Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
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"Enraged zombies incoming!
Their speed is unmatched ā€” don't take them lightly."
Commander on Wave 11 (Casual)


The Enraged is an enemy that appears in Casual and Intermediate modes. It has a low amount of health but a quite fast speed. At later waves, it can gain various attributes that make it harder to deal with, including Bloated, which doubles its health, and Nimble, which doubles its speed.


The Enraged is a humanoid with a grey skin color and dark brown torso and legs. It has a glowing red outline on its body as well as glowing light red veins on its arms and head.

The legacy Enraged has dark red skin, black torso and legs. It has a neon red outline around its body.


  • Towers with decent DPS, like the Cowboy, Militant, Minigunner and Golden Soldier can be quite effective against this.
    • Additionally, these towers have hidden detection for when the Enraged gains hidden immunity on some waves, such as on wave 12 and 14.
  • Crowd control towers like the Mortar, Pyromancer, Golden Pyromancer, or Executioner can be quite useful as the Enraged spawns in hordes.
  • Due to their fast speed, especially with the nimble attribute, slowing towers like the Freezer, Electroshocker, Frost Blaster or Cryomancer can be quite useful.
    • Some of these towers could also be useful at killing the Enraged, due to their high damage.
    • Note that the Electroshocker will only slow it down rather than stopping it due to its stun immunity.


Promotional Videos




  • The Enraged existed in the game's code a few years before it was properly added, although it looked different from its current appearance.
    • This appearance would later be added to Sandbox mode as a legacy enemy, though due to how legacy enemies work in Sandbox mode it just copies the modern Enraged's statistics. Its actual statistics are 20 health and a speed of 3.

Update History

  • 3 May 2024
    • Enraged added.
  • 11 September 2024
    • Health increased from 45 to 65.
  • 11 December 2024
    • Now appears in Casual mode.
    • Health increased from 65 to 75.
  • 16 December 2024
    • Legacy version added to Sandbox mode.

Previous Debut Current Debut Next Debut
Wave 10
Wave 11
Wave 12
Previous Debut Current Debut Next Debut
Wave 10
Enraged & Armored
Wave 11
Wave 12

Regular Enemies
Easy Mode
Casual Mode
Intermediate Mode
Molten Mode
Fallen Mode
Hardcore Mode
Polluted Wasteland II
Badlands II
Pizza Party
Challenge Maps Only
Event Enemies
The Heights
Area 51
Nightmare Carnival
Village of Despair
Eggy Island
Trick or Threat Town
Outpost 32
(Frost Invasion)
Cyber City
Solar Eclipse Event Rotfield
Foggy Forest
Tower Outskirts
Totality Tower
D00M's Revenge
Cold Ambush
Lunar Overture Event A Dark Tale
The Haunted Past
The Great Finale
Krampus Frosthold
Huevous Hunt
The Classic Event Classic Candy Cane Lane
Classic Winter
Classic Forest Camp
Classic Island Chaos
Classic Castle
Hexscape Event Failed Gateway
The Nightmare Realm
Pls Donate
Outpost 32
(Operation I.C.E)
Legacy Enemies
Golden Mode
Polluted Wasteland
Hidden Wave (Legacy)
Headache Headquarters