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Firework Technician
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This article is about Firework Technician. You may be looking for the Firework emote, Fireworks modifier or Firework Nametag.

"A firework tech who supports the team by giving them detection and grants chance for towers to shoot a firework"
―Inventory Description


The Firework Technician is a support based tower that can only be obtained from completing the Happy New Years! Mission Quest. You are no longer able to start the Mission Quest after the 8th of January 2025, but the quest may still be completed if it was started before this date.

At the beginning of each wave, Firework Technician grants all 3 detections; hidden, lead and flying, for a few seconds to all towers within its range, with the duration depending on the level. Additionally, all towers in its range at all times will have a chance to fire out a firework. The chance depends on the tower's firerate and the Firework Technician's firework shot percentage cap. At base, it is set to 0.5 which is a maximum chance of 50% and at Level 4 it is set to 1, a maximum chance of 100%. The maximum chances however, are quite unlikely to actually ever be reached outside of Sandbox mode, where the tower's firerate can be set to high numbers. Fireworks are fired out on impact, which is when enemy receives damage from the tower's main attack. If a tower can hit multiple enemies, in most cases this means each enemy damaged will have a chance to make the tower generate a firework. For example, the Shotgunner will generate one for each bullet, the Necromancer will generate one for each enemy hit by its projectile or each one of its beams, and the Hallow Punk has a chance to generate an infinite number of fireworks as each enemy damaged by its explosion has a chance to generate one. Not all towers can generate fireworks and units are completely unable to generate them. These fireworks will be fired out at the hit enemy which generated the firework and deal their own firework damage. While stated to be additional damage, the damage from them is not added to the tower's damage, it is instead just its base damage. Fireworks will create explosions which deal damage to enemies hit, bypassing defense, dealing damage to Lead enemies and being boostable by damage buffs, these explosions have no damage drop off, and will also set the enemies on fire, dealing additional burn damage. The chance of a firework being fired is calculated as:

Where Firework Shot Chance Cap is taken from the Firework Technician, and Firerate is taken from the tower that fires out the firework. Firerate in this case is the statistic displayed with the hourglass to the right of the tower. In most cases, this is the firerate statistic (the time between each shot), though in some cases it may be the burst cooldown (time between bursts), like the Elementalist, the spawnrate, like the Military Base or just unrelated to any statistic it has, such as the Trapper. This means towers with a slower firerate have a greater chance to fire a firework. The firerate is not calculated with the Firerate Bug.

The Firework Technician has a placement limit of one per player.


Level 1 - Pyrotechnics - Cash (Gameplay Currency)$2,000

+5 Firework Damage Firework Damage

+1 Burn Damage Burn Damage

15 > 20 Detection Buff Duration Detection Buff Duration

0.5 > 0.6 Firework Shot Chance Cap

Sell Price changes to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$1,166

Level 2 - Bigger Boom - Cash (Gameplay Currency)$6,500

+1 Range Range

+10 Firework Damage Firework Damage

1 > 2 Explosion Range Explosion Range

0.5 > 0.25 Burn Tick Burn Tick

20 > 25 Detection Buff Duration Detection Buff Duration

0.6 > 0.7 Firework Shot Chance Cap

Sell Price changes to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$3,333

Level 3 - Light the Sky - Cash (Gameplay Currency)$12,000

+10 Firework Damage Firework Damage

+2 Burn Damage Burn Damage

25 > 30 Detection Buff Duration Detection Buff Duration

0.7 > 0.85 Firework Shot Chance Cap

Sell Price changes to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$7,333

Level 4 - The Finale - Cash (Gameplay Currency)$22,000

+1 Range Range

+15 Firework Damage Firework Damage

+3 Burn Damage Burn Damage

2 > 3 Explosion Range Explosion Range

30 > 40 Detection Buff Duration Detection Buff Duration

0.85 > 1 Firework Shot Chance Cap

Sell Price changes to Cash (Gameplay Currency)$14,666

Stats Table

Level Total Price Firework Damage[1] Range Detection Buff Duration Explosion Range Firework Shot Chance Cap Burn Damage Burn Tick Burn Time Total Elapsed Damage[2]
0 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$1,500 5 8 15 1 0.5 (50%) 1 0.5 5 10
1 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$3,500 10 9 20 1 0.6 (60%) 2 0.5 5 20
2 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$10,000 20 9 25 2 0.7 (70%) 2 0.25 5 40
3 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$22,000 30 9 30 2 0.85 (85%) 4 0.25 5 160
4 Cash (Gameplay Currency)$44,000 45 10 40 3 1 (100%) 7 0.25 5 280


  • The Firework Technician's range is extremely small, so it is recommended to use range buffs from the DJ Booth or alternatively, using the Range Flag consumable with it.
    • The DJ Booth can also be useful to boost its damage, as its fireworks are affected by damage buffs. Furthermore, DJ Booth may also be used to reduce its upgrade costs as they are quite expensive.
      • Do note that the Firework Technician itself needs to be within the range of the damage buff giver, not the tower that the firework is being fired from.
  • As the Firework Technician has a placement limit of only one, its placement should be strategized for optimal effect on nearby towers.
    • Multiple Firework Technicians can be brought into a match, though do note that their effects will not stack. For example, a tower with the firerate of 100, which is in range of 100 Firework Technicians, will only fire one firework instead of 100, despite having a guaranteed chance to do so.
  • It is recommended to pair it with low firerate towers such as the Minigunner or crowd control towers such as the Rocketeer in order to fully optimize and maximize the firework shots.
    • While towers with higher firerate do have better chances than towers with lower firerate, they are still not nearly as optimal. For example, a tower with a firerate of 0.1 in range of a Level 4 Firework Technician will have a chance of around ~4.98% to fire a firework, while a tower with a firerate of 1 will have a chance of around ~7.59%. A tower with a firerate of 0.1 will be more likely to fire out a single firework in the time it takes the tower with firerate of 1 to fire a single shot.
      • It should still be noted that towers with an exceptionally high firerate, such as the Level 4 Ranger, have a significantly higher chance of generating a firework per shot.
      • However, unless a tower's firerate exceeds around 12 with a Level 4 Firework Technician (where there is over a 95% chance of generating a firework), this is not guaranteed.
  • Multiple towers which hit many enemies at a time will have a chance to generate a firework for each enemy hit. Because of this, towers like the Shotgunner, Necromancer, Electroshocker or Rocketeer can generate multiple fireworks at once, and in general have a higher chance of generating at least one firework.
    • Do note that not all towers are capable generating it. A full list of towers that can generate fireworks is shown at the end of this section.
  • The Firework Technician can be very useful at providing towers with all detections, and while this buff is only temporary and its effects only take hold at the start of each wave, it can still prove useful for towers like the Ranger, with the provided detections greatly increasing its effectiveness against enemies of specific Attributes.
  • There are multiple towers that cannot be affected by its firework buff and multiple towers which can generate multiple fireworks at once, but this list does not contain information on the detection buff it provides. The list below will only include information on the main attack, though if it does actually generate fireworks it will be listed. For example, the Pursuit will not be listed as partial due to its missiles not creating fireworks:
Firework Buff
Tower Status Firework Amount
Scout Affected Single
Sniper Affected Single
Paintballer Unaffected None
Demoman Unaffected None
Hunter Affected Single
Soldier Affected Single
Militant Affected Single
Medic Affected Single
Freezer Affected Single
Farm Unaffected None
Shotgunner Affected Multiple
Military Base Unaffected None
Rocketeer Affected Infinite
Trapper Unaffected None
Ace Pilot Affected Single
Pyromancer Affected Multiple
Crook Boss Partial Single
Electroshocker Affected Multiple
Commander Partial Single
Warden Affected Single
Cowboy Affected Single
DJ Booth Unaffected None
Minigunner Affected Single
Ranger Affected Single
Gatling Gun Affected Single
Multiple (FPS)
Turret Affected Single
Mortar Unaffected None
Pursuit Affected Single
Mercenary Base Unaffected None
Brawler Unaffected None
Accelerator Unaffected None
Engineer Partial Single
Gladiator Affected Multiple
Commando Affected Multiple
Infinite (Missile)
Slasher Affected Single
Frost Blaster Affected Multiple
Archer Affected Multiple
Swarmer Unaffected None
Toxic Gunner Affected Single
Sledger Affected Multiple
Executioner Affected Multiple
Elf Camp Unaffected None
Necromancer Partial Multiple
Jester Affected Multiple
Cryomancer Affected Multiple
Hallow Punk Affected Infinite
Harvester Affected Multiple
Snowballer Unaffected None
Elementalist Partial Single
Infinite (Heatwave)
Firework Technician Unaffected None
War Machine Affected Single
Mecha Base Unaffected None


  • The Firework Technician is the first tower to be obtained from a Mission Quest.
  • The Firework Technician is the first tower to give other towers all three types of detection, though it is not the first to do so in general, which would go to the Ace Pilot.
  • The Firework Technician is the tower with the longest English name, being 18 characters long, excluding spaces.
    • Other languages, such as German, can have tower names which exceed 18 characters.

Update History

  • 31 December 2024 - v1.47.5c
    • Firework Technician added.
    • Bug: Towers do not gain detections when upgraded to a Level that has one if they already have a corresponding detection buff from the Firework Technician active.
    • Bug: Firework buff persists on towers even when the Firework Technician is sold.
  • 15 January 2025 - v1.49.0
    • Firework buff should now be triggered more consistently by burst towers.
    • Bug: Firework Technician cannot be placed down.
  • 16 January 2025 - v1.49.1
    • Bugfix: Firework Technician now can be placed down, though it will still break if placed down, a tower in its range is sold, the Firework Technician is sold and then the player attempts to place it down again. It will be unable to be placed, as despite its model being gone and it being removed from total tower counter, the tower is still here as it can provide buffs and blocks tower placement.


  1. ā†‘ While the game states it as added damage, this is actually how much damage the fireworks deal.
  2. ā†‘ Total Elapsed Damage is calculated as Burn Damage Ɨ (Burn Time Ć· Tick).

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