Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Event Ended

The Hexscape Event has ended after the 20th of November 2024 and almost all associated items have been made unobtainable/removed.
This page has been preserved for historical purposes.

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This article is about Hexscape Event. You may be looking for other uses of Hex.


The Hexscape Event was the sixteenth event to be added in Tower Defense Simulator. It brought two new towers and a battle pass.

The event featured three nights, being different maps with unique enemies and wave structure, with each night getting harder. The first night was released a few minutes after the Hexscape Update released on the 23rd of October 2024, 19:00 UTC, the second night released on the 25th of October 2024, 19:00 UTC and the third night released on the 30th of October 2024, 19:00 UTC.

The event started on the 23rd of October 2024 at 19:00 UTC and ended on the 20th of November 2024 at 20:00 UTC.

Hexscape Event Battle Pass


Candy Corn Candy Corns were the currency used for the Hexscape Event Battle Pass, which could be collected from enemies. Event maps had a higher chance of dropping Candy Corn Candy Corns, with later nights having better odds. Additionally, on weekends, a Battlepass Boost was applied, boosting Candy Corn Candy Corns drops by 50%. These enemies dropped between one and three Candy Corn Candy Corns on death and could be collected by walking near them. These currency drops did not give one Candy Corn Candy Corn each. The number varied based on the mode played.

In total, it would take Candy Corn 27,080 or Robux 3,740 (Robux 2,805 during the Black Friday 2024 Sale) to complete the battle pass. It had two tracks, the regular track obtained for free and a premium track purchasable for Robux 499. During the Black Friday 2024 Sale, it had a cost of Robux 299.

Hexscape Event Battle Pass
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Level 11
Level 12
Level 13
Level 14
Level 15
Level 16
Level 17
Level 18
Level 19
Level 20
Level 21
Level 22
Level 23
Level 24
Level 25
Level 26
Level 27
Level 28
Level 29
Level 30
Level 31
Level 32
Level 33
Level 34
Level 35
Level 36
Level 37
Level 38
Level 39
Level 40
Unlock Cost
Candy Corn 30 Robux 32
Candy Corn 50 Robux 34
Candy Corn 70 Robux 36
Candy Corn 100 Robux 38
Candy Corn 120 Robux 40
Candy Corn 150 Robux 142
Candy Corn 180 Robux 44
Candy Corn 210 Robux 46
Candy Corn 240 Robux 48
Candy Corn 280 Robux 50
Candy Corn 310 Robux 52
Candy Corn 340 Robux 154
Candy Corn 380 Robux 56
Candy Corn 410 Robux 58
Candy Corn 450 Robux 60
Candy Corn 480 Robux 62
Candy Corn 520 Robux 164
Candy Corn 550 Robux 166
Candy Corn 590 Robux 68
Candy Corn 630 Robux 70
Candy Corn 670 Robux 72
Candy Corn 710 Robux 74
Candy Corn 740 Robux 176
Candy Corn 780 Robux 78
Candy Corn 820 Robux 80
Candy Corn 860 Robux 82
Candy Corn 900 Robux 84
Candy Corn 940 Robux 86
Candy Corn 980 Robux 188
Candy Corn 1,020 Robux 90
Candy Corn 1,070 Robux 92
Candy Corn 1,110 Robux 94
Candy Corn 1,150 Robux 96
Candy Corn 1,190 Robux 198
Candy Corn 1,230 Robux 100
Candy Corn 1,280 Robux 102
Candy Corn 1,320 Robux 104
Candy Corn 1,360 Robux 206
Candy Corn 1,410 Robux 108
Candy Corn 1,450 Robux 210


FailedGatewayIcon TheNightmareRealmIcon ContainmentIcon
Failed Gateway The Nightmare Realm Containment


DefaultHallowPunkIconIG DefaultHarvesterIconIG
Hallow Punk[1] Harvester[2]


Battle Pass

KingofRockScoutIconIG AerobicsSoldierIconIG DanceFeverShotgunnerIconIG FrankensteinRangerIconIG
King of Rock Scout Aerobics Soldier Dance Fever Shotgunner Frankenstein Ranger
WastelandMilitantIconIG WastelandMilitaryBaseIconIG RoadRageMinigunnerIconIG WastelandCommanderIconIG
Wasteland Militant Wasteland Military Base Road Rage Minigunner Wasteland Commander
FreddyWardenIconIG DiscoAcceleratorIconIG WastelandFarmIconIG GarageBandDJBoothIconIG
Freddy Warden Disco Accelerator Wasteland Farm Garage Band DJ Booth


The skins below are Mission skins that have been released for a limited time for the Hexscape Event by completing specific Mission Quests before the 20th of November 2024, previously the 6th of November.

WastelandHarvesterIconIG JasonSlasherIconIG
Wasteland Harvester Jason Slasher


PumpkinBombConsumable TurkeyLeg SugarRushConsumable
Pumpkin Bomb Turkey Leg Sugar Rush


GreenMistNametag DarkMistNametag CurseNametag BewitchedNametag
GreenMist Nametag DarkMist Nametag Curse Nametag Bewitched Nametag
AutumnNametag ConserverNametag The32Nametag Candycornnametag
Autumn Nametag Conserver Nametag The32 Nametag CandyCorn Nametag
SugarRushNametag HarrowingNametag HexscapedNametag
SugarRush Nametag Harrowing Nametag Hexscaped Nametag


ScarecrowEmote QuotaCrazeEmote ScaryCoffinEmote TheWormEmote
Scarecrow Quota Craze Scary Coffin The Worm
MoonWalkEmote TakeTheLEmote BumperCartEmote BroomstickEmote
Moon Walk Take The L Bumper Cart Broomstick


AngryPumpkinSticker NarratorSticker UmbraLaughSticker 32Sticker
Angry Pumpkin Narrator Umbra Laugh 32
MJ Hehe


Titus Charm


QuickPawn Pwned BrainBound NeuroRunner MindShackled
Quick Pawn Pawn Brain Bound Neuro Runner Mind Shackled
Synaptic Titus
Synaptic Titus

HexSpawn HexMinion HexWraith HexRevenant ForsakenSkull
Hex Spawn Hex Minion Hex Wraith Hex Revenant Forsaken Skull
HexMimic HexCorpse UpperBody RottingTerror BlightWalker
Hex Mimic Hex Corpse Upper Body Rotting Terror Blight Walker
Conjurer NightmarishHulk Hex'sMaw Conserver
Conjurer Nightmarish Hulk Hex's Maw Conserver

HexSpawn HexMinion HexWraith HexRevenant HexCorpse
Hex Spawn Hex Minion Hex Wraith Hex Revenant Hex Corpse
UpperBody ForsakenSkull HexMimic BlightWalker RottingTerror
Upper Body Forsaken Skull Hex Mimic Blight Walker Rotting Terror
CursedHorror Conjurer Enigma Eclipsed HexDrako
Cursed Horror Conjurer Enigma Eclipsed Hex Drako
CorruptedTitus BrainBound NeuroRunner NightmarishHulk HexWeaver
Corrupted Titus Brain Bound Neuro Runner Nightmarish Hulk Hex Weaver
Hex'sMaw CorruptedConserver Withered ReaperAct2 refreshed PrimordialDrakobloxxer
Hex's Maw Corrupted Conserver Withered Reaper Primordial Drakobloxxer
UnknownBoss UnknownHexscape
Unknown Boss Unknown


Night I Easy
NewNightIEasy No description available
Night I
NewNightIHard No description available
Night II Easy
NewNightIIEasy No description available
Night II
NewNightIIHard No description available
Night III Easy
NewNightIIIEasy No description available
Night III
NewNightIIIHard No description available
Triumpher of All Nights
TriumphAllNightsBadge Complete all 3 nights on hard difficulty in one go using a single loadout and without restarting a single match.

Hexscaped Nametag, Titus Charm

Official Event Trailer


The Hexscape Trailer (HALLOWEEN) - Tower Defense Simulator




Promotional Images


  • This event had unique soundtracks that played when triumphing or losing a match.
    • All the soundtracks were remixes and variations of the soundtracks added in the MEGA Update.
  • This event's battle pass is tied with the Operation I.C.E Battle Pass for the most amount of total currency needed, at Candy Corn 27,080.
  • Interestingly, none of the skins in the battle pass have the Event rarity, instead having regular rarities.
    • However, the skins obtained from Mission Quests do use the Event rarity.
  • Unlike other events, the Hexscape Event ended before the battle pass did instead of them ending at the same time.
  • This is the first event to have a battle pass with two tracks.


  1. ā†‘ You needed to obtain all Night badges in Easy mode.
  2. ā†‘ You needed to obtain all Night badges in Hard mode.
