Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki

"Provides an AOE that boosts tower damage by 20% for 45 seconds. (Does not stack with other damage flags)"
―In-Game Description
"Provides an AOE that boosts tower damage by 40% for 1 minute. (Does not stack with other damage flags)"
―Former In-Game Description


The Damage Flag is one of the four rare consumables. The Damage Flag has a 2.78% (5.41% with VIP+) chance to be gotten from a Low Grade Consumable Crate, a 6.15% (9.41% with VIP+) chance to be gotten from a Mid Grade Consumable Crate and a 22.03% (21.67% with VIP+) chance to be gotten from a High Grade Consumable Crate.

Only up to three Damage Flags can be used in a match by a single player. It has a 60 second cooldown, though when the match first starts the cooldown is set to 45 seconds. Its cooldown does not start until the Damage Flag disappears.


When using the Damage Flag, a flag pole with a red flag will appear, which can be placed on any part of the map. When placed down, it will give a 20% damage buff to all towers in its 16 range for 45 seconds. This buff does not stack with other Damage Flag's damage buffs.


The Damage Flag is a red flag with a long grey pole. The flag has a small white circle, with two swords crossing each other in front of the circle.


  • There are multiple towers that cannot be affected by the Damage Flag's damage buff:
Damage Buff
Tower Status
Scout Affected
Sniper Affected
Paintballer Affected
Demoman Affected
Hunter Affected
Soldier Affected
Militant Affected
Medic Affected
Freezer Affected
Farm Affected
Shotgunner Affected
Military Base Partial[1]
Rocketeer Affected
Trapper Partial[1]
Ace Pilot Affected
Pyromancer Partial[2]
Crook Boss Partial[3]
Electroshocker Affected
Commander Partial[4]
Warden Partial[5]
Cowboy Affected
DJ Booth Unaffected
Minigunner Affected
Ranger Affected
Gatling Gun Affected
Turret Affected
Mortar Affected
Pursuit Affected
Mercenary Base Partial[6]
Brawler Partial[7]
Necromancer Partial[8]
Accelerator Affected
Engineer Partial[9]
Gladiator Affected
Commando Affected
Slasher Affected[10]
Frost Blaster Affected
Archer Partial[11]
Swarmer Partial[12]
Toxic Gunner Partial[13]
Sledger Partial[14]
Executioner Affected
Elf Camp Unaffected
Jester Partial[15]
Cryomancer Partial[16]
Hallow Punk Partial[17]
Harvester Affected
Snowballer Affected
Elementalist Partial[18]
Firework Technician Affected
War Machine Affected
Mecha Base Unaffected

Update History

  • 10 May 2024 - v1.21.0
    • Damage Flag added.
  • 11 September 2024 - v1.31.0
    • Damage buff decreased from 40% to 20%.
    • Range decreased from 20 to 16.
    • Buff time decreased from 60 to 45.
    • Description changed.


  1. ā†‘ 1.0 1.1 Only splash damage damage is increased.
  2. ā†‘ Burn damage is not affected.
  3. ā†‘ Unit damage is not affected.
  4. ā†‘ Gunner APC damage is not affected.
  5. ā†‘ Increase for the crit damage is the same as regular damage.
  6. ā†‘ Only Grenadier has increased damage.
  7. ā†‘ Final hit damage is only increased by the same amount as regular damage. Reposition damage is not affected.
  8. ā†‘ Unit damage is not affected.
  9. ā†‘ Regular unit damage is not affected.
  10. ā†‘ For bleed damage, while it is affected, it is affected far more than its regular damage. First, its base bleed damage is boosted and not rounded down, and then the actual damage dealt to an enemy is boosted.
  11. ā†‘ Burn damage is not increased.
  12. ā†‘ Bee damage is not increased.
  13. ā†‘ Poison damage is not increased.
  14. ā†‘ Increase for the freeze bonus damage is the same as regular damage.
  15. ā†‘ Poison and burn damage is not increased.
  16. ā†‘ Chillness damage is not increased.
  17. ā†‘ Burn damage is not increased.
  18. ā†‘ Unit and burn damage is not increased.
