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Badlands II
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This article is about Badlands II. You may be looking for Badlands.

"Face off against the Gunslinger and his gang of desperados in the Badlands!"
―Special Gamemode Description


Badlands II is a day-time map set in a western desert town. It is the new version of the original Badlands. This map uses its own mode for the wave structure, enemy statistics and rewards. It is a special map, meaning that it can only be played using the special mode matchmaking. The statue has a level requirement of Level 25 to be used.

Cash is only gained if an enemy is killed, or in some cases, damaged by a specific amount of health. Additionally, the amount gained is a set amount of cash, which is not always equal to the enemy's health. It uses a slightly different method of distributing cash between players, as enemies split their cash between players, regardless of how much damage the player dealt to it. If, in a duo, one player does all the damage to an enemy, both players will receive 50% of the cash the enemy would normally give in solo. This means that in solo, you receive 100% of the cash when an enemy is killed, or it is damaged enough. With each additional player, this is reduced to 50% in duo, 33% in trio and 25% in quad. For example, the Gunslinger gives Cash (Gameplay Currency)$10,000 every 1% health in solo, Cash (Gameplay Currency)$5,000 in duo, Cash (Gameplay Currency)$3,333 in trio and Cash (Gameplay Currency)$2,500 in quad.

The health of enemies in this mode scales with the player count, starting at three players. The increase is 10% in trio and 20% in quad. It is applied after attributes, like Bloated, meaning they can affect the health of an enemy.

This map has the All Paths, HP Locked, Badlands, Mutation, and Cowboy modifiers that are intended to make the game harder or change the appearance of enemies. The Badlands modifier players some tracks at the start of Wave 1, 10, 20 and 30, The Mutation increases enemy health by 5% with each wave. The All Paths makes it so enemies are duplicated for each path, instead of alternating between points. As this map has three paths, the amount of enemies is tripled, with a few exceptions, such as the Gunslinger and Cavalry, which either alternate between paths or spawn on set paths. The base health is also set to 200, regardless of the players' levels, due to the HP Locked modifier. Most enemies, with the exception of the Husk, Undead Miner, Cavalry and Gunslinger will get a cowboy hat due to the Cowboy modifier.

Triumphing this map will grant you the Cowboy tower, which can be bought in the store for Coin 4,000 or through the Gift Box menu. Triumphing this map in under 18 minutes will also grant you the Badlands skin for the Cowboy, that can also be redeemed in the Gift Box menu.

Design & Path

The map takes place in a Western-themed town. The terrain of this island is mainly sand, with plenty of western-themed buildings, on which you can place cliff towers. Two rail tracks can be found on the ground, with a train on one of them. Multiple entrances to cave mines can be found, with minecart rail tracks leading to them. There is also a destroyed rail track above the city.
This map has three paths, all of them starting at yellow portals and end at cave mine players have to defend. The left path ends at the right cave, the middle path ends at the middle cave and the right path ends at the left cave. The middle path is a straight line, while the other two paths take multiple turns.

Interactive Map


For former rewards, see this map's Rewards page.

The game calculates how many Coin Coins and Experience EXP you receive based on how many waves you survived and if you won a match. During periods of 100% more Experience EXP (Friday – Sunday), any Experience EXP earned is multiplied by 2x through the XP Boost modifier. The VIP gamepass also multiplies any Experience EXP earned by 1.25x through the VIP Boost modifier. These two boosts are additive. Regular Experience EXP boosts are multiplicative with other modifiers present on this map.

Any rewards that end in a decimal point is rounded down, no matter the first figure of the leading decimal.

Currently, rewards are calculated as:

Coins Reward EXP Reward
(Coin 600 ÷ (1 + [(40 ÷ Current Wave) - 1]^1.3) + Coin 195 (Triumph Bonus)) × 1.7 (Experience 100 EXP ÷ (1 + [(40 ÷ Current Wave) - 1]) + Experience 42 EXP (Triumph Bonus)) × 1.7

Triumphing Badlands II can give out an additional reward, which can be a crate, consumable or ticket. These items are:


There are also two badges which you can obtain when playing this map, which have additional rewards alongside the badge. They are:

Defeated Gunslinger!
DefeatedGunslingerBadge This town ain't big enough for the two of us... Triumph the Badlands and unlock the "Cowboy" tower!


DefeatedGunslingerBadge Well he didn't see that one coming.. Unlocks a secret reward!

Badlands Cowboy Skin


Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 4
Wave 6
Necro skele
Elite Abnormal
Wave 8
Molten Corpse
Fallen Skeleton
Wave 10
Wave 11
Wave 21[2]
Wave 13
Giant Skeleton
Wave 15
Wave 16
Wave 18
Undead Miner
Wave 20
Wave 21
Wave 21
Necrotic Skeleton
Wave 22
Wave 24
Wave 25
Wave 27
Wave 30

Wave Structure

Currently, Badlands II has multiple wave bonuses, based on the current wave. Between waves 1 to 10, the wave bonus is calculated as:

Cash (Gameplay Currency)$300 + ([Waves Completed - 1] × Cash (Gameplay Currency)$100)^1.08

Between waves 11 to 15, the wave bonus is calculated as:

Cash (Gameplay Currency)$300 + ([Waves Completed - 1] × Cash (Gameplay Currency)$100)^1.09

Between waves 16 to 20, the wave bonus is calculated as:

Cash (Gameplay Currency)$300 + ([Waves Completed - 1] × Cash (Gameplay Currency)$100)^1.1

Between waves 21 to 30, the wave bonus is calculated as:

Cash (Gameplay Currency)$300 + ([Waves Completed - 1] × Cash (Gameplay Currency)$100)^1.13

Depending on player count, the wave bonus is reduced using multipliers. These multipliers are:

Players Reduction per Player Total Reduction
Solo 0% 0%
Duo 5% 10%
Trio 5% 15%
Quad 10% 40%

The wave clear bonus appears when every enemy from that wave was killed. It is 35% of the wave bonus in solo, while for duo, trio and quad it is 20%.

Prior to 5th of February 2025, the formula for calculating the wave bonus was:

(Cash (Gameplay Currency)$205 + (Waves Completed - 1) × Cash (Gameplay Currency)$50) × (1 - 0.1 × Players)

The wave clear bonus appears when every enemy from that wave was killed. It is 35% of the wave bonus in solo, while for duo, trio and quad it is 20%.

Before 23rd of May 2024, the formula for calculating wave bonus on each wave was:

(Cash (Gameplay Currency)$180 + (Cash (Gameplay Currency)$50 × Waves Completed)) ÷ Players

The waves in Badlands II follow these timings:

Waves Wave Timer Skip Time[3]
1-9 1:00 0:19[4]
10-19 1:15 0:19[5]
20-29 1:30 0:19[6]
30 N/A

Bolded names indicates an enemy type's debut. Prior to the 31st of October 2022, Fallen mode dialogue used to play. However, this is no longer the case.

Wave Structure
Wave Path Enemy Type & Amount
1 Left 4x Abnormal
Middle 4x Abnormal
Right 4x Abnormal
2 Left 2x Quick, 3x Abnormal
Middle 2x Quick, 3x Abnormal
Right 2x Quick, 3x Abnormal
3 Left 4x Quick
Middle 4x Quick
Right 4x Quick
4 Left 2x Quick, 3x Abnormal
Middle 2x Quick, 3x Abnormal
Right 2x Quick, 3x Abnormal
5 Left 5x Heavy
Middle 5x Heavy
Right 5x Heavy
6 Left 2x Skeleton, 3x Abnormal, 3x Quick
Middle 2x Skeleton, 3x Abnormal, 3x Quick
Right 2x Skeleton, 3x Abnormal, 3x Quick
7 Left 2x Skeleton, 4x Heavy, 3x Abnormal, 3x Quick
Middle 2x Skeleton, 4x Heavy, 3x Abnormal, 3x Quick
Right 2x Skeleton, 4x Heavy, 3x Abnormal, 3x Quick
8 Left 10x Abnormal, 1x Elite Abnormal
Middle 10x Abnormal, 1x Elite Abnormal
Right 10x Abnormal, 1x Elite Abnormal
9 Left 2x Skeleton (Corpse), 3x Heavy (Bloated), 3x Quick (Nimble)
Middle 2x Skeleton (Corpse), 3x Heavy (Bloated), 3x Quick (Nimble)
Right 2x Skeleton (Corpse), 3x Heavy (Bloated), 3x Quick (Nimble)
10 Left 1x Elite Abnormal, 2x Skeleton (Bloated), 5x Fallen Skeleton (Hidden)
Middle 1x Elite Abnormal, 2x Skeleton (Bloated), 5x Fallen Skeleton (Hidden)
Right 1x Elite Abnormal, 2x Skeleton (Bloated), 5x Fallen Skeleton (Hidden)
11 Left 4x Breaker2, 5x Skeleton
Middle 4x Breaker2, 5x Skeleton
Right 4x Breaker2, 5x Skeleton
12 Left 3x Heavy (Bloated), 2x Elite Abnormal, 4x Fallen Skeleton (Hidden)
Middle 3x Heavy (Bloated), 2x Elite Abnormal, 4x Fallen Skeleton (Hidden)
Right 3x Heavy (Bloated), 2x Elite Abnormal, 4x Fallen Skeleton (Hidden)
13 Left 1x Husk, 1x Elite Abnormal, 4x Breaker2
Middle 1x Husk, 1x Elite Abnormal, 4x Breaker2
Right 1x Husk, 1x Elite Abnormal, 4x Breaker2
14 Left 8x Breaker2, 1x Elite Abnormal (Bloated)
Middle 8x Breaker2, 1x Elite Abnormal (Bloated)
Right 8x Breaker2, 1x Elite Abnormal (Bloated)
15 Left 1x Husk, 5x Fallen Skeleton (Bloated, Hidden), 10x Skeleton, 1x Giant Skeleton (Boss)
Middle 1x Husk, 5x Fallen Skeleton (Bloated, Hidden), 10x Skeleton, 1x Giant Skeleton (Boss)
Right 1x Husk, 5x Fallen Skeleton (Bloated, Hidden), 10x Skeleton, 1x Giant Skeleton (Boss)
16 Left 5x Fallen Skeleton (Bloated, Hidden), 4x Breaker2, 2x Elite Abnormal, 1x Necromancer (Stun Immune)
Middle 5x Fallen Skeleton (Bloated, Hidden), 4x Breaker2, 2x Elite Abnormal, 1x Necromancer (Stun Immune)
Right 5x Fallen Skeleton (Bloated, Hidden), 4x Breaker2, 2x Elite Abnormal, 1x Necromancer (Stun Immune)
17 Left 4x Husk, 7x Breaker2
Middle 4x Husk, 7x Breaker2
Right 4x Husk, 7x Breaker2
18 Left 1x Withered, 2x Husk, 3x Breaker2, 1x Withered, 1x Giant Skeleton, 3x Breaker2 (Bloated), 1x Withered
Middle 1x Withered, 2x Husk, 3x Breaker2, 1x Withered, 1x Giant Skeleton, 3x Breaker2 (Bloated), 1x Withered
Right 1x Withered, 2x Husk, 3x Breaker2, 1x Withered, 1x Giant Skeleton, 3x Breaker2 (Bloated), 1x Withered
19 Left 2x Husk, 3x Breaker2 (Bloated), 1x Withered, 1x Giant Skeleton, 3x Breaker2 (Bloated), 1x Necromancer (Stun Immune), 1x Withered
Middle 2x Husk, 3x Breaker2 (Bloated), 1x Withered, 1x Giant Skeleton, 3x Breaker2 (Bloated), 1x Necromancer (Stun Immune), 1x Withered
Right 2x Husk, 3x Breaker2 (Bloated), 1x Withered, 1x Giant Skeleton, 3x Breaker2 (Bloated), 1x Necromancer (Stun Immune), 1x Withered
20 Left 1x Husk (Bloated), 8x Breaker2 (Bloated), 1x Withered, 5x Elite Abnormal, 1x Undead Miner (Boss)
Middle 1x Husk (Bloated), 8x Breaker2 (Bloated), 1x Withered, 5x Elite Abnormal, 1x Undead Miner (Boss)
Right 1x Husk (Bloated), 8x Breaker2 (Bloated), 1x Withered, 5x Elite Abnormal, 1x Undead Miner (Boss)
21 Left 10x Breaker, 9x Breaker2, 8x Breaker3, 4x Breaker4, 1x Necromancer (Stun Immune, Bloated)
Middle 10x Breaker, 9x Breaker2, 8x Breaker3, 4x Breaker4, 1x Necromancer (Stun Immune, Bloated)
Right 10x Breaker, 9x Breaker2, 8x Breaker3, 4x Breaker4, 1x Necromancer (Stun Immune, Bloated)
22 Left 1x Withered, 12x Fallen Skeleton (Bloated, Hidden), 4x Breaker4, 1x Withered, 2x Giant Skeleton (Bloated), 1x Withered, 1x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden)
Middle 1x Withered, 12x Fallen Skeleton (Bloated, Hidden), 4x Breaker4, 1x Withered, 2x Giant Skeleton (Bloated), 1x Withered, 1x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden)
Right 1x Withered, 12x Fallen Skeleton (Bloated, Hidden), 4x Breaker4, 1x Withered, 2x Giant Skeleton (Bloated), 1x Withered, 1x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden)
23 Left 2x Giant Skeleton (Bloated), 10x Withered, 1x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 2x Undead Miner
Middle 2x Giant Skeleton (Bloated), 10x Withered, 1x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 2x Undead Miner
Right 2x Giant Skeleton (Bloated), 10x Withered, 1x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 2x Undead Miner
24 Left 2x Giant Skeleton (Nimble), 1x Tanker, 13x Withered, 1x Undead Miner (Bloated)
Middle 2x Giant Skeleton (Nimble), 1x Tanker, 13x Withered, 1x Undead Miner (Bloated)
Right 2x Giant Skeleton (Nimble), 1x Tanker, 13x Withered, 1x Undead Miner (Bloated)
25 Left 3x Husk (Bloated), 3x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 2x Giant Skeleton, 2x Necromancer (Stun Immune), 1x Cavalry (Bloated)
Middle 3x Husk (Bloated), 3x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 2x Giant Skeleton, 2x Necromancer (Stun Immune), 1x Cavalry (Bloated)
Right 3x Husk (Bloated), 3x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 2x Giant Skeleton, 2x Necromancer (Stun Immune), 1x Cavalry (Bloated)
26 Left 6x Husk (Bloated), 1x Undead Miner (Bloated), 6x Giant Skeleton (Aggro), 1x Undead Miner (Bloated), 2x Necromancer (Stun Immune), 1x Undead Miner (Bloated), 2x Necromancer (Stun Immune)
Middle 6x Husk (Bloated), 1x Undead Miner (Bloated), 6x Giant Skeleton (Aggro), 1x Undead Miner (Bloated), 2x Necromancer (Stun Immune), 1x Undead Miner (Bloated), 2x Necromancer (Stun Immune)
Right 6x Husk (Bloated), 1x Undead Miner (Bloated), 6x Giant Skeleton (Aggro), 1x Undead Miner (Bloated), 2x Necromancer (Stun Immune), 1x Undead Miner (Bloated), 2x Necromancer (Stun Immune)
27 Left 1x Undead Miner, 2x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 1x Undead Miner, 1x Tanker, 1x Undead Miner, 5x Withered (Bloated, Nimble), 1x Undead Miner, 1x Tanker, 1x Undead Miner, 1x Conjurer
Middle 1x Undead Miner, 2x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 1x Undead Miner, 1x Tanker, 1x Undead Miner, 5x Withered (Bloated, Nimble), 1x Undead Miner, 1x Tanker, 1x Undead Miner, 1x Conjurer
Right 1x Undead Miner, 2x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 1x Undead Miner, 1x Tanker, 1x Undead Miner, 5x Withered (Bloated, Nimble), 1x Undead Miner, 1x Tanker, 1x Undead Miner, 1x Conjurer
28 Left 1x Cavalry, 3x Undead Miner (Bloated), 1x Conjurer, 2x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 1x Cavalry, 2x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 4x Withered (Bloated)
Middle 1x Cavalry, 3x Undead Miner (Bloated), 1x Conjurer, 2x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 1x Cavalry, 2x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 4x Withered (Bloated)
Right 1x Cavalry, 3x Undead Miner (Bloated), 1x Conjurer, 2x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 1x Cavalry, 2x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 4x Withered (Bloated)
29 Left 1x Tanker (Bloated), 6x Breaker4, 1x Conjurer (Bloated), 6x Breaker4, 3x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 1x Cavalry
Middle 1x Tanker (Bloated), 6x Breaker4, 1x Conjurer (Bloated), 6x Breaker4, 3x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 1x Cavalry
Right 1x Tanker (Bloated), 6x Breaker4, 1x Conjurer (Bloated), 6x Breaker4, 3x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 1x Cavalry
30 Left 1x Tanker, 9x Withered (Bloated), 8x Husk, 5x Undead Miner, 4x Breaker4, 8x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 2x Cavalry
Middle 1x Tanker, 9x Withered (Bloated), 8x Husk, 5x Undead Miner, 4x Breaker4, 8x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 2x Cavalry, 1x Gunslinger
Right 1x Tanker, 9x Withered (Bloated), 8x Husk, 5x Undead Miner, 4x Breaker4, 8x Necrotic Skeleton (Hidden), 1x Cavalry
Lose Dialogue
One icon and dialogue is randomly chosen upon defeat:

•We're toast!
•Mission Failed, we'll get em' next time.
•Not enough numbers!
•Mistakes are just part of the journey..
•We're overrun chief!
•We'll get them next time!
•Don't give up!
•We need back up sergeant!
•We just had our grave dug..
•We have to fall back soldier!
•Oops! Try again!
•The enemies got to the base!
•Strategy is key!


  • It is recommended to place your towers near the middle section of the map, as it covers most of the map's path.
    • Early on, if you are not trying to get the Quickdraw! badge, you can place tower near the point where all the paths intersect to handle all the paths easily, even though they may not cover much of the map.
  • As many enemies spawn in this map that with waves get increased health, high DPS towers like Accelerator, Engineer or Golden Minigunner are recommended for late game.
    • They are also recommended as the Gunslinger travels quite fast and requires high DPS towers in order to defeat it before it reaches the exit.
  • Because of how many enemies spawn here, crowd control towers like the Golden Pyromancer, Rocketeer and Mortar are highly recommended.
  • Support towers, such as the Commander, DJ Booth and Medic are necessary due to how dangerous the waves can get.
  • The Cowboy and Golden Cowboy can be quite useful at making money here, due to enemies spawning thrice and them gaining health with the Mutation modifier.
  • If you want the Quickdraw! badge, it is recommended to have a good strategy, since it is only obtained by beating this map in less than 18 minutes, which is quite a challenge.
    • Teamwork is essential for this badge. Playing with random players is unlikely to make you get it.
    • If you are soloing, you may use Time Scale Tickets to speed up the game, allowing you to get the badge easier, although this is not recommended as soloing Badlands II is rather difficult.
  • If you are trying to get the Quickdraw! badge, early on you should place down towers that can quickly kill the enemies, such as the Trapper, Electroshocker, Golden Pyromancer, Shotgunner or Golden Crook Boss, near all the entrances.
    • If you have it, you may use the Nuke to clear out the enemies on Wave 30 so that your towers can focus on the Gunslinger.


Map Icons



Promotional Images

Promotional Videos




  • This is the second map to have three paths, with the first being Totality Tower.
    • It is also the first survival map to have three paths.
  • This map ties with Pizza Party for the highest number of modifiers, at five.
  • At the beginning of Waves 1, 10, 20 and 30, a random Intro soundtrack is chosen to play, after which the ambience or final wave music will play.
    • As there are only three intros and four waves they play on, some Intro soundtracks would play multiple times, though they are currently bugged and all play at once.

Update History

  • 30 September 2022 - v1.4.0
    • Badlands II added, directly replacing the Badlands Map.
    • Bug: Badlands II matches may sometimes have more than 4 players when starting a match using Matchmaking.
  • 31 October 2022 - v1.4.2
  • 10 May 2024 - v1.21.0
    • Bug: Badlands II not working correctly.
  • 11 May 2024 - v1.21.2
    • Bugfix: Badlands II now works correctly.
  • 23 May 2024 - v1.23.0
    • Updated to the new challenge map system.
    • Bug: No longer gives the Experience 50 EXP triumph bonus.
    • Bug: Modifiers are applied twice.
    • Bug: No longer gives any badges upon triumphing.
    • Bug: No longer unlocks the ability to purchase the Cowboy upon triumphing.
    • Bug: Commander's dialogue for Fallen Mode now appears.
  • 27 May 2024 - v1.23.2
    • Bugfix: Badges are now obtainable.
    • Bugfix: Cowboy is now unlockable.
  • 27 May 2024 - v1.23.2a
    • Bugfix: Modifiers no longer apply twice.
  • 31 May 2024 - v1.23.5
    • Bugfix: Now gives the Experience 50 EXP triumph bonus.
  • 21 June 2024 - v1.25.0
    • Updated icon.
  • 2 August 2024 - v1.27.0
    • Bugfix: No longer has any dialogue.
  • 13 November 2024 - v1.41.0
    • Bug: Badlands II now appears in elevators, though when a match is started in that way, the map has no modifier and uses the old Fallen mode wave structure.
  • 13 November 2024 - v1.41.2
    • Bugfix: Badlands II no longer appears in normal elevators.
  • 16 December 2024 - v1.46.0
    • Enemies Beta removed.
    • Bug: Restarting removes all modifiers.
    • Bug: All wave intros play at once.
    • Bug: When activated in Sandbox mode, the mode is set to Intermediate mode instead of legacy Fallen mode.
  • 22 January 2025 - v1.50.0
  • 5 February 2025 - v1.52.0


  1. Does not appear naturally, it can only be spawned by killing enemies with the Corpse attribute.
  2. Appears naturally on Wave 21, but can be spawned earlier by the Breaker2.
  3. How long you have to wait before you can skip.
  4. Skip at 0:40.
  5. Skip at 0:55.
  6. Skip at 1:10.

Regular Very Easy
PVP Test