Elementalist has been made unobtainable from the game as of the 15th of January 2025 as it was part of the Operation I.C.E Event.
Players with the item in question can continue using it, but you cannot obtain this item anymore, outside of limited-time promotional sales.
"An elemental specialist capable of switching between frost and fire modes to apply debuffs."
The Elementalist is an exclusive tower that could have been obtained by triumphing Outpost 32 from the Operation I.C.E Event on the Hard difficulty. It is mainly an offensive tower with some support capabilities, mainly in the form of freezing enemies. It can currently bought through a limited time gamepass for 799.
The Elementalist fires in bursts. The displayed firerate in-game is the time between a burst ending and another burst starting, while the actual time between shots during a burst is a separate statistic. It has two modes which it can switch between, fire and frost. Fire makes it set enemies on fire with each hit, making them receive additional burn damage, while frost applies chillness to enemies, slowing them down. At Level 2, it also gains two abilities, both of which can only be used with their respective modes active and have separate cooldowns, allowing players to quickly switch modes and utilize both abilities. The first is Heatwave, which creates a heatwave in its range, dealing damage to enemies, applying burn to them and knocking them back. The second is Ice Turret, which allows it to create an Ice Turret in its range. It is a stationary unit with limited lifespan that deals damage to enemies, applying chillness to them while also being able to freeze them. There is a 5 second cooldown before modes can be changed.
The Elementalist has a placement limit of 5 per player.
Level 1 - Elemental Armory - $1,500
+2 Damage
+3 Range
3 > 4 Burst Size
+3 Burn Damage
2 > 3 Burn Time
5% > 7.5% Slowdown per Hit
Sell Price changes to $1,166
Level 2 - Experimental Tech - $4,000
+5 Damage
+2 Range
+Hidden Detection
3 > 4 Burn Time
45% > 50% Max Slowdown
Creates a heatwave that deals damage, applies burn and knockbacks enemies
ā¢150 Damage
ā¢10 Burn Damage
ā¢0.5 Burn Tick
ā¢5 Burn Time
ā¢12.5 Range
ā¢20 Knockback Force
ā¢40 Ability Cooldown
Creates an Ice Turret in the selected spot, which freezes enemies on max chillness
ā¢10 Damage
ā¢0.458 Firerate
ā¢10 Range
ā¢1,000 Health
ā¢45 Second Lifespan
ā¢25% Slowdown per Hit
ā¢50% Max Slowdown
ā¢5 Slowdown Time
ā¢2 Freeze Time
ā¢50 Ability Cooldown
Sell Price changes to $2,500
Level 3 - Improved Exhaust Systems - $8,000
+3 Damage
4 > 5 Burst Size
0.608 > 0.508 Burst Cooldown
+2 Burn Damage
4 > 2 Burn Time
0.5 > 0.25 Burn Tick
7.5% > 10% Slowdown per Hit
+100 Damage
+5 Burn Damage
+1 Range
+2.5 Knockback Force
+10 Damage
+2.5 Range
0.458 > 0.358 Firerate
Sell Price changes to $5,166
Level 4 - Frost Fire Specialist - $15,000
+5 Damage
5 > 7 Burst Size
0.208 > 0.133 Burst Cooldown
0.508 > 0.408 Burst Cooldown
2 > 4 Burn Time
10% > 12.5% Slowdown per Hit
50% > 60% Max Slowdown
+150 Damage
+5 Burn Damage
+1.5 Range
+2.5 Knockback Force
+10 Damage
+2.5 Range
0.358 > 0.308 Firerate
25% > 30% Slowdown per Hit
50% > 60% Max Slowdown
Sell Price changes to $10,166
Level 2+
40s Cooldown
Creates a shockwave, which deals damage to enemies, knocks them back and sets them on fire.
Ice Turret
Level 2+
50s Cooldown
Creates an Ice Turret in the selected spot, which chills and freezes enemies.
The Elementalist can be quite effective at taking down single, high health enemies, due to its high DPS and its frost mode slowing them down, giving it more time to damage them.
Its Ice Turrets can also help, as they provide additional DPS and allow it to deal even more damage to these enemies.
The Elementalist can clear out hordes of weaker enemies with ease, as its Heatwave ability allows it to deal a lot of damage to hordes.
The Elementalist itself can also be used by having it apply its burn to multiple enemies, most easily by setting it to Random, though its burn effect is weaker than the one from Heatwave.
As each enemy can only have burn applied once, it may be more beneficial to have only one Elementalist set to fire and the others set to frost, with others only being set to fire to use its Heatwave ability.
While the Ice Turrets created by the Elementalist may appear to have infinite health due to their lack of a health bar, this is not the case. It does have health, meaning it can be killed by abilities, though its health is quite large.
While the Boomer cannot kill it with its 400 damage explosion, the Unknown can with its 1,000 damage Stomp.
Unlike most other stalling towers, the Elementalist has hidden detection, making it great against enemies like Shadow Bosses or other high health enemies.
The Elementalist lacks any lead or flying detection, but it does have other ways to damage these enemies.
Elementalist set to Fire can directly hurt any Lead enemies through burn damage.
Elementalist can damage and set fire to Flying enemies through Heatwave, however they do not take knockback.
This should not be relied on as the Heatwave's 40 second cooldown makes it inconsistent.
When using frost mode, selecting Strongest can help stall high health enemies.
This is greater when using Ice Turret as it can freeze the enemy if it doesn't have Freeze Immunity.
Update History
For previous cosmetic variations, see the gallery page.