Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Enemy ā€¢ Interactable
Event Content

Charge (Item) has been removed from the game as of the 26th of January 2022 as it was part of the Solar Eclipse Event.
This page has been preserved for historical purposes.


The Charge was an item that appeared on Wave 16 in the Totality Tower map during the fourth night of the Solar Eclipse Event.

The Charge only appeared on the last wave of the Totality Tower, spawning around the map. It was used to charge the Star Cannon so that it could be fired.


Charges had a round shape with two yellow lines around them, with the main body being blue and purple. The top of Charges were shaped like a star.

Charges had a similar appearance to a battery. Charges were colored black and yellow, with blue and white stripes on them.


  • It is recommended that one or two players are looking for Charges, while one is operating the Star Cannon.
  • Do not collect any Charges when the Star Cannon is fully charged, as they will go to waste.


Previous Version


  • The Charges, along with the Star Cannon, are the first interactive map items in Tower Defense Simulator.

Update History

  • 13 December 2021 - v1.0.0g
    • Charge added.
  • 14 December 2021 - v1.0.0i
    • Appearance changed.
  • 26 January 2022 - v1.0.1
    • Charge removed.

Offensive Objects
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