Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki

For event modes, see Events.

Gamemodes are modes which can be chosen at the start of the match, chosen while starting a matchmaking match or are automatically chosen upon entering a map in specific elevators. These affect multiple parts of the match, which includes enemies that spawn, wave amount, wave bonus or rewards. Some modes can be played in most maps, some only have a limited selection on maps while some modes can only be played in special maps.

Most modes require the players to survive until the end of the match. There iare two exceptions, these being PVP Test and Versus, where players are tasked with defeating the other team through enemy summons.

GraveDiggerEasyIcon PatientZeroIcon PatientZeroIntermediateIcon MoltenBossMoltenIcon
Mode Easy Mode Casual Mode Intermediate Mode Molten Mode
FallenReworkIcon HardcoreModeIcon
Mode Fallen Mode Hardcore Mode

BadlandsIIIconNew PizzaPartyIconNew PollutedWastelandIIIconNew
Map Badlands II Pizza Party Polluted Wasteland II

TutorialIcon TrapperStoreRender
Map Tutorial Sandbox Mode

InsaneMode0 Melee GoldenBossRender HeadacheHeadquartersIcon
Mode Pre-MEGA Modes Versus Golden Mode Headache Headquarters
Mode PVP Test