Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Sandbox Only Content

Boss (Modifier) is content only available through the Sandbox mode.
It is not accessible anywhere else in the game.

"All mobs spawn with a boss stat and are buffed."
―In-Game Description


Boss is a modifier that doubles the health of enemies. It is only available in Sandbox mode.


When activated, Boss will make every enemy have double health. Additionally, these enemies will also become bigger by 50%. Despite claiming to give the Boss attribute, this does not happen.


  • This modifier actually existed in the game before its proper addition, though it was never publicly available until the Sandbox mode released.

Update History

  • 16 December 2024 - v1.46.0
    • Boss added, exclusively appearing in Sandbox mode.
    • Bug: Enemies do not become Boss enemies.
    • Bug: Health gained from Boss deals no damage to units, making units kill enemies instantly if the enemy's base health is gone.

Maps and Modes
Challenge Maps
Day Based
Reward Boosters
Sandbox Exclusive