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Giant Boss
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This article is about Giant Boss. You may be looking for Slow Boss, Chained Boss or Glitched Giant.

"This enemy has already taken quite a beating, but it can take a lot more!
Look out for the giant boss!"
Commander dialogue on Wave 22 (Fallen & Western)
"Still alive?
Commander dialogue on Wave 32 (Hardcore)

"This enemy has awweady taken quite a beating, but it can take a wot mowe! (ā˜‰_ā˜‰)
Wook out fow the giant boss! (ā˜‰ć……ā˜‰U)"
Commander dialogue on Wave 22 (April Fools 2022 Fallen)
"Stiww awive?
Good. (Ī¦Ļ‰Ī¦)"
Commander dialogue on Wave 32 (April Fools 2022 Hardcore)

"Get ready for a GIANT boss!"
―Beginning of Wave 22 (Pre-Overhaul, Fallen)


The Giant Boss is a slow and large enemy with a large health and defense pool that spawns in Hardcore mode, and some challenges. It moves at a slightly slower speed compared to the Dark Necromancer, but can easily pass through weak defenses due to its high health. It has stun immunity, which means that the Warden and Electroshocker can only slow it down instead of stopping it completely and makes it immune to knockback.

It can be spawned from the Mystery Boss upon its death in the Hardcore mode and formerly in Fallen mode.


The current version of the Giant Boss has a bronze skin color with a diagonal scar on its face. It has a brown granite torso, sleeves and legs, along with a brownish-black slate glove on its left arm, with a brown granite cuff on it. Additionally, it has dark grey chains wrapped around both of its arms. A knife is embedded into its back, with multiple spikes emerging from the location, as well as more emerging from the front of the torso. It emits an occasional bronze particle as well. Its head is slightly tilted downwards and has a twisted left leg.

The Enemies Beta version of the Giant Boss is a large humanoid with a waist, lower arms and lower legs in its rig. It has a yellowish-green skin color, and a dark brown torso, waist and legs, all coated in dirt. It has a knife impaled on its back, with red blood particles being emitted from the location. It also has veins on its head and arms and wears black armbands with white spikes on them.

The first version of the Giant Boss is quite similar to the current version. Unlike the current version, its torso, sleeves and legs were a slightly lighter shade of bronze. It also had no gloves nor chains on it. It was faceless and also had rectangular rebar emerging from its back. A knife also appeared to be stabbed into the back of the Giant Boss. Its head was slightly tilted downwards and it had a twisted left leg for its second animation.


  • When dealing with the Giant Boss when it first debuts, high DPS towers are best fit. Such towers include the Pursuit, Accelerator and Ranger.
    • The Commander should be used to further boost the firerate of these towers.
    • Do note that the Accelerator will remain locked onto the Giant Boss until it is defeated or leaves its range, letting other enemies get past. Other towers should be placed to deal with these enemies when using the Accelerator.
    • The Military Base's Tank and Railgun Tank are quite strong against Giant Bosses, as their collision and splash damage ignore the Giant Boss defense.
      • Do note that their ranged gun damage is still affected by defense.
  • It is not generally recommended to skip a wave until the Giant Boss is defeated on earlier waves, like Wave 22 or 23 in Fallen mode. Otherwise, the enemies from the following wave may overcome your towers while they are still trying to deal with the Giant Boss, with the Giant Boss acting as a meat shield.
  • Later on, Giant Bosses will spawn in hordes, both naturally and from Mystery Bosses. Crowd control towers, like the Rocketeer, Mortar or Gladiator can deal lots of damage to these hordes.
    • Additionally, splash damage towers ignore the Giant Boss defense, making them even more effective.
    • On maps with Enemies Beta, Mystery Bosses will be replaced by Breaker4s, so Giant Bosses will appear less.
  • Multiple towers can take advantage of the Giant Boss slow speed.
    • Short-ranged towers like the Gladiator are able to get many more hits in, making them more effective.
    • The Military Base and Crook Boss' units will have more time to shoot at the Giant Boss before colliding into it.
  • Most slowing towers are on the table when it comes to slowing the Giant Boss down. The Cryomancer, Frost Blaster and Electroshocker are most effective due to the Giant Boss tendency to spawn in hordes, while still being very effective against singular Giant Bosses.
    • As the Giant Boss has the stun immunity, the Warden and Electroshocker will only slowed down.
    • Do note that the Giant Boss' large size will reduce the slowing capabilities of freezing towers and the Warden.
    • As it has stun immunity, it cannot be knocked back.
  • The Giant Boss's defense can be reduced by defense dropping towers like the Pyromancer and Freezer.


Previous Variants

Promotional Images

Promotional Videos


Development Images



  • The knife on the back of the Giant Boss is the Bombo's Survival Knife gear from the Roblox catalog.
  • The Giant Boss was formerly the slowest enemy in Fallen mode, even slower than the Fallen King.
  • The Giant Boss was planned to have a remodel, though the model was instead recolored and used for the Fallen Giant.

Update History

  • 13 October 2019
    • Giant Boss added.
  • 27 November 2019
    • Speed increased from Below Average to Average.
  • 14 February 2020
    • Now has partial electric immunity.
  • 4 March 2020
  • 29 October 2020
  • 8 May 2021
    • Defense changed from 25 to 40%.
    • Speed decreased from Slightly Slow (2) to Very Slow (1.35).
    • Appearance changed.
    • Death sound changed.
  • 30 September 2022
  • 23 May 2023
  • 2 August 2024
  • 5 Febuary 2025
    • No longer appears in Badlands II.
    • Bug: Appears twice in the Index, one of them not loading in any model for the preview and showing it as an exclusive enemy.

Previous Debut Current Debut Next Debut
Fallen Titan
Wave 31
Giant Boss
Wave 32
Mystery Boss
Wave 33
Hardcore (Enemies Beta)
Previous Debut Current Debut Next Debut
Fallen Titan
Wave 31
Giant Boss
Wave 32
Wave 33
Western (Badlands II)
Previous Debut Current Debut Next Debut
Wave 20
Giant Boss
Wave 22
Shadow Boss
Wave 24

Regular Enemies
Easy Mode
Casual Mode
Intermediate Mode
Molten Mode
Fallen Mode
Hardcore Mode
Polluted Wasteland II
Badlands II
Pizza Party
Challenge Maps Only
Event Enemies
The Heights
Area 51
Nightmare Carnival
Village of Despair
Eggy Island
Trick or Threat Town
Outpost 32
(Frost Invasion)
Cyber City
Solar Eclipse Event Rotfield
Foggy Forest
Tower Outskirts
Totality Tower
D00M's Revenge
Cold Ambush
Lunar Overture Event A Dark Tale
The Haunted Past
The Great Finale
Krampus Frosthold
Huevous Hunt
The Classic Event Classic Candy Cane Lane
Classic Winter
Classic Forest Camp
Classic Island Chaos
Classic Castle
Hexscape Event Failed Gateway
The Nightmare Realm
Pls Donate
Outpost 32
(Operation I.C.E)
Legacy Enemies
Golden Mode
Polluted Wasteland
Hidden Wave (Legacy)
Headache Headquarters