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Gatling Gun
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This article is about Gatling Gun. You may be looking for the Turret or one of the multiple Sentries.

"A cliff tower that you take personal control of. Time to take matters into your own hands"
―Store Description


The Gatling Gun is an advanced tower that can be placed on both ground and cliffs, which can be controlled by the player using its ability. It can be bought for Coin 35,000 when the player has reached Level 175 or bought for Robux 2,599.

The Gatling Gun will fire at any enemy in its range based on its targeting, hitting only one enemy. However, unlike most other towers, its range is actually a circular sector, which gets a larger angle with upgrades. When an enemy gets out of its range, it will not follow it, even if it could technically reach it if it moved. The Gatling Gun also has a limited amount of ammo. Every shot loses one ammo; it will not reload until it runs out of ammo; after that, it will take a few seconds for it to reload.

Its FPS ability allows the player to control the Gatling Gun, which changes how the tower is used drastically. Most noticeably, the tower itself will no longer automatically shoot at enemies, and will only do so when the player shoots. The player can also reload at any point while the tower itself only does so when it runs out of ammo. The player does not have to manually reload when the tower runs out of ammo, as that still happens automatically. When firing, the bullets now pierce through enemies. The first two enemies receive full damage, while the third receives halved damage. If the damage is not a whole number, it is rounded up. Additionally, the player is not affected by any range statistics; the player can fire anywhere on the map, even if the Gatling Gun could not do it on its own. However, unlike the non-controlled Gatling Gun, the player cannot shoot through some obstacles, such as cliffs. Additionally, the player itself is affected by spread and recoil.

The Gatling Gun itself has flying detection from Level 0 and hidden detection from Level 3. When controlled by the player, it has both of these detections. The Gatling Gun also cannot be stunned, regardless if it is being controlled or not. It also cannot have debuffs which appear as icons applied to it.

Due to the Gatling Guns high base cost, extremely expensive upgrades, and high DPS, it is considered a mid-late game tower.

There is a limit of one Gatling Gun per player.


Level 1 - Heavier Bullets - Cash (Gameplay Currency)$3,000

+3 Damage Damage

+5 Range Range

Sell Price changes to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$2,916

Level 2 - Bigger Magazine - Cash (Gameplay Currency)$7,250

+2 Damage Damage

2.5 > 2 Reload Time Reload Time

+5 Angle

-1 Spread

+50 Ammo Ammo

Sell Price changes to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$5,333

Level 3 - Extra Barrel - Cash (Gameplay Currency)$17,500

+5 Damage Damage

+5 Range Range

0.158 > 0.128 Firerate Firerate

+10 Angle

-1.5 Spread

+100 Ammo Ammo

+Hidden Detection Hidden Detection

Sell Price changes to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$11,166

Level 4 - Minigun Barrel - Cash (Gameplay Currency)$35,000

+10 Damage Damage

+10 Range Range

0.128 > 0.098 Firerate Firerate

-1 Spread

-0.02 Recoil

Sell Price changes to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$22,833

Level 5 - Impenetrable Fortress - Cash (Gameplay Currency)$60,000

+20 Damage Damage

+5 Range Range

2 > 6 Reload Time Reload Time

+10 Angle

-0.03 Recoil

+200 Ammo Ammo

Sell Price changes to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$42,833

Level 6 - Destruction-Oriented Output Machine - Cash (Gameplay Currency)$100,000

+30 Damage Damage

+5 Angle

+200 Ammo Ammo

Sell Price changes to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$81,666


Level 0+ 0.5s Cooldown
FPSAbilityIcon Upon use, player gains control of the tower. Tower now needs to be fired by the player, though it gains the ability to pierce through enemies, hidden detection (if not at Level 3), no longer affected by range and is now affected by spread, recoil and obstacles on the map. Using the ability while the player is in control will remove control from the player.

Stats Table

To see the statistics without the Firerate Bug, visit the Firerate Bug page.

Level Total Price Damage[1] Ammo Firerate Reload Time Range[2] Angle[2] Spread[3] Recoil[3] Max Hits[3] DPS[4] Cost Efficiency
0 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$5,750 5 50 0.158 2.5 25 40 10 0.08 3 24.04 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$239.18
1 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$8,750 8 50 0.158 2.5 30 40 10 0.08 3 38.46 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$227.51
2 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$16,000 10 100 0.158 2 30 45 9 0.08 3 56.18 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$284.8
3 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$33,500 15 200 0.128 2 35 55 7.5 0.08 3 108.7 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$308.19
4 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$68,500 25 200 0.098 2 45 55 6.5 0.06 3 231.48 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$295.92
5 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$128,500 45 400 0.098 6 50 65 6.5 0.03 3 398.23 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$322.68
6 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$228,500 75 600 0.098 6 50 70 6.5 0.03 3 694.44 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$329.04


  • The Gatling Gun is one of the most expensive towers to place down and upgrade, making it impractical for early-game.
    • Other, cheaper towers or consumables are recommended for early-game.
    • Using income sources like the Cowboy, DJ Booth, Supply Drop or Farm is heavily recommended to be able to afford the Gatling Gun and its upgrades.
  • The Gatling Gun has a high DPS, making it great against high health targets.
    • When controlled using its FPS ability, it is even better, as it can pierce through enemies, making it great against hordes of high health enemies.
  • While its range is quite high, being the highest in the game at Level 5-6, its range is in the shape of a circular sector, meaning its effectiveness is significantly reduced.
    • This can be fixed by controlling it through its FPS ability, as you can attack enemies from any point of the map. However, it means you only have control of the tower and cannot do anything else.
      • You can still use abilities that do not require you to choose a spot, such as the Commander's Call to Arms or the DJ Booth's Drop the Beat.
        • However, abilities that require you to choose a spot such as Brawler's Reposition or the Military Base's Airstrike are disabled for the player during FPS ability.
    • Taking control of the Gatling Gun, turning to face a desired spot, then releasing control allows for the player to influence where the Gatling Gun is aimed at.
    • The Gatling Gun should be positioned so that will face a straight path, allowing for it to shoot for as long as possible if not controlled by a player. This additionally makes it easier to hit multiple enemies at once while controlling the Gatling Gun.
  • While controlling the Gatling Gun after using the FPS ability, it is not affected by the selected targeting. This makes it great against Aggro enemies, as you can target the enemy that you want to be targeted instead of being forced to target the Aggro enemy.
    • It is recommended to target problematic enemies such as summoners like the Fallen Summoner or enemies that can buff other enemies like the Fallen Jester.
    • This is also why the Gatling Gun is a good choice on multiplayer matches as it can handle some difficult enemies with ease.
  • The Gatling Gun can be placed on both cliff and ground spots, meaning it can be placed anywhere on the map. Both spots have their own benefits while using its ability.
    • If placed on the ground, it is much easier to make use of its piercing, as you will be firing in a straight line.
    • If placed on a cliff, it is less likely that you will be obstructed by objects on the map due to you being above them. Do note, however, that not all objects actually prevent the Gatling Gun from shooting at enemies, though they can obstruct the view.
  • Do note that while the tower itself can fire through objects of the map, you cannot fire through all of them. Consider if the spot you are placing the Gatling Gun in is obstructed by anything in any impactful way while placing it down.
    • Some elements on the map may be able to be fired through, but will still obstruct the player's vision. Skilled users of the Gatling Gun can fire at enemies behind said cover even when they are not able to be directly seen. What can or cannot be fired through is not always intuitive, so knowledge is required to make the most of this quirk.
  • While the tower normally only reloads when it runs out of ammo, it can be reloaded manually at any time while controlled. It is recommended to reload manually whenever no enemies are spawning, which is usually the period of time between current wave ending and new wave starting.
    • Manual reloads can also be performed if enemies are currently being blocked by map elements.
    • Do be aware that the Level 5ā€“6 Gatling Gun have a very long reload time, longer than even the period of time between waves.
    • You can start a manual reload, then release control of the Gatling Gun to focus on other enemies. This is useful for multitasking.
  • The Gatling Gun has flying detection from Level 0, hidden detection from Level 3 if not controlled by player and from Level 0 if controlled by a player, making it great against such enemies that appear in the mid and late-game.
  • The Gatling Gun has a larger placement footprint than other towers, so be aware of the space that it takes up. This should not matter too much, as each player can only have one placed down.
  • The Gatling Gun can be very useful in Jailed Towers, as when it gets jailed while a player is using its FPS ability, the player will still be able to attack enemies with it.
    • However, trying to use the FPS ability after it got jailed will result in it not working. The gun will visually fire, but no damage will be dealt and no ammo will be lost. Other controls like reloading are also unusable.
  • In FPS mode, the Gatling Gun has recoil, which means it is possible for some bullets to offshoot and not hit an enemy, something more glaring from Level 4+. A simple way to avoid this is to fire in bursts which will avoid too much recoil.


  • The Gatling Gun is the first tower that can be placed both on ground and cliff spots.
    • Despite this, the description of the Gatling Gun suggests that it can only be placed on cliffs, calling it a 'cliff tower'.
    • It is also the first ever tower that can be controlled by a player.
  • The abbreviation of the Level 6 upgrade name spells the word "DOOM" (Destruction-Oriented Output Machine).
  • The Gatling Gun is the second most expensive item that can be bought with Coin Coins, only being beaten by the Golden Skincrate.
  • The Gatling Gun has the highest total price of any tower at a total cost of Cash (Gameplay Currency)$228,500.
    • The Gatling Gun also has the most expensive upgrade cost with its Level 6 upgrade having a cost of Cash (Gameplay Currency)$100,000.
    • Moreover, the Gatling Gun has the most expensive level 1 upgrade cost of Cash (Gameplay Currency)$3,000, beating both the Ranger and the Turret's level 1 upgrade costs.
  • The Gatling Gun has the highest DPS ever of any tower at nearly 700 DPS with the Firerate Bug from Level 6.
  • The Level 5 and 6 Gatling Gun currently has the longest range of any publicly available tower in the game, tied with the Ranger.
    • If exclusive towers are included, the Mecha Base's Mark IV and Mark V have a larger range of 100.
    • If using FPS mode, the Gatling Gun has infinite range.
    • It is also the first tower to have a cone range.
  • Despite the name, the Gatling Gun does not resemble an actual Gatling Gun at earlier Levels, with it only getting a weapon resembling one at Level 4.

Update History

For previous cosmetic variations, see the gallery page.

  • 18 September 2024 - v1.32.0
    • Gatling Gun added.
    • Bug: If a player is wearing an item accessory that emits particles, players using the FPS ability will still see the player's particles despite their avatar being invisible.
    • Bug: Players using the FPS ability will able to see the player's avatar when they reset or rejoin.
    • Bug: Players can soft-lock the tower when they upgrade it too quickly while the operator's avatar is still loading.
    • Bug: Using the FPS ability while the Gatling Gun is made to shoot slower, such as through Time Scale will break the Gatling Gun, preventing it from shooting.
    • Bug: Using the FPS ability while the Gatling Gun's firerate is altered, such as through Time Scale, Commander or Necrotic Skeleton's ability, will make the Gatling Gun shoot much slower than intended.
  • 12 October 2024 - v1.35.2
    • Bugfix: Time Scale no longer breaks the Gatling Gun during its FPS ability.
  • 16 October 2024 - v1.36.0
    • Level 3 renamed from Double Trouble to Extra Barrel.
    • Bugfix: Gatling Gun no longer soft-locks when upgraded quickly.
  • 25 October 2024 - v1.38.0
    • Bug: Using the Gatling Gun's FPS ability does not deal damage to Lower Body.
  • 30 October 2024 - v1.39.0
    • Bugfix: Using the Gatling Gun's FPS ability now deals damage to Lower Body.
  • 4 November 2024 - v1.39.7
    • Bugfix: Using the FPS ability while the Gatling Gun's firerate is altered no longer makes it shoot slower than intended.
  • 19 November 2024 - v1.41.6a
    • Cost reduced from Robux 2,599 to Robux 1,950.
  • 27 November 2024 - v1.43.0
    • Gamepass price increased from Robux 1,950 to Robux 2,079.
    • Statistical changes:
      • Base
        • Damage decreased from 6 to 5.
        • Angle decreased from 45 to 30.
        • Cost increased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$5,000 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$5,750.
      • Level 1
        • Damage increased from +2 to +3.
      • Level 2
        • Damage decreased from +4 to +2.
        • Angle increased from +0 to +5.
        • Cost decreased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$8,250 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$7,250.
      • Level 3
        • Damage decreased from +6 to +4.
        • Firerate changed from 0.158 > 0.128 to 0.158 > 0.128.
        • Angle decreased from +15 to +5.
      • Level 4
        • Damage decreased from +10 to +6.
        • Firerate changed from 0.138 > 0.098 to 0.128 > 0.098.
        • Angle increased from +0 to +5.
      • Level 5
        • Damage decreased from +27 to +18.
        • Angle decreased from +15 to +5.
      • Level 6
        • Damage decreased from +45 to +27.
        • Angle increased from +0 to +10.
        • Cost increased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$100,000 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$115,000.
  • 3 December 2024 - v1.43.3
    • Gamepass price increased from Robux 2,079 to Robux 2,599.
  • 4 December 2024 - v1.44.0
    • Statistical changes.
      • Base
        • Angle increased from 30 to 40.
      • Level 3
        • Damage increased from +4 to +5.
        • Firerate changed from 0.158 > 0.138 to 0.158 > 0.128.
        • Angle increased from +5 to +10.
      • Level 4
        • Damage increased from +6 to +10.
        • Firerate changed from 0.138 > 0.098 to 0.128 > 0.098.
        • Angle decreased from +5 to +0.
      • Level 5
        • Damage increased from +18 to +20.
        • Angle increased from +5 to +10.
      • Level 6
        • Damage increased from +27 to +30.
        • Angle decreased from +10 to +5.
        • Cost decreased from Cash (Gameplay Currency)$115,000 to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$100,000.
  • 25 December 2024 - v1.47.4
    • Gamepass price decreased from Robux 2,599 to Robux 1,819.
  • 28 December 2024 - v1.47.5b
    • Gamepass cost increased from Robux 1,819 to Robux 2,599.


  1. ā†‘ During its FPS ability, the first two enemies damaged by the same bullet are dealt full damage, while the third enemy is dealt half of the damage.
  2. ā†‘ 2.0 2.1 Only used when not controlled by the player.
  3. ā†‘ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Only used during its FPS ability.
  4. ā†‘ DPS is calculated as (Damage Ɨ Ammo) Ć· (Reload Time + (Firerate Ɨ Ammo)). DPS assumes bullets only hit one enemy.

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