Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki

Consumables are items that can be used during a match to provide an immediate, helpful effect. They are obtained by opening one of the three tiers of consumable crates, with powerful Consumables having a higher rarity and a lower chance to be obtained. The effects of Consumables are different for each, meaning they will apply buffs for towers, deal heavy damage or slow down the enemies.

Consumables are equipped similar to towers in a separate hotbar, allowing up to four different consumables to be brought into a match. There is a limit to how many consumables can be used in a match, with each consumable having a cooldown between uses and from the start of the match. Consumables can be used in most matches unless the mode that is being played, such as Hardcore mode does not allow them.


GrenadeIcon FlashbangIcon BarricadeIcon MolotovIcon
Consumable Grenade Flash Bang Barricade Molotov
Rarity Common Common Common Common
Limit 6 5 4 5
AirStrikeIcon SupplyDropIcon UAVIcon NapalmStrikeIcon
Consumable AirStrike Supply Drop UAV Napalm Strike
Rarity Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Rare
Limit 3 3 4 3
DamageFlagIcon RangeFlagIcon CooldownFlagIcon BlizzardBombIcon
Consumable Damage Flag Range Flag Cooldown Flag Blizzard Bomb
Rarity Rare Rare Rare Epic
Limit 3 3 3 2
Consumable Nuke
Rarity Legendary
Limit 1


TurkeyLeg SugarRushConsumable PumpkinBombConsumable FruitCakeConsumable
Consumable Turkey Leg Sugar Rush Pumpkin Bomb Fruit Cake
Rarity Common Rare Epic Common
Limit 6 5 5 2
PresentClusterBombConsumable FestiveTreeConsumable Santa'sAirStrikeConsumable MoltenMonsterConsumable
Consumable Present Cluster Bomb Festive Tree Santa's Air Strike Molten Monster
Rarity Uncommon Rare Rare Legendary
Limit 4 3 3 1