Enemy • Map
Sandbox Only Content
Dev (Map) is content only available through the Sandbox mode.
It is not accessible anywhere else in the game.
Dev is the default map for Sandbox mode.
Design & Path
Dev takes place on a grey baseplate placed in the middle of the ocean. It has a few grey cliffs, one grey path and a player spawner.
The grey path begins and ends at two ends of the map. It takes multiple large turns.
Interactive Map
- Most ground towers are suited for this map, due to the path's nature on cutting back on itself quite a few times.
- The DJ Booth can massively benefit towers, as the map itself is quite small.
- As the map is quite short, you may want to use the Electroshocker, Freezer or Sledger to slow down enemies.
- Dev is actually just the Grass Isle map as a baseplate, as both share the same path and even cliff positions.
- Dev is frequently used as the map for teased features, such as the Nuke.
Update History
- 16 December 2024 - v1.46.0
- Dev added.