10%|cash= on death|caption1="A blazing fiend with an unstable structure. Not only will this enemy rally others, but it will also explode on death!" -Enemy Description|ability2=Bombastic Blastforce - Upon being granted the Lantern attribute, the Riot's Ragin' Rally ability will grant every nearby enemy theNimble and Kamikaze attribute for 8 seconds. This effect cannot stack, nor can it affect major bosses.}}
- 1 Overview
- 2 Appearance
- 3 Analysis, Ranking, and Strategy
- 4 Kamikaze
- 5 Trivia
- 6 Update History
- 7 Notes
The Riot is an enemy that debuts on wave 23 of the Haunted Harvest gamemode. Despite being a rather below-average enemy for its appearance, it possesses the ability to speed nearby enemies up with the Ragin' Rally ability and superbuff them with Bombastic Blastforce.ā¦
Harvester Buff/Rework
|basesellingprice =
|type = Offensive
|damagetype = Pierce
|placement = Ground
|placement_limit = 4
|basedamage = 6
|basefirerate = 1.208
|baserange = 13
|hidden_detection = N/A
Tower Concept: Hydromaniac
4 (Burst Cooldown)|baserange=10|hidden_detection=|lead_detection=|flying_detection=|immune=None|footprint=Average (1.5)}}}}
The Hydromaniac is an exclusive tower that can only be obtained by triumphing Deep Sea Infiltration Event. It is mainly an offensive tower with some support capabilities, mainly in the form of soaking enemies. It can currently bought through a limited time gamepass for
Soak Explanation
It's the debuff when Hydromaniac hits the enemy a few times. If the enemy health was < 500 then Hydromaniac only need to hit the enemy 10 times in order to fill the soak bar, it's under the enemy health btw. This is thā¦
The Base Raid Idea
- 1 Description
- 2 Base Raid Event Battle Pass
- 3 Maps
- 4 Towers
- 5 Trivia
- 6 Notes
The Base Raid was the event that was added somewhere in the Summer.
After the events of the Operation I.C.E. Commander went insane thinking about all the towers that were turning on them and blown up the Outpost and left in the portal before it shut down. Now its the entire T.D.S team's job to catch him but while getting ready for the track, they heard their alarm and its time to fend off a raid. It's their job to make sure the base stays in tact.
The event started on TBA at TBA and ended on TBA at TBA.
were the currency used for the Base Raid Event Battle Pass, which could be collected from enemies. Event maps had a higher chance of dropping , with later nights having better odds.ā¦
Warden Buff
|basecost =
|basesellingprice =
|type = Offensive
|placement = Ground
|placement_limit = 12
|basedamage = 6
|damagetype = Single
Multi (Level 3+, on every 3rd hit)
|basefirerate = 0.558
|baserange = 6
|hidden_detection =
|lead_detection =
|flying_detection = N/A
|immune = Stun (Level 3, with cooldown, Level 4 fully immune)
Debuff (Level 4)
|footprint = Small (1)
| style="padding: 5px;" | | style="padding: 5px;" | | style="padding: 5px;" | |- ! style="padding: 5px;" |Rarity | style="padding: 5px;" | | style="padding: 5px;" | | style="padding: 5px;" | | style="padding: 5px;" | |- ! style="padding: 5px;" |Daily Store Cost | style="padding: 5px;" |N/A | style="padding: 5px;" | | style="padding: 5px;" | | style="padding: 5px;" | ā¦
Ghoulish Gourd
on death (Variable)
|spawned_by =*Corrupted Conjurer
- The Harvester
- Pumpking Ominous
- Cucurbita Coffin
|hidden =
|immunity =
Mutation (Variable)
Slime (Variable)
Bloated (Variable)
Nimble (Variable)
Lantern (Variable)
|fly = No
|ghost = No
|lead = No
|image1=MOSHED-2025-1-11-14-6-1-Photoroom-Photoroom.png|defense=20%|ability1=Overflowing Obliteration - The Ghoulish Gourd will be stationary, winding up a 360Ā° slash within a medium range, stunning any tower within the radius for 7 seconds and granting the Ghoulish Gourd the Lantern attribute for 5 seconds proportional to the amount of towers hit. If a maximum of 5 towers are hit, the Ghoulish Gourd will be permanently granted said attribute.|ability2=Rallying Rush - Upon reaching 50% of the Ghoulish Gourd's maximuā¦
Tenebrous Tideripper
|ability1 = Cursed Cannonballs - The Tenebrous Tideripper will launch 3 cannonballs from its cannon, stunning towers within a large radius for 10 seconds and dealing 150 damage to units for each cannonball whilst granting the Lantern attribute to any enemy nearby. |ability2 = Cucurbita Company - The Tenebrous Tideripper will have 6 Pumpkids onboard, launching one onto the path randomly every 15 seconds and granting it either the Bloated, Nimble, Tank, or Hidden attribute and the guaranteed Lantern. This ability can be preformed whilst using another ability, and once all Pumpkids leave the Tenebrous Tideripper, it will be stationary for 5 seconds and re-supply whilst losing 35% defense during the duration. |ability3 = Ballistic Brimstone Barrage - The Tenebrous Tā¦
Andesite Angel
on death
|hidden = No
|fly =
|ghost = No
|lead = No
|immunity = Mutation (Variable)
Slime (Variable)
Bloated (Variable)
Nimble (Variable)
Lantern (Variable)
|title1=Andesite Angel|caption1="An enigmatic soarer with a burning rage. No one really knows where it came from, but what we do know is that we must take them out!" - Enemy Description|ability1=Caldera Condemnation - Upon death, the Andesite Angel's wings will shoot off, causing it to dive to the floor. Upon landing it will explode, stunning any nearby towers for 5 seconds and granting any enemies within the vicinity the Lantern attribute.}}
- 1 Overview
- 2 Appearance
- 3 Analysis, Ranking, and Strategy
- 4 Trivia
- 5 Update History
The Andesite Angel is an enemy that appears in the Haunted Harvest gamemode. It is the ā¦
Ethereal Pumpkid
on death (Variable)
|hidden = Variable
|fly = No
|ghost = No
|lead = No
|immunity = Tank
Bloated (Variable)
Nimble (Variable)
Lantern (Variable)
|title1=Ethereal Pumpkid|defense=|ability1=Energized Enhancement - Upon gaining the Lantern attribute, the Ethereal Pumpkid will burrow into the path and be stationary for 2 seconds, transforming into its Putrid form, losing the Tank attribute but gaining an additional 695 HP, gaining stun immunity, and gaining the Hidden attribute, becoming 100% slower.|ability2=|caption1="A feeble Pumpkid seemingly corrupted by the god fragment head-on. These enemies are powerful, but have no control over themselves. If other enemies are influenced like this, we may be in trouble..." - Enemy Description|ā¦
Cucurbita Conjurer
every 25% health
on death
|spawned_by =
|hidden = No
|fly = No
|ghost = No
|lead = No
|immunity =
Mutation (Variable)
Slime (Variable)
Bloated (Variable)
Nimble (Variable)
Lantern (Variable)
|ability1 = Spectral Summon - Slams its staff into the ground, creating orange smoke and summoning 5 Fallen Skeletons, 3 Pumpkids, and a guaranteed Hallow Gourd, each being granted the Lantern attribute.
|caption1="A high-ranking devotee to Ominous' empire, the Cucurbita Conjurer can summon enemies from the ground to do the dirty work for him. It's not a staff he's wielding, it's actually an accelerated growing device!" - Enemy Description|ability2=Cyclone of Cinder - After a 1-second windup, the Cucurbita Conjurer will slam its staff into the ground, creating an oā¦
Ent (Haunted Harvest)
30% (Hard)|cash= every 25% health
on death}}
- 1 Overview
- 2 Appearance
- 3 Analysis, Ranking, and Strategy
- 4 Trivia
- 5 Update History
The Ent is a tanky enemy that appears in the Haunted Harvest gamemode, on the second map, being . It debuts on wave 15, being rather tricky to counter due to its early appearance.
However, the Ent suffers from a special passive in which it takes 50% more damage from any sources of burn, and any ice effects are 25% more effective. Because of this and how slow it is, towers like Jester or simply high DPS towers like Golden Minigunner can make quick work of the Ent.
The Ent is a large humanoid tree with various leaves sprouting from its branches. Its body is made out of brown and light brown wood. It has vines covering its body, with a bā¦
Mischievous Mystery
on death|caption1="A roulette enemy who seems to be corrupted by the fragments. This mischievous fiend will not only clone nearby enemies, but randomly buff them, too!..." - Enemy Description}}
- 1 Overview
- 2 Appearance
- 3 Analysis, Ranking, and Strategy
- 4 Trivia
- 5 Update History
- 6 Notes
The Mischievous Mystery is an enemy that debuts on wave 14 of the Haunted Harvest gamemode. This enemy is rather feeble, but incredibly synergetic and can prove threatening due to its Rogue Roulette Spawn which clones nearby enemies and grants them a random attribute upon death.
There is an unknown passive in which upon being granted an attribute like Bloated, said attribute will be carried over to the spawns as well.
Additionally, up to 2 Mischievous Mysteries can stack, spawning uā¦
Stealthy Squash
on death (Variable)
|spawned_by =
|hidden =
|fly = No
|ghost =
|lead = No
|immunity = Mutation (Variable)
Slime (Variable)
Bloated (Variable)
Nimble (Variable)
Lantern (Variable)
|title1=Stealthy Squash|image1=|caption1="An ethereal entity from the deep, foamy waters below. Only troops with hidden detection can effectively deal with this enemy." - Enemy Description}}
- 1 Description
- 2 Appearance
- 3 Analysis, Ranking, and Strategy
- 4 Trivia
- 5 Update History
The Stealthy Squash is an enemy that appears in the Haunted Harvest gamemode. It debuts on wave 13, and acts as a "Detection Check" to punish players who underinvested in hidden detection. It has average health, and above average speed whilst possessing the Hidden and Ghost attribute. Because of this, towers thaā¦
Hallow Gourd
on death (Variable)
|spawned_by =
|hidden =
|immunity = Mutation (Variable)
Slime (Variable)
Bloated (Variable)
Nimble (Variable)
Lantern (Variable)
|fly = No
|ghost = No
|lead = No
|image1=MOSHED-2024-12-21-10-28-58-Photoroom-Photoroom.png|defense=10%|ability1=Sulfuric Slash - The Hallow Gourd will be stationary, winding up a 45Ā° slash, stunning any tower within the radius for 5 seconds and granting the Hallow Gourd the Lantern attribute for 3 seconds proportional to the amount of towers hit, up to 15 seconds.|ability2=Ethereal Enhancements - Upon being given the Lantern attribute, the Hallow Gourd will be granted the attribute and 25% more speed. However, the Hallow Gourd cannot perform the Sulfuric Slash ability while in this form.|caption1="An advanceā¦
Cucurbita Conglomerate
upon death (New modes)
|spawned_by =
|hidden =
|ghost = No
|fly = No
|lead = No
|immunity = Mutation (Variable)
Slime (Variable)
Bloated (Variable)
Nimble (Variable)
Lantern (Variable)
|ability1 = Spoilage Sustainability - The Cucurbita Conglomerate will start with an average speed and 20% defense. For every 25% health lost, the Cucurbita Conglomerate will begin to crack. Its defense will drop by 5% and increase speed by 10%, up to an above average speed.
|versus_send_cost =
|versus_wave_unlock =
|versus_eco =
|versus_number =
|image1=MOSHED-2024-12-17-17-40-18-Photoroom-Photoroom.png|title1=Cucurbita Conglomerate|caption1="An amalgamation of Cucurbita who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time...being infected by the shard corruption,ā¦
War Machine Rework Concept
|basesellingprice =
|type = Offensive
|placement = Ground
|placement_limit = 10
|basedamage = 2
|damagetype = Single
Splash (Level 2+)
|basefirerate = 0.108
|baserange = 12
|hidden_detection = Level 5 to 0.13.
- War Machine cannot be upgraded.
- War Machine deals 13 damage at Level 2 instead of 2.
- Upgrade descriptions are now correct.
- 8 May 2021
- War Machine missiles now deal full damage to defense enemies.
- Splash damage reworked. Now the explosion is separated into two spheres. Inner sphere deals 100% of the stated damage while the damage in the outer sphere decreases linearly.
- War Machine now can be upgraded.
- 16 May 2021
- Statistical changes:
- Level 2
- Damage decreased from +12 to +1.
- Level 3
- Damage increased from -9 to +2.
- Level 2
- War Machine now deals the correct amounā¦
- Statistical changes:
previous about page
|ability1 = War Machine:
Uses his hand mounted minigun to attack towers kinda like Eradicator Mk II
|ability2 = Subspace Bomb:
Jumps up into the air and pulls out a Subspace Tripmine and kills towers in a 25 Stud Radius, This does deal 10k Damage to itself.
|ability3 = Global Block:
Fakes death for 20 seconds before coming back to life and giving all towers the ghost efect
|ability4 = Subspace Devastation:
Throws 3-5 of subspace tripmines into the air, Dealing the same effect as the subspace tripmine, Multiplied by 5.
|ability5 =
|ability6 =
|music-1 = |||
- 1 Characteristics
- 2 Tips
- 3 Dialogue
- 4 Trivia
- 5 Gallery
Old Design:
- Blue Tophat
- Blue Bowtie
- Blue Skin
- Dark Blue Limbs
New Design:
- Blue Tophat
- Blue Glasses
- Blue Jacket (/w Black Shirt)
- Black Pants
- Blue Swā¦
Towers/Enemy Descriptions
- 1 Scout
- 2 Sniper
- 3 Paintballer
- 4 Demoman
- 5 Hunter
- 6 Soldier
Tower idea: Legion Stylist
Fist tower, uses blue fire and his powerful magic to damage enemies by punching them in one way or another.
placement is 1k, Range is 10, cannot be boosted by dj, firerate also cannot be boosted but damage can. Placement limit is 10
level 0: has a combo of 3 attacks, first 2 deal 8 damage with 0.8 second in between, 0.5 sec wind up 3rd deals 3x dmg with 1.5 second cd and 1 second wind up, 3rd combo sets enemies on blue fire, 2 dmg per 0.8 second, lasts 5 seconds
level 1: martial practice, 750
weaker attacks now deal 16 dmg, same formula for 3rd attack, now has 0.4 seconds wind up, 0.6 cooldown for first 2, 3rd is the same, blue fire now deals 4 dmg per tick
level 2: Extra Training 1500
Weaker attacks now deal 20 dmg, after a combo jumps in theā¦
Skibidi Toilet Towersā¦
]], [[Casual Mode|]], [[Intermediate Mode|]], [[Tutorial|]], [[PVP Test|]], Sandbox, Juggernaut, Boss Rush |comment = Comment text here |image = NormalAnim1.png |aside = , , , |imagewidth = 135px }}
- 1 Normal Cameraman
- 1.1 Upgrades
- 1.2 Upgrade Icons
- 1.3 Skins
|Image = |Information = 1.208 > 1.008 Firerate
Sell Price changes to }}
|Image = |Information = +1 Damage
+2 Range
+Hidden Detection
Sell Price changes to }} |Image = |Information = +2 Damage
1.008 > 0.608 Firerate
Sell Price changes to }}
|Image = |Information = +1 Damage
+2 Range
0.608 > 0.308 Firerate
Sell Price changes to }}
|Image = |Information = +1 Damage
+2 Range
0.608 > 0.308 Firerate
Sell Price changes to }}
|Image = |Information = +1 Damage
+2 Range
0.608 > 0.308 Firerate
Sell Price changes to }}
|basecost = |basesellingprice = |type = Offensive |placement = Ground |placement_limit = 4 |basedamage = 1 |damagetype = Single |basefirerate = 0.15 |baserange = 12 |hidden_detection = Level 2+ |lead_detection = N/A |flying_detection = Level 0+ |immune = None |footprint = Average (1.5) }}
- 1 Description
- 2 Stats Table
- 3 Review
- 4 Pros and Cons
- 4.1 ==
- 4.2 ==
- 5 Review
- 5.1 Trivia
- 5.2 Notes
The Liberator is an endgame ground tower that fires in bursts and uses stratagems. It can be bought for in the store.
The Liberator uses an ammo system, needing to reload after expending all of its ammunition. It is a slightly cheap tower, while it isn't recommended to use it for the main defense earlier waves, it can be used to assist other towers in the early game. It gains hā¦
Reworked Casual Mode
|image1 = PatientZeroIcon.png
|waves = 30
|level_requirement = None
|starting_cash =
(Group Bonus)
|shared_cash = 12.5% (Duo)
16.7% (Trio)
18.75% (Quad)
|rewards = &
|music-1 = See #Soundtrack
- 1 Description
- 2 Rewards
- 3 Enemies
- 4 Trivia
- 5 Update History
- 6 Notes
Casual mode is one of the five main survival modes. The mode has 30 waves, and the final boss is Patient Zero.
Cash is only gained if an enemy is killed, or in some cases, damaged by a specific amount of health. Additionally, the amount gained is a set amount of cash, which is not always equal to the enemy's health. In solo, you receive 100% of the cash when an enemy is killed, or it is damaged enough. With each additional player, this decreases by 25%, which means that in a quad, you only getā¦
on death
|spawned_by = Witch Doctor |hidden = Yes (Before Shinobi Tactics) No (After Shinobi Tactics) |fly = No |ghost = No |lead = No |immunity = (Variable) |versus_send_cost = |versus_wave_unlock = |versus_eco = |versus_number = |ability1=Shinobi Tactics - The Ninja stabs a nearby tower with its knife, stunning them for 2.5 seconds, but removes Hidden.}} }}
- 1 Description
- 2 Appearance
- 3 Strategy
- 4 Trivia
- 5 Update History
The Ninja is an enemy that cannot be attacked by towers without hidden detection until Shinobi Tactics is used. It appears in Casual mode, and has decent health, though less than the Normal Boss and Blighted. It makes up for this with decent speed and the ability to stun towers.
The Ninja can be summoned by the Witch Doctor.
Old image
- Begā¦
log books
class"empty-table align-center" style"width: 80%; margin:0 auto"
style"padding: 5px;"
style"padding: 5px;"
style"padding: 5px;"
style"padding: 5px;"
style"padding: 5px;" Snowy
style"padding: 5px;" Frozen
style"padding: 5px;" Packed Ice
style"padding: 5px;" Snow Minion
style"padding: 5px;"
style"padding: 5px;"
style"padding: 5px;"
style"padding: 5px;"
style"padding: 5px;" Snow Golem
style"padding: 5px;" Snowman
style"padding: 5px;" Cold Mist
style"padding: 5px;" Deep Freeze
style"padding: 5px;"
style"padding: 5px;"
style"padding: 5px;"
style"padding: 5px;"
style"padding: 5px;" Frost Hunter
style"padding: 5px;" Unstable Ice
style"padding: 5px;" Crying Angel
Endless Mode (2025)
|image1 = Place.png
|waves = TBA
|level_requirement =
|starting_cash =
(Group Bonus)
|shared_cash = 12.5% (Duo)
16.7% (Trio)
18.75% (Quad)
|rewards = &
- 1 Description
- 2 Badges
- 3 Enemies
- 4 Wave Structure
- 5 Trivia
Endless Mode is a combination of Easy, Intermediate, Molten, Fallen, Hardcore, Polluted Wastelands II, Badlands II, Pizza Party, PvP Test, and Tutorial
Cash is only gained if an enemy is killed, or in some cases, damaged by a specific amount of health. Additionally, the amount gained is a set amount of cash, which is not always equal to the enemy's health. In solo, you receive 100% of the cash when an enemy is killed, or it is damaged enough. With each additional player, this decreases by 25%, which means that in a quad, you only get 25% oā¦
In the Eternal Void. He sat on his throne, the King of the Void Himself. His sword, stuck in the ground, right beside him. the King feared by all, with just his presence, the stars immediately faded along with reality itself. Born with the purpose of destroying all existence, bringing terror and fear to All Life. This is the VOID REAVER.
He sat on his throne while looking at the ground, silent. None of his Army Nor Servant dared to disturb him. Yet. Today, He Had A Guest, An Uninvited Guest. Who Somehow Got To His Throne Room And Defeated His Guard. He Is One Of The Dominus. This Is INFERNUS. The King Of Hell Himself.
Void Reaver Turned Towards Infernus Slowly, His Six Purple Eyes Gleaming With Hatred. His Breath Was Heaved And Said "Who Areā¦
Crafted, welded, and built as an unknown being, mampsterpiece is known for being an anomaly against the tactical defense service. No one knows who made it or what caused it, it is speculated for the cause of its corruption is the ball the claw is holding, altough its not proven, but no mater what it is, it'll destroy enemies not in his clan and towers.
Boss music: Quality time
The music: [1]
|basecost = |basesellingprice = |type = Support |placement = Ground |basedamage = N/A |damagetype = N/A |basefirerate = N/A |baserange = 18 |hidden_detection = N/A |lead_detection = N/A |flying_detection = N/A |immune = Stun |footprint = Average (1.5) }}
- 1 Description
- 2 Upgrades
- 3 Abilities
- 4 Stats Table
- 5 Notes
The Medic is an intermediate support tower that can cleanse stuns from towers. It can be unlocked from the store for .
The Medic does not attack, but its Heal ability allows it to cleanse a selected tower within its range of its stun every few seconds. At Level 2, the Medic gains the Retaliation ability, which is charged by cleansing stuns. Activating Retaliation causes the next tower healed to gain a brief damage boost and stun immunity, then a permā¦
|levelrequirement =
|basecost =
|basesellingprice =
|type = Offensive
|placement = Ground (Beside Path)
|placement_limit = 1
|basedamage = 5 (Tower)
6 (Sentry 1.0)
|damagetype = Single
|basefirerate = 2 (Tower)
0.7 (Sentry 1.0)
|baserange = 16 (Tower)
19 (Sentry 1.0)
8 (Build Range)
|hidden_detection = Level 3+ (Tower)
(Sentry 2.0+)
|lead_detection = N/A
|flying_detection = N/A
|immune = Stun (Sentry only)
|footprint = Average (1.5)
- 1 Description
- 2 Upgrades
- 3 Abilities
- 4 Stats Table
- 5 Notes
The Engineer is a hardcore tower that attacks enemies with a rebar launcher and can build sentries within its range to assist with defense. It can be purchased from the store for and has a level requirement of . The Engineer is also available through a gamepassā¦
|basecost = |basesellingprice = |type = Support |placement_limit = 5 |placement = Ground |basedamage = 0 |damagetype = Single |basefirerate = 1.6 |baserange = 15 |hidden_detection = Level 1+ |lead_detection = Level 2+ |flying_detection = N/A |immune = None |footprint = Average (1.5) }}
- 1 Description
- 2 Upgrades
- 3 Ability
- 4 Stats Table
The Freezer is an intermediate support tower that, as the name suggests, freezes enemies. It can be bought in the store for .
The Freezer targets a single enemy and fires an ice beam, inflicting chill. Chill caps at 100%, at which point the enemy will freeze for 1 second. After being unfrozen, the enemy will be given 5% frost, a different status effect. Chill inflicts slowdown equivalent to half the chill (for example,ā¦
|basecost =
|basesellingprice =
|type = Offensive
|placement = Cliff
|placement_limit = 3
|basedamage = 100
|damagetype = Single
|basefirerate = 7
|baserange = 40
|hidden_detection = N/A
|lead_detection = Level 0+
|flying_detection = Level 0+
|immune = Stun
|footprint = Average (1.5)
- 1 Description
- 2 Upgrades
- 3 Ability
- 4 Stats Table
The Ranger is an advanced cliff tower with long range that can be purchased in the store for .
The Ranger deals high damage with very long range but has a slow firerate. As a cliff tower, it can detect Flying enemies, but cannot detect hidden enemies at any level. The Ranger can also damage lead enemies at any level. Additionally, it is immune to all stuns by default. At Level 2, it gains the ability to give toweā¦
Hidden Wave (but harder)
This version of the Hidden Wave is split into Waves, which are split into acts. There are 4 Acts per wave. All waves cannot be skipped. There is a five second break in between each piece of dialogue.
TDS x PLS DONATE Event: A Review
TDS x PLS DONATE is an event released on November 13, 2024. It is a crossover between the Roblox games Tower Defense Simulator and PLS DONATE. So let's make a review about it!
This will be structured similarly to my Fallen Mode Review.
this will be finished on 12/2/2024 EST
Lunar Overture Essay
Note: This was originally posted on my Message Wall.
- 1 Lunar Overture Essay
- 2 Introduction
- 3 Expectations
- 4 What Actually Happened
- 5 Current Conclusion
The Lunar Overture Event was perfect. Act One offered a challenge but was easy enough to hook players into the game. Act Two was significantly harder but was still possible to solo and was actually easier to solo. Then, Act Three was delayed. Okay, well according to the developers, they needed extra time. Ok, that's fine. Then they delayed it even more to allow more people to play it. Ok, that's also fine. Delayed twice more to perfect the event. Okay, well, that got worse. But Night Four of the Solar Eclipse Event was delayed, and it was perfect. Then, Act Three came out. And, well...
Alright. Let's gā¦
Accelerator Rebalance
|levelrequirement =
|basecost =
|basesellingprice =
|type = Offensive
|placement = Ground
|placement_limit = 8
|basedamage = 12
|damagetype = Burst
|basefirerate = 0.208
|baserange = 17.5
|hidden_detection = Level 0+
|lead_detection = Level 0+
|flying_detection = N/A
|immune = None
|footprint = Average (1.5)
- 1 Description
- 2 Upgrades
- 3 Stats Table
- 4 Notes
The Accelerator is a hardcore tower that attacks in delayed bursts. It has a charge-up that happens before the burst and a cooldown that happens after the burst. During the burst, it can deal massive amounts of damage in a short period of time, but does no damage in between bursts. It can be purchased from the store for and has a level requirement of .
The Accelerator must charge-up its plasmaā¦
The New Fallen: An Overview and Review
Hi. If you're reading this, you probably enjoyed my Intermediate Mode Review. If not, then you can go read that after this. By the way, I know I'm very late, and while my original excuse would have been "I'm waiting for all of the balance changes to take place," I am still late by that logic. So without further adieu, let's begin!
Ok, so first, this review will be structured differently compared to my Intermediate Review. I will go over the gamemode, and then give my thoughts and opinions, although you probably never asked for them. Note that certain enemies are skipped, like some early-game ones and the Breakers.
First, this gamemode has objectively been made harder. There is no argument to make against this fact. The Heavy, which appears oā¦
Archer Rework
|basesellingprice =
|type = Offensive
|placement = Ground
|basedamage = 5
|damagetype = Pierce
Splash (Level 1+)
Shock (Level 3+)
Frostfire (Level 5)
|basefirerate = 1.758
|baserange = 16.5
|hidden_detection = Level 2+
|lead_detection = Level 1+ (Explosion & Frostfire)
|flying_detection = Level 0+
|immune = None
|footprint = Average
- The Frostfire mechanic existed before Elementalist. Which was ideally constructed on 29th of November.
- Although Elementalist's mechanic is seperated, while on Archer it is whole mechanic altogether.
Full List of Towers that got Buffed or Nerfed
| |Shotgunner |Buffed |
- SWAT Van ability cooldown decreased from 60s to 45s.
- SWAT Van ability cost decreased from $1,500 to free.
- For two-pathed maps, two SWAT Vans now spawn per ability.
|13th October 2019 |}
another throwaway blog (but this time its for commando) :P
|basesellingprice =
|type = Offensive
|placement = Ground
|placement_limit = 4?
|basedamage = 600
|damagetype = Burst
Splash (Level 3+)
|basefirerate = 0.208
0.508 (Burst Cooldown
Commando buff
|basesellingprice =
|type = Offensive
|placement = Ground
|placement_limit = 8
|basedamage = 6
|damagetype = Burst
Splash (Level 3+)
|basefirerate = 0.208
0.508 (Burst Cooldown
- 1 Skins
- 2 Strategy
- 3 Trivia
- 4 Update History
- 5 Notes
To see all the upgrades of a skin, see the gallery page.
- The Commando becomes quite ineffective in later waves due to its high cost and low DPS.
- You can use a DJ Booth and Commander to help remedy this.
- This tower only becomes worthwhile after Level 4, due to its substantial DPS increase.
- The Commando cannot detect Hidden enemies at any level, thus making it unviable on its own during the early stages of the game.
- You can use a Level 4+ Ace Pilot to give the Commando hidden detection.
- While the rocket firerate is 6 seconds, it normally takā¦
What is Scientifically the BEST Engineer Skin?
What is the best engineer skin? Not subjectively or with opinions, but actually?
Itās a default skin, itās not gonna be like breaking boundaries or whatever, it just sets a base. And Iād say itās pretty good. The gun looks nice, I like the jacket on her pants, but nothing extraordinary.
Enemy Description
- 1 Easy Mode
- 1.1 Normal
- 1.2 Speedy
- 1.3 Slow
- 1.4 Normal Boss
- 1.5 Hidden
- 1.6 Breaker
- 1.7 Breaker2
- 1.8 Necromancer
- 1.9 Armored
- 1.10 Slow Boss
- 1.11 Hidden Boss
- 1.12 Bolt
- 1.13 Speedy Boss
- 1.14 Breaker3
- 1.15 Breaker4
- 1.16 Grave Digger
- 2 Molten Mode
- 2.1 Molten
- 2.2 Shock
- 2.3 Mystery Summoner
- 2.4 Molten Titan
- 2.5 Molten Boss
- 3 Intermediate Mode
- 3.1 Ghoul
- 3.2 Slime
- 3.3 Enraged
- 3.4 Reaver
- 3.5 Living Experiment
- 3.6 Hazmat
- 3.7 Failed Experiment
- 3.8 Patient Zero
- 4 Fallen Mode (Old)
- 4.1 Abnormal
- 4.2 Quick
- 4.3 Heavy
- 4.4 Abnormal Boss
- 4.5 Shadow
- 4.6 Dark Necromancer
- 4.7 Skeleton
- 4.8 Fallen
- 4.9 Giant Boss
- 4.10 Shadow Boss
- 4.11 Glitch
- 4.12 Hazard
- 4.13 Tank
- 4.14 Boomer
- 4.15 Templar
- 4.16 Warden
- 4.17 Summoner Boss
- 4.18 Error
- 4.19 Necromancer Boss
- 4.20 Cursed Skeleton
- 4.21 Fallen Hero
- 4.22 Fallen Guardian
- 4.23 Fallen King
- 5 Hardcore Mode
- 5.1 Hefty
- 5.2 Invisible
- 5.3 Balloon
- 5.4 Leadā¦