Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Failed Experiment
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"Those failed experiments look incredibly unstable!
Everything about this operation is incredibly unnatural!"
Commander dialogue on Wave 20 (Intermediate)


The Failed Experiment is an enemy that appears in Intermediate mode. It has a high amount of health, higher than every enemy that appeared before it, and walks at an above average speed. Additionally, it always spawns with the slime attribute, making it spawn a Slime upon death.


The Failed Experiment is a humanoid with lower limbs in its rig. In place of legs, it has a tail made of a translucent green goo coming out of its damaged torso, with a large swaying spine attached to it. It has teal tumors and green veins across its body, as well as a line of stitches on its head. It is missing part of its right forearm, which reveals a large bone.

It has a death animation, where its arms will give out from under itself, making it fall to its stomach.


  • High DPS towers, like the Minigunner, Pursuit or Accelerator can be used to deal with the Failed Experiment.
    • The Commander should be used to further boost the firerate of these towers.
  • Slowing towers like the Freezer, Electroshocker and Warden can be used to slow the Failed Experiment down.
    • Do note that all freezing and stunning towers will only stall it for a shorter amount of time, due to its large size.
      • The Brawler meanwhile, can still knock back this enemy in order to stall it.
  • Railgun Tanks spawned by the Military Base can severely damage the Failed Experiment with its collision damage.
    • It can also be used to handle the hordes that spawn with it.



Development Images


Update History

  • 3 May 2024
    • Failed Experiment added.
  • 11 September 2024
    • Health increased from 2,000 to 2,500.
    • Speed increased (3.5 to 4).
    • Now is a Boss enemy when it first spawns.
  • 6 November 2024
    • Failed Experiment can no longer have its defense dropped while a Boss enemy.
  • 16 December 2024
    • Bug: Failed Experiment's animations do not play properly in the Index.


  1. ā†‘ Only the first Failed Experiment is a boss enemy.

Previous Debut Current Debut Next Debut
Speedy Boss
Wave 18
Hidden Boss & Failed Experiment
Wave 20
Wave 25

Regular Enemies
Easy Mode
Casual Mode
Intermediate Mode
Molten Mode
Fallen Mode
Hardcore Mode
Polluted Wasteland II
Badlands II
Pizza Party
Challenge Maps Only
Event Enemies
The Heights
Area 51
Nightmare Carnival
Village of Despair
Eggy Island
Trick or Threat Town
Outpost 32
(Frost Invasion)
Cyber City
Solar Eclipse Event Rotfield
Foggy Forest
Tower Outskirts
Totality Tower
D00M's Revenge
Cold Ambush
Lunar Overture Event A Dark Tale
The Haunted Past
The Great Finale
Krampus Frosthold
Huevous Hunt
The Classic Event Classic Candy Cane Lane
Classic Winter
Classic Forest Camp
Classic Island Chaos
Classic Castle
Hexscape Event Failed Gateway
The Nightmare Realm
Pls Donate
Outpost 32
(Operation I.C.E)
Legacy Enemies
Golden Mode
Polluted Wasteland
Hidden Wave (Legacy)
Headache Headquarters