechanical Rot |
Fallen Guardian | SCT | Developer 1 | Developer 2 | Developer 3 | Creator |
A | B | C |
Wave Structure
There were six significant "acts" in the Hidden Wave, defined by to the long period between enemy spawns. The list below will list each individual enemy spawned, superseded by other enemies that spawn in between.
The Creator can spawn Bruhs, SCTs, Glitched Giants, Developer 1s, Developer 2s and Developer 3s.
Act | Enemy Type & Amount |
I | 14x Glitched Giant, 5x SCT, 8x Bruh |
II | 6x Bug, 6x Bruh, 4x Glitched Giant, 14x Bug, 4x Frost Hero, 12x Bruh |
III | 2x Jaxe, 5x Glitched Giant |
IV | 8x Bug, 1x Mechanical Rot, 3x Frost Hero, 2x Fallen Guardian, 5x Bug, 7x Bruh, 5x SCT |
V | 6x SCT, 8x Bug, 7x Glitched Giant, 1x Creator |
VI | 1x A, 1x B, 1x C |
Activating The Hidden Wave
- To activate the Hidden Wave, it is recommended to have a strategy to speedrun through Fallen mode. Without a strategy, activating the Hidden Wave is immensely difficult. A strategy, if you decide to use one, may be one you made yourself or likely made by someone else.
- If you decide to use a strategy, it likely needs to encompass at least some of the tips stated below. It should also be quite thorough, sometimes even down to the specific wave.
- All players using the strategy are expected to follow it exactly for the best chance of victory. There is usually very little margin for error.
- Make sure you choose a suitable map to activate the Hidden Wave.
- The map must have enough suitable ground space at the start of the map for lots of ground towers.
- Additionally, since the Ranger will be an important source of power during the Hidden Wave, there must be sufficient cliff space for many Rangers.
- Some maps may require Ranger stacking so that you can maximize space.
- Maps with long paths make it less likely that the enemies from the Hidden Wave make it to the exit and result in a defeat.
- You are far more likely to activate the Hidden Wave with your experienced friends rather than random people. Friends are also likely to be more trusted.
- All players involved are expected to be experienced players with knowledge of what they are about to do.
- Try to memorize the skip times for waves in Fallen mode. This can be found on the Waves page.
- Purely skipping waves will not be sufficient enough in activating the Hidden Wave.
- Early on, you should try to complete waves before the skip box comes up.
- Purely skipping waves will not be sufficient enough in activating the Hidden Wave.
- If you are on a four player server, only three players need to skip.
- For this reason, the person most likely to be busy (either with farming or chaining the Commander's Call to Arms ability) should not be skipping.
- If all four players skip a wave at the same time, a bug may occur. The skip does not register and the wave will continue until all zombies are killed, the timer runs out, or you lose all your base health, which wastes time. This could potentially hinder your activation of the Hidden Wave, so only three players should skip.
- Using Farms is necessary, as without them upgrades for towers will be too expensive to afford.
- Ensure that all players farm efficiently to maximize money production.
- There should be a good balance between defending and farming.
- Initially, cheap towers that can instantly kill enemies are recommended. Such towers include the Golden Soldier, Gladiator and Golden Scout.
- However, not everyone needs to be involved initially. Any player not involved should be farming so that they will be able to afford more expensive upgrades later on during the game.
- Later on during the game, high DPS towers should be used. Suitable towers include the Ranger, Golden Minigunner and Accelerator.
- The Commander's Call to Arms ability must be used at the correct times to increase the DPS of towers.
- It is recommended to have three Commanders to maintain the Call to Arms ability at all times.
- The DJ Booth can be very useful in increasing the range of towers as well as decreasing the upgrade costs of expensive towers.
- The Commander's Call to Arms ability must be used at the correct times to increase the DPS of towers.
- Some enemies like the Templar and Fallen Guardian have defense that may delay the game. However, this should not be too much of an issue, if you have enough DPS.
- Towers with high damage, like the Ranger are less affected by defense than towers with low damage, like the Minigunner.
- The Mortar is not recommended due to the amount of cliff space that the Ranger can take up.
- The Fallen King's Rage Mode and Block abilities are one of the main reasons why the Hidden Wave is not activated, as they stall the game and waste time. Try to kill it as quickly as possible, as it will not use an ability for several seconds after it spawns, other than the default Stomp ability.
- You do not need to kill the Fallen Guardians that the Fallen King spawns during Rage Mode to activate the Hidden Wave.
Triumphing The Hidden Wave
- Before the Hidden Wave starts, all Farms should be sold as they do not generate any more money and take up tower slots. More high DPS towers should replace the Farms.
- High DPS towers are required to kill the high health enemies that appear in the Hidden Wave. If you do not have enough, you will likely be overwhelmed by the high speed and health of the Glitched Giants and Bugs. Support towers are also essential.
- High DPS towers, such as the Ranger, Accelerator and Golden Minigunner are needed.
- The suggested support towers include the Commander to boost firerate, the Sledger and Toxic Gunner to slow enemies down and the DJ Booth to boost the range of towers.
- Chaining Call to Arms with three Commanders is basically necessary.
- Some enemies in the Hidden Wave have energy immunity. This means that they can only be slowed down by the Electroshocker for a very short period of time.
- The Toxic Gunner can slow down all enemies except the Creator and Mechanical Rot by 50% permanently, making it the most preferable option for the Hidden Wave.
- The Sledger is another good option in the Hidden Wave as none of the enemies, except for the Creator and Mechanical Rot, have ice immunity, and the Sledger can freeze multiple enemies at once.
- Prior to knowing how the Hidden Wave was activated, the developer team gave only two hints: "Be fast!" and "Itās only possible to get in insane mode."
- Fallen mode was originally called Insane mode.
- The Hidden Wave was inspired by Wave 0000000 from Tower Battles, though the means of activating Wave 0000000 is not the same as the Hidden Wave.
- The Jaxe and the Mechanical Rot that appear in this wave may be a reference to the Expired Jacks appearing in Wave 0000000.
- A, B and C enemies are most likely based on the J and M from Wave 0000000.
- Various glitched enemies are based on the glitched enemies that appear in Wave 0000000.
- The badge that was obtained by beating the legacy Hidden Wave is one of the rarest in the entire game, being owned by only 32,144 people.
- This badge used to be even rarer than the exclusive eggs granted during the Roblox Egg Hunt 2020 when they were active.
- The Hidden Wave contained some enemies that were in events, namely the Frost Hero from Outpost 32 and the Jaxe from Nightmare Carnival.
- The health of the Jaxe was increased specifically for the Hidden Wave.
- It also used to contain the Frost Hero from Village of Despair rather than the one from Outpost 32.
- The Developer 1, Developer 2, Developer 3 and Creator are based on three retired developers and one current developer of Tower Defense Simulator, respectively Beefchoplets, LilDisquit, Razuatix and BelowNatural himself.
- More specifically, Creator uses BelowNatural's "official" outfit, as mentioned in this tweet.
- The Hidden Badge was added four months before the Hidden Wave existed, being created on the 22nd of July 2019.
- You could not earn the Hidden Badge until the Hidden Wave was added.
- When you lost or triumphed the Hidden Wave, the timer at the end of the game would only have included the time spent beating Fallen mode. It did not include the time spent beating the Hidden Wave.
- The current icon for the Hidden Wave badge is an edited version of one of the game icons.
- The first icon is the old Level 4 upgrade icon for the Rocketeer.
Update History
- 25 November 2019 - Release v1.3.0
- Hidden Wave added.
- 29 November 2019 - Release v1.4.0
- Glitches no longer appear in the Hidden Wave.
- The time limit for activating the Hidden Wave increased from 999 seconds to 1,009 seconds.
- 24 December 2019 - Release v1.5.0
- Frost Hero, Developer 1, Developer 2 and Developer 3 added to the Hidden Wave.
- 29 October 2020 - Overhaul v1.0.0
- Bug: When triggering the Hidden Wave, the intro, the intro music and the Hidden Wave's music do not occur, the text does not glitch and the sky does not turn red.
- 8 May 2021 - Overhaul v1.3.0
- Frost Hero (Village of Despair) replaced with Frost Hero (Frost Invasion) in the Hidden Wave.
- 4 December 2021 - v1.0.0
- Hidden Wave removed.
- 9 June 2023 - v1.8.0
- Anyone who triumphed the Hidden Wave receives the Glitchy Nametag.
- ā After the 9th of June 2023, any player who beat the legacy Hidden Wave prior to its removal receives this nametag. Prior to that date, there were no other rewards for triumphing Hidden Wave.