Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki

Daily Store

The Daily Store is a place where you can purchase skincrates, skins, emotes and nametags with Coin Coins or Robux Robux. The items that you can purchase there change every day at 00:00 UTC. The items you can purchase from it are the same for every player.

Daily Skin Store

In the Daily Skin Store, three random skins will appear. The skins that appear are from most skincrates that are currently on sale or in some cases, skins not associated with any skincrates. It is possible to check what skincrates are currently being sold by checking the skincrate inventory. Any skincrate that can be purchased there will have its skins appear in the Daily Skin Store. For all the skincrates except the Golden Skincrate, skins of the same rarity have the same cost, with the exception of the Jordan Brawler skin. Skins from the Golden Skincrate have different costs despite being of the same rarity. Rarity does not affect how likely a skin is to appear in the Daily Skin Store.

It is not possible to purchase a skin if it is a skin for a tower you do not own.

Prior to the Violent Night Update, only two skins appeared. There would always be one Premium Skincrate skin and one Basic Skincrate skin. The skins that appeared in the store would also be different for each player, but due to a bug, the skins would not change after a day had passed. Only skins for towers that you owned would appear. It was possible to purchase a skin you already owned, though this would do nothing and only take away your currency.

The prices for skins in the daily store, without the Halloween Skincrate, Golden Skincrate skins and the Jordan Brawler skin are:

Rarity Basic Skincrate Cost Toy Skincrate Cost Premium Skincrate Cost Deluxe Skincrate Cost
Common Coin 1,250 Coin 850 Robux 85 Robux 255
Uncommon Coin 1,500 Coin 1,000 Robux 115 Robux 360
Rare Coin 2,000 N/A Robux 120 Robux 360
Legendary N/A N/A Robux 190 Robux 560
Rarity Lovely Skincrate Cost Cold Front Skincrate Cost Ducky Skincrate Cost Vigilante Skincrate Cost
Common Coin 4,000 Coin 3,000 Coin 3,000 N/A
Uncommon Coin 4,500 Coin 4,500 Coin 3,500 Coin 3,500
Rare Coin 5,500 Coin 4,000 Coin 4,000 Coin 4,500
Legendary Coin 7,000 Coin 4,500 Coin 4,500 Coin 5,000
Rarity Pirate Skincrate Cost Lunar Skincrate Cost Content Creator Cost
Common Coin 3,500 Coin 5,000 N/A
Uncommon Coin 4,000 Coin 5,000 N/A
Rare Coin 4,500 Coin 5,000 Coin 3,000
Legendary Coin 5,000 Coin 5,000 Coin 4,500

The prices for all the Golden Skincrate skins are:

Every skin in the Halloween Skincrate and Jolly Skincrate has a cost of Coin 5,000.

The Jordan Brawler skin has a cost of Coin 3,232 instead of the usual Coin 3,000.

The prices for skins in the daily store between the 5th of August 2023 and 23rd of May 2024, without the Halloween Skincrate, Golden Skincrate skins and the Noir Cowboy/Golden Cowboy skin are:

Rarity Basic Skincrate Cost Toy Skincrate Cost Premium Skincrate Cost Deluxe Skincrate Cost
Common Coin 1,250 Coin 850 Robux 115 Robux 345
Uncommon Coin 1,500 Coin 1,000 Robux 135 Robux 450
Rare Coin 2,000 N/A Robux 160 Robux 480
Legendary N/A N/A Robux 250 Robux 750
Rarity Lovely Skincrate Cost Cold Front Skincrate Cost Ducky Skincrate Cost Vigilante Skincrate Cost
Common Coin 4,000 Coin 3,000 Coin 3,000 N/A
Uncommon Coin 4,500 Coin 4,500 Coin 3,500 Coin 3,500
Rare Coin 5,500 Coin 4,000 Coin 4,000 Coin 4,500
Legendary Coin 7,000 Coin 4,500 Coin 4,500 Coin 5,000
Rarity Pirate Skincrate Cost Content Creator Cost
Common Coin 3,500 N/A
Uncommon Coin 4,000 N/A
Rare Coin 4,500 Coin 3,000
Legendary Coin 5,000 Coin 4,500

The prices for all the Golden Skincrate skins were:

Every skin in the Halloween Skincrate and Jolly Skincrate had a cost of Coin 5,000.

Additionally, the Noir skin for the Cowboy had a cost of Robux 480, despite being an Uncommon skin which had a cost of Robux 450.

The prices for skins in the daily store between the 21st of December 2022 and the 5th of August 2023, without the Golden Skincrate skins and the Noir Cowboy/Golden Cowboy skin are:

Rarity Basic Skincrate Cost Toy Skincrate Cost Premium Skincrate Cost Deluxe Skincrate Cost
Common Coin 1,250 Coin 4,000[1] Robux 115 Robux 345
Uncommon Coin 1,500 Coin 4,250 Robux 135 Robux 450
Rare Coin 2,000 N/A Robux 160 Robux 480
Legendary N/A N/A Robux 250 Robux 750
Rarity Lovely Skincrate Cost Cold Front Skincrate Cost Ducky Skincrate Cost Vigilante Skincrate Cost
Common Coin 4,000 Coin 4,000 Coin 4,000 N/A
Uncommon Coin 4,500 Coin 4,500 Coin 4,500 Coin 4,500
Rare Coin 5,500 Coin 5,500 Coin 5,500 Coin 5,500
Legendary Coin 7,000 Coin 7,000 Coin 7,000 Coin 7,000

The prices for all the Golden Skincrate skins are:

Additionally, the Noir skin for the Cowboy had a cost of Robux 480, despite being an Uncommon skin which had a cost of Robux 450.

The prices for skins in the daily store between the 30th of October 2020 and the 21st of December 2022 were:

Rarity Basic Skincrate Cost Premium Skincrate Cost
Common Coin 1,250 Robux 125
Uncommon Coin 1,600 Robux 150
Rare Coin 2,500 Robux 250
Legendary N/A Robux 400

The prices for skins in the daily store during Hardcore Testing BETA were:

Rarity Basic Skincrate Cost Premium Skincrate Cost
Common Coin 1,250 Robux 125
Uncommon Coin 1,500 Robux 150
Rare Coin 2,500 Robux 250
Legendary N/A Robux 400

Current Skins

These skins can be bought from the Daily Skin Store on the 12th of February 2025.

FortressRocketeerIconIG YTEngiIcon PropellarsRangerIcon
Skin Fortress Wikia Propellars
Rarity Rare Rare Legendary
Cost Robux 120 Coin 3,000 Coin 4,500
Tower Rocketeer Engineer Ranger

Daily Skincrate Store

In the Daily Skincrate Store, four random skincrates will appear. The skincrates that appear in this store are the Basic Skincrate, which costs Coin 500, the Toy Skincrate, which costs Coin 850, the Cold Front Skincrate and the Ducky Skincrate, which cost Coin 3,000, the Vigilante Skincrate and the Pirate Skincrate, which cost Coin 3,500, the Lovely Skincrate, Jolly Skincrate and Halloween Skincrate, which cost Coin 4,000, the Premium Skincrate, which costs Robux 60, the Deluxe Skincrate, which costs Robux 200 and the Golden Skincrate, which costs Coin 50,000. However, the skincrate has to be on sale for it to appear. The skins from these skincrates can also appear in the Daily Skin Store.

The Daily Skincrate Store is not the only way to purchase these skincrates. They can also be bought in the inventory, even if they are not currently in the Daily Skincrate Store.

Current Skincrates

These skincrates can be bought from the Daily Skincrate Store on the 12th of February 2025.

3DColdFrontSkincrateIcon Basic Crate New Golden Crate New PirateSkincrate
Crate Cold Front Skincrate Basic Skincrate Golden Skincrate Pirate Skincrate
Cost Coin 3,000 Coin 500 Coin 50,000 Coin 3,500

Daily Emote Store

In the Daily Emote Store, four random emotes will appear. The emotes that appear in this store only cost Coin Coins. The cost of each skin can be found on the Emotes page in the Coins section.

All the emotes that appear in the Daily Emote Store, with the exception of Garry's Dance, cannot be obtained in any other way, meaning that you need to wait until an emote appears in the Daily Emote Store to obtain it. As new players obtain Garry's Dance for free, it is the only store emote that can be obtained without using the Daily Emote Store. However, as Garry's Dance is only given out for free to players that first joined after the Violent Night Update, players that joined before this update still need to use this store to obtain it.

Current Emotes

These emotes can be bought from the Daily Emote Store on the 12th of February 2025.

Beggin Classic Party Rat Footwork
Emote Beggin Classic Party Rat Footwork
Cost Coin 1,500 Coin 300 Coin 2,000 Coin 1,200

Daily Nametag Store

In the Daily Nametag Store, eight random nametags will appear. There will always be two nametags for each rarity. The nametags that appear in this store only cost Coin Coins. The cost of each nametag depends on its rarity. Legendary nametags cost Coin 5,000, Rare nametags cost Coin 2,000, Uncommon nametags cost Coin 1,000 and Common nametags cost Coin 500.

Current Nametags

These nametags can be bought from the Daily Nametag Store on the 12th of February 2025.

CloudyNameTag Sparkletag NametagMiami PigNametag
Nametag Cloudy Nametag SparkleTime Nametag Miami Nametag Pig Nametag
Rarity Legendary Legendary Rare Rare
Cost Coin 5,000 Coin 5,000 Coin 2,000 Coin 2,000
Noobtag SourNametag RedNametag Bluetag
Nametag Noob Nametag Sour Nametag Red Nametag Blue Nametag
Rarity Uncommon Uncommon Common Common
Cost Coin 1,000 Coin 1,000 Coin 500 Coin 500


  1. ā†‘ Due to a bug, Common Toy Skincrate skins used to have a cost of Robux 10. Additionally, they would sell an "I love builderman!!!" instead of the skin, however, the transaction would always fail, making it impossible to purchase it. This has been fixed.
