Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki
Tower Defense Simulator Wiki

Attributes are special modifiers or statistics granted to certain enemies and, in rare cases, units and towers. These can make them immune to something, make them affected less by an attack, require detections to be detected or simply give them abilities that make them stronger. Most enemies have no Attributes, especially the early-game ones. Later on during the game, more enemies will usually spawn with Attributes to make them more powerful.

Enemy Types
HiddenDetection LeadIcon Fly GhostImmunity BossIcon
Hidden Lead Flying Ghost Boss

Freeze Fire Explosion Energy FullImmunity
Freeze Burn Splash Damage Stun Full

Status Effects
Bloated Bloated Nimble SlimeStatus HealthRegenStatus
Scale Bloated Nimble Slime Health Regen
TankStatus AggroIcon CorpseAttribute Transparent
Tank Aggro Corpse No Target

ShieldHealth Defense
Shield Health Defense

Energy VehicleSpawn Energy ShieldAttrIcon
Energy Collision Partial Electric Shield