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Flairs are tags that appear above Nametags, which are given to specific people. This includes people who help or work on the game, such as contributors and developers, and people who moderate places like the Tower Defense Simulator Discord. Flairs are tied to the rank a player has in the Paradoxum Games group. Players with a Flair can disable it from appearing above them in the settings.
Pre-Overhaul Flairs
Before the Overhaul Update, there also used to be flairs. Instead of them being above Nametags, they were instead under them. The Flair text was also yellow instead of white, and there was no icon. The Flair text also was not put in brackets. After their removal in the Overhaul Update, they would not return until the 28th of January 2023.
Flair | Contributor | Moderator |
Given To | Game Contributors | Discord Moderators |
Flair | QA Tester | Composer |
Given To | Discord Administrators | Music Composers |
Flair | Builder | Scripter |
Given To | Game Builders | Game Scripters |
Flair | Creator | |
Given To | Game Creators |
There was also one removed Flair, the Developer Flair. It was removed on the 12th of January 2020 and replaced with Builder, Scripter and Composer Flairs.
Flair | Developer |
Given To | Game Developers |